
Faith Connections

There are many different faith groups and societies to connect with at the Townsville and Cairns campuses, and within the local communities.

On campus

There are a range of multifaith groups already established at 番茄社区 or you can start your own - see .

In the Community

There are many places of faith in Townsville and Cairns that you can connect with while you study. Some will offer transport, some offer evening services with meals afterwards, some will be traditional, some will be contemporary, some have midweek studies that you can attend. Please find somewhere that is a place of like-minded people that you can meet with regularly.



If you would like to personally chat (30-45 minutes) with the Chaplain to find out what might be a good fit for you to grow in your faith or a place to volunteer, email multifaith.chaplaincy@jcu.edu.au