
List of 番茄社区 scholarships

108 番茄社区 scholarship matches
Open to: Postgraduate or higher degree in research
Value: $8,000 full time, $4,000 part time.
Duration: Duration of degree
Status: Closed
Open to: Higher Degree Research -PhD, Masters by Research
Value: $33,500 per year plus $5,000 project expenses
Duration: 3.5 years Phd / 2 years MPhil
Status: Open
Open to: Indigenous, 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year Nursing Science or Nursing-Midwifery
Value: $6,000
Opening date: 31 May 2024
Closing date: 7 August 2024
Duration: 1 Year
Status: Open
Open to: Undergraduate, Full-time or Part-time who have a confirmed placement opportunity.
Value: $5,000
Opening date: 31 May 2024
Closing date: 7 August 2024
Duration: One year
Status: Open
Open to: Undergraduate, 5th Year, Bachelor of Veterinary Science
Value: $1,500
Duration: One year
Status: Closed
Open to: Commencing Indigenous students.
Value: $10,000 per year
Opening date: 31 May 2024
Closing date: 7 August 2024
Duration: Up to 3 years
Status: Open
Open to: Honours
Value: $10,000 full time, $5,000 part time
Duration: One year
Status: Closed
Open to: Full time PhD, or Masters
Value: $20,000 for up to 3 years
Duration: up to 3 Years
Status: Closed
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