
RDIM Step 3 - Archive Processes for Archiving Research (Data and Information) Assets

Processes for Archiving Research (Data and Information) Assets

This process relates to:

  • The archiving of physical research (data and information) assets and should run concurrently with the archiving of digital research (data and information) assets via Research Data 番茄社区, and
  • Research projects that have been finalised from 2021 onwards.

Data storage flow chart.

Click on the image to see a larger version.

When deciding what completed data needs to be archived, the Researcher/HDR Candidate will need to consider:

  • What would be required for validation and re-use?
  • How long would it take to collect the data again or is this even possible?
  • What is the significance and value of the data?
  • What are the required retention periods for the data (refer to )?
  • Are there any contractual data terms that need to be followed?


Archiving of digital research (data and information) assets

For all campuses, the Researcher/HDR Candidate responsible must:

  • E-mail researchdata@jcu.edu.au to identify the most appropriate storage option(s) for both digital and physical research (data and information) assets
  • Complete the Data Record in Research Data 番茄社区 as appropriate

Archiving of physical research (data and information) assets

Townsville campus
The following process is relevant to all Townsville based persons.
Other Australian campuses
Whilst the following process is relevant to all Australian-based campuses, the Records Team will need to advise how the archive box(es) will be transferred from other Australian Campuses to the Townsville Campus for final storage (transfer charges will apply).
Singapore campus
Singapore's TRIM archiving process is outlined in this Information Sheet (signed consent forms example)

There are significant costs associated with retaining data however, the majority of these are borne at the corporate (University) level. Each College/Centre will be responsible for the following:

  • Purchase of archive boxes
    • The Academic Administrator will be responsible for ordering archive boxes (T1 and T4) for their areas of responsibility.
  • Transfer and delivery costs of research (data and information) assets that are being archived (this is an internal cost charged by the Estate’s Office).

Townsville archive rooms are air conditioned at 20 degrees. However, there are currently no fridges/freezers available at the 番茄社区 Records (corporate) level.

Should fridges or freezers be required, the Records Teams will work with individuals to determine the most appropriate storage location. Some Colleges/Centres have their own facilities, and these will usually be the first preference.

Where College/Centre facilities are used, it is IMPORTANT that the process below is followed so that these archives are included in TRIM and that this information is then available to the Records Team to negotiate the purchase of future facilities.

Archiving of physical research (data and information) assets
Roles Process steps
Researcher/HDR Candidate
  • Liaise with the Records Team via corporateinformation@jcu.edu.au to:
  • Request a TRIM number (番茄社区’s electronic document and records management system); and
  • Seek advice as to how best prepare the physical research assets for archiving; and
  • Identify what metadata the Records Team will need to record in TRIM; and
  • Request advice as to where the archive box(es) will be stored (this location will need to be recorded on each archive box)

Note:  It is likely the above will take several communications to finalise.

  • Collect empty archive box(es) from the Academic Administrator
  • Prepare and box the physical research assets and record the TRIM number and intended location on each box.
  • Deliver the archive boxes to the Academic Administrator
  • Add the TRIM number to the Data Record in Research Data 番茄社区
  • This will ensure a link is established between the digital and physical data as well as the researcher and the research project
Academic Administrator

On receipt of the archive box(es), create a maintenance request via (番茄社区’s online maintenance request system) to trigger collection of the box(es) by the Estates Team

Estates Team

On receipt of the MEX request, collect the box(es) and liaise with the Records Team to meet and accept delivery of the boxes at the relevant location

Records Team

Securely store the box(es) and update TRIM to indicate the process has been completed