
Scholarships Search The Walter & Eliza Hall Trust Opportunity Scholarship

The Walter & Eliza Hall Trust Opportunity Scholarship

This scholarship aims to ensure that a student with a diagnosed physical disability is not disadvantaged by the absence of money to achieve their maximum potential in their formal tertiary education.

Student Type Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework students with a permanent physical disability
Area of Study Any
Total Value $10,000
Number of Scholarships available 2
Duration 1 year
Applications Open31 October 2023
Applications Close31 January 2024

If all the below statements describe you and your current situation, you can apply for this scholarship:

  • I am an Australian citizen or permanent resident;
  • I am studying on-campus at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (NOTE: hybrid online/face-to-face study models are also acceptable at this time due to COVID) am enrolled in an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Coursework Course at the Cairns or Townsville campus of ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø;
  • I am enrolled in a minimum of two subjects (6 credit points) per semester;
  • I have achieved a GPA of at least 4.0 in my current course if I am a second year or beyond;
  • I have a permanent physical disability, demonstrated through formal diagnosis.  Diagnosis of mental health issues are not eligible. Please refer to information sheet for definition of physical disability.
  • I have registered with ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s AccessAbility Services; and
  • I am experiencing financial hardship.

NOTE: Students undertaking their first university degree will be given preference for scholarships.

If you are a successful applicant of this scholarship you will receive $10,000, paid in two equal instalments after the census dates of Study Period 1 and Study Period 2. Please allow up to 6 weeks after census date for payment.

Prior to completing an application, you should carefully read the Scholarship Rules below.
Applicants wanting to apply for this scholarship must attach the following documents:

  • a copy of your formal diagnosis of a permanent physical disability from a medical professional;
  • a written statement detailing the effect of your disability on your ability to access higher education, and how you believe the receipt of the scholarship will assist you with your studies and in your future career;
  • documented evidence of financial hardship;as indicated when answering the application questions
  • any other supporting documentation that would assist the Selection Committee in developing an opinion as to the merit of the application.

It is preferred that at least one scholarship will be awarded to an applicant who identifies as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

When applying for a scholarship it is very important that you answer all the questions and include all relevant documents.  Your application and relevant documents must be submitted before the closing date. If an application is incomplete, it will not be considered.

Your application is checked for completeness and eligibility, and you will receive an email confirmation it has been received. After the closing date it will be individually assessed and put forward to a selection committee who will rank your application against others who have applied.


This scholarship aims to ensure that a student with a diagnosed physical disability is not disadvantaged by the absence of money to achieve their maximum potential in their formal tertiary education. This scholarship is subject to the provisions of ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy.

Value and Payment of the Scholarship

If you are a successful applicant of this scholarship you will receive $10,000, paid in two equal instalments after the census dates of Study Period 1 and Study Period 2. Please allow up to 6 weeks after census date for payment.

Eligibility Criteria

The Walter & Eliza Hall Trust Opportunity Scholarship shall be open to competition among applicants who:

  • are permanent Australian citizen or resident;
  • are studying on-campus at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (NOTE: hybrid online/face-to-face study models are also acceptable at this time due to COVID) am enrolled in an Undergraduate or Postgraduate Coursework Course at the Cairns or Townsville campus of ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø;
  • are enrolled in a minimum of two subjects (6 credit points) per semester
  • have achieved a GPA of at least 4.0 in their current course if they are a second year or beyond;
  • have a permanent physical disability, demonstrated through formal diagnosis. Diagnosis of mental health issues are not eligible. Please refer to information sheet for definition of physical disability
  • have registered with ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s AccessAbility Services; and
  • are experiencing financial hardship.

NOTE: Students undertaking their first university degree will be given preference for scholarships.

Selection Criteria

The Selection Criteria are:

  • academic merit;
  • a combination of academic commitment/achievement and financial need;
  • any other criteria that the Selection Committee deems appropriate.

