
Scholarships Forms, Links & Policies Examples of Supporting Documentation

Examples of Supporting Documentation

Financial Documents

You need to provide income evidence for everyone who is financially supporting you:

  • A personal for yourself; and
  • A personal for your parents or your partner; or
  • An Australian Tax Office Notice of Assessment for you, your parents/partner - must be less than 6 months old
  • A minimum of 3 recent pay slips for you, your parents/partner.

Relocating to Study

If you are moving away to study we may require evidence of where you are moving from:

  • Proof of address is any document/s showing your name, residential address including post code and date of issue. Examples can include school reports, bills, rates notice, or Centrelink letters.
  • Your school should provide a letter confirming residential address history upon request.

You can refer to the as indicated by the Government.


If you have indicated that you have children and are supporting financially them, we will require evidence as follows:

  • Birth certificate, Passport or Citizenship certificate
  • Proof of custody or guardianship (Medicare card or Centrelink statement)
  • Recent Centrelink statement showing children
  • Medical report – which must include the nature, of your condition, ongoing,

Extenuating Circumstances

If you feel you have extenuating circumstances that you believe may have an impact on your course progress or well-being (not including parental responsibility); these may include:

  • medical or psychological conditions or events
  • loss or bereavement – e.g. death of an immediate family member
  • family relationship breakdown
  • hardship/trauma – e.g. victim of crime, sudden loss of income or employment resulting in severe disruption to domestic arrangements.

You must submit the following:

  • A written statement that explains your personal situation.
  • Supporting evidence, signed by a relevant health or other professional

Disability, long term Injury, Illness or Health Condition

  • Medical report – which must include the nature, of your condition and be signed by a qualified medical/health professional.