
RDIM Step 4 - Publish How to Create a Data Publication

How to Create a Data Publication

The Research Data 番茄社区 platform includes extensive help text (click on the ? icon) and prompts for each metadata field.

If you require any assistance completing your Data Publication, or need to arrange a peer review link and official email, please contact researchdata@jcu.edu.au.

To create a Data Publication:

  • Remember that you must have a related Data Record to be able to create a Data Publication. Ensure your Data Record is updated as metadata from the Data Record will auto-fill your Data Publication.
  • Log into
  • Use one of two methods to create a Data Record i.e.:
    • Directly from your Data Record
      • Click on Create a Data Publication from this record
    • Using the PUBLISH menu
      • Click CREATE DATA PUBLICATION, at this stage, you will be prompted to link the Data Publication to your Data Record.
  • Click on each tab to complete and/or edit each metadata field.
  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
  • Remember to save regularly.

Method 1 - Create a Data Publication from a Data Record

Research Data 番茄社区 Data Record screenshot displaying the link Create A Data Publication from this record

Click on the image to view a larger version.

Method 2 - Create a Data Publication from the Publish menu

Research Data 番茄社区 screenshot displaying menu dropdown Create a Data Publication

Click on the image to view a larger version.