
Publications & Presentations

A small selection of publications and presentations provided as an overview.

  • Wedding, B.B.; Wright, C; Grauf, S.; White, R.D. and Gadek, P.A.  (2013)  Postharvest Biology and Technology 75, pp 9-16.  Released online August 2012.

  • Brett B. Wedding, Carole Wright, Steve Grauf and Ron D. White.  (2012). Intech Open Book Access.
  • Poster: Development of a novel NIRS method for estimating the age of tropical fish from otoliths.
    Wedding, B.B.; Wright, C.; Grauf, S.; Forrest, A.; Exley, P. and Poole, S.  (2011)  The 15th International conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Cape Town, 16-20 May 2011.

  • Wedding, B.B.; Wright, C; Grauf, S.; White, R.D. and Gadek, P.A.  (2011)  VII World Avocado Congress 2011, Cairns – Australia, 5-9 September 2011.

  • Wedding, B.B.; Wright, C; Grauf, S.; White, R.D. and Gadek, P.A.  (2011).Desalination and Water Treatment 32, pp 365-372.

  • Wedding, B.B., White, R.D.; Grauf, S.; Wright, C; Tilse, B.; Hofman, P. and Gadek, P.A.  (2010). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 91, pp 233-238.  (Published online in Wiley OnLine library: September 2010)

  • Wedding. B.B.; Wright, C.; Grauf. B.; White, R.D. and Gadek, P.  (2009)  Proceedings of the 14th International conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, NIR 2009 - Breaking the Dawn, Bangkok , Thailand, 7-16 November 2009.

  • Wedding, B.B.; White, R.D.; Grauf, S.; Wright, C; Tilse, B; Fitzsimmons, J.; Hofman, P and Gadek, P.  (2009).  Presented at the 4th Australian and New Zealand Avocado Growers Conference, Cairns 21-24 July 2009.