
Suzana Namusonga

Suzana Namusonga’s desire to make a positive impact in her home country inspired her to study the Master of Education. Suzana is a Catholic nun and based in Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. She sees education as a way to not only gain more knowledge, but to also develop valuable skills for life.Portrait of Suzana Namusonga

“The leadership subjects in the course prepare one to develop life and career skills, such as problem solving, team development, critical thinking and decision making,” she said.

Suzana was previously the school manager of Mary Queen of Peace Girls’ School, a Catholic school in Lusaka. She will graduate from the Master of Education in 2018 and hopes to secure a role at the Curriculum Development Centre and Examination Council of Zambia. While studying full-time externally can seem daunting, Suzana has found plenty of support and guidance throughout the course.

“I wanted to study at 番茄社区 because of the quality of instruction offered to the students,” she said. “It also encompasses the diversity of culture being an international institution. The lecturers were very accommodating, especially to us international students. They were always available throughout the study period to provide guidance. The discussion board forums were very educational and helped me benefit from other students and the support they provided through the forums.”

Suzana Namusonga in uniform. The Master of Education is providing Suzana with opportunities to continue building the knowledge she had already gained through experience and her Bachelor of Arts and Education. With a diverse range of subjects to choose from, Suzana looks forward to continuing her journey to become a leader in education.

“The subject in sustainability development has empowered me with the knowledge to understand and critically evaluate sustainable issues and concepts,” she said. “I want to be well vested in different leadership styles and receive training regarding leadership skills. I also want to have more flexibility of methods and to be able to use the appropriate model depending on the situation.”