It is preferred that at least one scholarship will be awarded to an applicant who identifies as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

Application Procedures

Applications must be submitted on the official application form no later than the date set by the Selection Committee for the year in which the award is to be made.
Applicants must submit with the official form, where appropriate:

  • a copy of their formal diagnosis of a permanent physical disability from a medical professional;
  • a written statement detailing the effect of their disability on their ability to access higher education, and how they believe the receipt of the scholarship will assist them with their studies and in their future career;
    documented evidence of financial hardship;
  • any other supporting documentation that would assist the Selection Committee in developing an opinion as to the merit of the application.

Applications submitted without the relevant documentation will not be considered.

The applicant authorises the Selection Committee to make such enquiries as to the applicant’s good character and suitability to receive the scholarship, which includes authorisation for the Selection Committee to examine the applicant’s academic record, and seek opinions from relevant members of the academic staff of this University or any other academic institution.

Selection Process

The award of the scholarship shall be made in the absolute discretion of the Selection Committee, which shall comprise:

  • AccessAbility Support to nominate 2 panel members,
  • Representative of the Walter and Eliza Hall Trust, if available.
  • **OR a pool of appropriate ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø representatives

The Selection Committee reserves the right:

  • not to award a Scholarship in any year if, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, there is no applicant of sufficient merit to warrant an award;
  • to award a Scholarship to a previous recipient.

The Selection Committee will determine all matters relating to the selection of the Scholarship recipient.

Ongoing eligibility

To be eligible for ongoing payments, the recipient of the scholarship must, in each teaching period of the award:

  • maintain an enrolment of at least 6 credit points; and
  • maintain a course GPA of at least 4.0.

Conditions of the Scholarship

Funds should be utilised for the purchase of study equipment and materials e.g. laptop, assistive technologies, textbooks, additional tutoring, transport costs etc. required by the recipient to undertake and/or enhance their studies. Funds may be utilised for living expenses, but this is not preferable and no more than 40% may be expended in this way. Funds must be used for the direct benefit of the student only, and are not to be utilised for the payment of a student’s subject fees or HELP debt.

The recipient is required to submit a Use of Funds Report outlining the usage of scholarship funds. This Report must be provided by the results release date of Study Period 2 in the year of the award.

The recipient acknowledges that their name, contact details and Use of Funds Report will to be provided to the donor (The Walter and Eliza Hall Trust).

If the recipient fails to comply with the fund usage (a) and reporting (b) conditions, the donor may request the return of any scholarship monies paid to the recipient, by notice in writing.

The requirements of the Scholarship shall not make the awarding of the Scholarship conditional upon the recipient providing unremunerated services or products to the donor.

If the donor ceases to provide the scholarship funds to ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø for any reason, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø may terminate the scholarship by notice in writing to the recipient.

If the recipient of the scholarship fails to comply with the conditions of the scholarship, including the ongoing eligibility criteria, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø may terminate the scholarship by notice in writing to the recipient.

If the recipient of the scholarship undertakes an approved leave of absence from their study during the period of the scholarship, the recipient will no longer meet the ongoing eligibility criteria and ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø may terminate the scholarship by notice in writing to the recipient.

Where a scholarship is terminated pursuant to the provisions of the above terms, it may, for the remainder of the term for which the original holder would have been entitled to it, be awarded to another suitable applicant.

A student may lodge a request for review of decision in accordance with the provisions of the Student Complaints Policy and Procedures.

Administration of the Scholarship

The Scholarship shall be owned by the Scholarships Office.

The scholarship shall be administered by the Scholarships Office, on behalf of the Selection Committee.

The funds of the scholarship shall be held in an account in the name of the University and shall be administered by the officer of the University charged with administering the scholarship.

Where an award provides some benefit to the recipient from a body external to the University, or an obligation upon a body external to the University, the University, its servants and agents, shall not be liable for that benefit or obligation.

Please refer to Glossary of Terms