
番茄社区 Enrolment eStudent Online Help Choosing a component (major, major discipline, subject)

Choosing a component (major, major discipline, subject)

Selection of a major, minor or subject follows the same steps.

  • Click on the Choose link next to the component you wish to select. If a component has been selected previously and is able to be changed, the link says Change instead of Choose

    Screenshot showing Choose box available to select a major.

  • Choose your component from the automatically generated list by clicking on the Add to Study Planner link

    Screenshot showing Select a component example screenshot.

  • If you select a major, the expanded major type is displayed (see screenshot below)

  • Subjects selected will display at the top of the Study Planner

  • Select the Save changes on Study Planner button to confirm you wish to save the selected component to your study plan

    Screenshot showing expanded compontent and Save Changes on Study Planner button.

  • The component now appears on your Study Plan.

Remember: this step only adds components to your Study Plan. You have NOT yet enrolled in subjects.