
RDIM Step 3 - Archive How to Create a Data Record

How to Create a Data Record

The Research Data 番茄社区 platform includes extensive help text (click on the ? icon) and prompts for each metadata field.

If you require any assistance completing your Data Record, please contact researchdata@jcu.edu.au.

To create a Data Record:

  • Log into
  • Use one of two methods to create a Data Record i.e.:
    • Directly from your RDMP
      • Click on ‘Plan’
      • Click on ‘Create a data record from this plan’
    • Using the Archive menu
      • Click on ‘Archive’
      • Click ‘Create Data Record’
    • At this stage, you’ll be prompted to link the Data Record to your RDMP if you have one.
  • Ensure your RDMP is updated as metadata from the RDMP will auto-fill your Data Record.
  • Click on each tab to complete and/or edit each metadata field.
  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
  • Remember to save regularly.

Method 1 - Create a Data Record directly from your RDMP

First find the RDMP

screenshot highlighting RDMP links.

Click on image for larger version.

Select the RDMP

screenshot showing how select RDMP

Click on image for larger version.

Create a data record from the RDMP

Create a data record from this plan.

Click on image for larger version.

Method 2 - Create a Data Record from the menu

Screenshot displaying create data recond links.

Click on image to see a larger version.