
RDIM Frequently Asked Questions What are some of the considerations I need to be aware of regarding sensitive data?

What are some of the considerations I need to be aware of regarding sensitive data?

Considerations regarding sensitive data need to be made at the start of your research project as this will affect the management, sharing and reuse of the data. If you are going to be collecting sensitive data, it is important to consider:

  • Where you will store this data?
  • How will you keep this data safe?
  • Who can access this data?
  • Will you de-identify this data to allow for sharing and reuse?
  • Do you have permission to share de-identified data?

Whilst your data may be sensitive, it is often possible to de-identify the data so that it can be shared on completion of the project or to apply conditional access conditions.  Where possible, 番茄社区 recommends data be ‘open’ as this encourages and enables:

  • Visibility and citation advantage
  • Engagement and impact
  • Collaboration and innovation opportunities.

Refer to the definition for Sensitive Data for more information.