
Staff Emergency Response Training

Emergency Response Training

It is a requirement for all staff to undertake training to ensure 番茄社区 meets its legal obligations and ensures everyone’s safety.

The Emergency Response Training is an interactive online training, assessment and evacuation planning program. It was designed to ensure occupants know what to do and how to evacuate quickly and safely in the event of an emergency, and complies with the Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008.

Evacuation training must be completed by all staff:

  • No later than two days after commencing work at 番茄社区
  • No later than two days after moving to a new work space on another floor or building at 番茄社区
  • No later than one month after a material change to the physical layout of their work space
  • Every 12 months

In addition to 番茄社区 staff, prescribed persons (e.g. students, selected volunteers) who work, reside in or visit a 番茄社区 building for at least ten hours each week for two weeks over a three month period must also complete the fire and evacuation training. Supervisors responsible for prescribed persons should ensure access to and completion of the fire and evacuation training.

Staff and students must first select their relevant campus (select from Townsville, Cairns or Offsite Campus), followed by the precinct and building. Instructions for completing the training are then provided according to the building selected.

Staff and students must complete the training for each building in which they conduct work, i.e. have office space in a building(s) or conduct regular training sessions in a building(s).

If your building is not listed, please contact safety@jcu.edu.au for assistance.