
Scholarships Forms, Links & Policies Scholarship Application - Financial

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Scholarship Application - Financial

This form is to be used when applying for a coursework scholarship that requires evidence of Financial Hardship.

Please refer to the specific scholarship webpage for the documents you need to upload which will be listed under 'How do i apply?' Also refer to the Examples of Supporting Documentation for further information

Scholarship you are applying for

Please refer to the specific scholarship detail available scholarships for the documents you need to upload.


Personal details
·¬ÇÑÉçÇø email address preferred
Please include postcode

Course details
(or intending to enrol in)
I have previously completed a Bachelor degree Only tick if applicable

Financial circumstances

Financial situation

I am or will be supporting myself

If you are not receiving a Centrelink payment you must provide either three payslips or Australian Taxation Office Notice of Assessment (most recent). Upload here or use the Document Checklist upload area below.

I am or will be supported by my family

This can be a Centrelink income statement and/or three recent payslips, and/or Australian Taxation Office Notice of Assessment. Upload here or use the Document Checklist upload area below.

I am or will be supported by my partner

This can be a Centrelink income statement and/or three recent payslips, and/or Australian Taxation Office Notice of Assessment.Upload here or use the Document Checklist upload area below.

This can be on your Medicare card, Centrelink statement, or Birth Certificate/Passport copies. Upload here or use the Document Checklist upload area below.

Upload here or use the Document Checklist upload area below.

Compassionate and compelling circumstances
Upload here or use the Document Checklist upload area below.

  • serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate or psychologist’s report states that the student was/will be unable to attend classes;
  • bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents (where possible a death certificate should be provided);
  • a traumatic experience which has impacted the student, and which is supported by police or psychologists’ reports;
  • unavailability of subjects required for the student to progress in their course;
  • inability to begin studying on the course commencement date due to delay in receiving a student visa; and
  • major political upheaval or natural disaster in the student’s home country.

A written statement MUST be submitted explaining your situation and include supporting evidence including medical certificates, statements, professional references etc.

Document uploads

Individual files greater than 750Kb in size should be sent by separate email to scholarships@jcu.edu.au. Please include  your Student ID and Scholarship title in your email.

Please allow time for your files to upload

Document Type Document upload

Your application cannot be considered unless you agree to the below terms. *

  • I declare that I have read and understood the Scholarship Rules for the scholarship which I am applying for.
  • I declare that I have read and understood the Coursework Scholarships, Bursary and Grants policy.
    I authorise ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø to verify any information provided by me.
  • The information I have been provided may be shared with staff involved in the selection process.
    I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all information supplied in this application is true and correct.
  • I am aware that my application and supporting documentation will only be used for the Scholarship for which I have applied.
  • I recognise that it is my responsibility to provide all the necessary documentation to support this application as per the application procedure.

Privacy statement

·¬ÇÑÉçÇø complies with the Information Privacy Act 2009.

The information contained in this form is collected for scholarship and administrative purposes. The information will be held by ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø and may be accessed and used by people employed by the University.

Personal information will not be passed on to any other external bodies, other than as outlined above, without my authorisation unless required or authorised by law, or otherwise in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles.

The provision of this information is voluntary, but if this information is not provided, the University may be unable to process my application or provide services to me. I have a right of access to, and correction of my personal information, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. I can direct any enquiries I may have in relation to privacy to the University’s Privacy Officer (Deputy Director, Governance Support and Corporate Information, Governance and Corporate Services Office, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, Townsville QLD 4811).

Ready to submit?

Please allow for file upload and processing time when you submit your application. Larger files will have a longer upload time.

Select Submit ONCE ONLY.  If  the page does not refresh to show the SUCCESS message it has not been submitted.  PLEASE TRY AGAIN