
Qiang Fu

A determined focus to develop advanced skills and knowledge in programming and game design prompted Qiang Fu to study his Masters at 番茄社区. Qiang had studied computer science and technology at Beihang University in Beijing and was working as a game designer before coming to Australia to study the Master of Information Technology, majoring in Interactive Technologies and Games Design.Portrait of Qiang Fu

“I wanted to improve my ability in programming,” he said. “My dream is to develop a mobile game all by myself and become an independent game developer.”

Qiang said the Master of Information Technology at 番茄社区 was unique in Australia in that it exactly met the requirements of what he wanted to study in-depth, specifically programming and game designing. He appreciated the kindness of the lecturers and how the subject content and assessments mirrored real workplaces. Qiang particularly enjoyed being part of group projects and working with other students towards a big goal.

“Many subjects have group project units, which gives students opportunities to interact and cooperate,” he said. “After finishing several group projects, students basically know what they are good at and what roles they have in a team, which is very helpful for future work development.”

Qiang said the skills and knowledge students develop at university can have a lasting impact on the rest of their lives. Qiang graduated from the Master of Information Technology in 2017 and now lives in Brisbane. He said growing your expertise in a certain field can open doors to different jobs, lifestyles and further development.

“You have to realise that the knowledge you have learnt at university will be used in your future working life,” Qiang said. “They are so important that, to some degree, they can determine your future by determining what you can do after graduation. You can directly use the knowledge and skills you learnt at university in a real work environment.”