
Evacuation Procedures


When you first go to an area to work or study look out for the Evacuation Plan, location of exits and location of Fire Extinguishers.

In the work area always ensure emergency exits are not obstructed by furniture or other items.

Emergency Exits are clearly marked.

Evacuate the Building when the Fire Alarm sounds or when instructed to evacuate by a responsible staff member or by Emergency Response Personnel.

  1. If evacuating in the event of a fire, close doors and windows to slow the spread of fire.

  1. Assist others who may need help.

  1. Remain calm and move in an orderly fashion. Take personal items such as bags with you.

  1. Once a building is evacuated you should not re-enter the building until given the all clear by Emergency Response Personnel.

  1. After exiting the building proceed to the nearest Emergency Assembly Area.

The person in charge should take the following actions:

  • Designate a person to supervise the Assembly Area.

  • Count heads as staff, students and visitors leave the building.

  • Do a final check of toilets, offices and store rooms. If a room is not accessible notify Fire Service on their arrival.

Knowing that no one is still in the building is the most important fact.

If there is smoke keep as close to the floor as possible. Smoke kills faster than fire.