
Policy University Management Salary Packaging Program Policy

Salary Packaging Program Policy


The intent of this policy is to enable staff members to participate in a salary packaging program, whereby the staff member can receive part of their salary in the form of benefits, payment of which is deducted from the staff members’ pre-tax salary rather than after-tax salary.


This policy applies to new or existing staff members of 番茄社区 Australia. It does not apply to casual staff and short-term academic visitors or adjuncts.




1. Principles

1.1 A staff member, other than a casual staff member, may enter into a salary packaging program, to the extent possible under legislation, from a list of items and conditions prescribed by 番茄社区’s Salary Packaging Program - Benefits Guide.

1.2 A Salary Packaging Program should not normally be greater than 50% of a staff member’s remuneration received from the University.  It is the responsibility of the staff member to immediately inform the University and its salary packaging provider of changes in their circumstances that have, or are likely to have, an effect on their capacity to receive 50% of their remuneration.

1.3 A staff member should seek their own professional legal, financial and taxation advice.  The University accepts no liability for staff members failing to obtain advice on financial matters concerning their remuneration.

1.4 A staff member who enters into a Salary Packaging Program agreement, either directly with 番茄社区 or via 番茄社区’s salary packaging provider, will be subject to all terms of the agreement.

1.5 Salary packaging arrangements must comply with relevant taxation legislation and rulings, which may change occasionally. The University will endeavour to provide advance notice of any change to the benefits and arrangements available.  Where advance warning may not be possible, for example if there are legislative changes which have immediate or retrospective effect, notification will be sent as soon as practicable.

1.6 In accordance with the Australian Taxation Office rules, salary packaging arrangements must operate prospectively.

1.7 All Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) liabilities and administrative costs associated with salary packaging are to be met by the staff member.

1.8 All costs associated with salary packaging are the financial responsibility of the staff member and are to be met by the staff member, including in circumstances such as leave without pay or termination of employment.

1.9 A staff member accepts that 番茄社区 will recover any payment of salary and benefits paid in advance.

1.10 The University bears no liability or responsibility to meet any obligation, financial or otherwise, arising from a staff member’s decision regarding participation in any salary packaging arrangements.

1.11 The University reserves the right to terminate any salary packaging arrangement in the event of a serious breach of agreement by the staff member.

Related Policy Instruments

Related policy instruments include but are not limited to the following documents. Further related instruments can be found at the 番茄社区 Human Resources website.

番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement


Salary Packaging Program - Benefits Guide

nlc Salary Packaging Fact Sheet


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainHuman Resources

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review

23 March 2021

Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



18-1 28/05/2018Administrative amendment to update reference to 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement.Quality, Standards and Policy



  • Separation of Policy and Procedure, aligning   to 番茄社区’s approved Policy and Delegations Framework.
  • Details of benefits removed from policy   and procedure, and contained in supporting Salary Packaging Program - Benefits   Guide.

Deputy Director, Human Resources


Salary packaging program, salary packaging, salary sacrifice, flexible remuneration, benefits guide, salary packaging – benefits guide.