
Policy University Management Parental Leave Procedure

Parental Leave Procedure


To outline the process for applying for parental leave.


This Procedure applies to all Staff Members who are employed under the 番茄社区 (番茄社区; the University) Enterprise Agreement (the Agreement).


Except as otherwise specified in this procedure, the meaning of terms used in this procedure are as per the Human Resources Policy Glossary or the Enterprise Agreement.

Initial Primary Care Giver – is the person who is the primary carer at the placement of an adopted child.

Primary Care Giver – is either parent, but for the purpose of this definition, not the Birth Parent.

Partner – the Partner of the Birth Parent, or Partner of the Initial Primary Care Giver.

Surrogate Staff Member - a Staff Member who is pregnant for the purpose of carrying a baby to term for another parent/s, including for adoption.

Birth Parent – a Staff Member who gives birth to the child.


1.  Paid Maternity Leave

1.1 Staff Members (excluding casuals) who have at least 12 months continuous service at the University prior to the commencement of parental leave are entitled to paid parental leave.

1.2 Casual Staff Members who have at least 12 months continuous service at the University, and Staff Members who do not have 12 months continuous service at the University prior to the commencement of parental leave, are entitled to unpaid leave.

1.3 Period of Leave Less than 12 months:

1.3.1 Where the Birth Parent proposes to take up to and including 12 months leave from the workplace the Birth Parent is entitled to either:

a) Full-time Staff Mothers (other than casual) are entitled to up to 26 weeks continuous paid parental leave, commencing no later than the birth of the child (or 52 weeks on 50% of salary), or where a Staff Member is on a Fixed Term contract the entitlement to leave will cease on the day their Fixed Term contract expires; or

b) Up to 20 weeks continuous leave commencing no later than the birth of the child (or 40 weeks on 50% of salary) and 1 day per week of paid leave for the first 30 weeks after the Staff Member returns to work.

1.3.2 Part-time Staff Members are entitled to pro rata leave.

1.3.3 Unpaid leave (including flexible unpaid leave) will otherwise be provided under the Fair Work Act.

1.4 Period of Leave over 12 months:

1.4.1 Where the Birth Parent proposes to take more than 12 months leave from the workplace the Birth Parent is entitled to 26 weeks paid continuous leave from the date of the birth of the child. The 26 weeks may be taken on full pay, or 52 weeks on 50% of salary.

1.4.2 Unpaid leave (including flexible unpaid leave) will otherwise be provided under the Fair Work Act.




Discuss the intended leave with your current Supervisor.


Apply for the leave using the request for parental leave form at least 10 weeks prior to the commencement of leave. The application is to be submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

A medical certificate attesting to the pregnancy and the date of birth or expected date of birth is required.

Any changes to the proposed start and end dates of the parental leave should occur no more than 4 weeks prior to the expected commencement of leave, or as soon as possible where notice cannot be provided (i.e. premature birth).

If you give birth to the baby prior to the commencement of your paid parental leave, you will need to complete a new request for parental leave form to bring your paid parental leave forward to the date of birth of the child.

Proof of birth of the Child is required and should be submitted via Service Now within 6 weeks of the birth.


Should the Birth Parent wish to apply for a period of unpaid leave (including flexible unpaid leave), an application for the further period of leave without pay should be submitted no later than 4 weeks prior to the end of the paid parental leave entitlement.  The application is to be submitted on the request for parental leave form and submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

The request for unpaid leave may be refused on reasonable business grounds.

2. Miscarriage/Stillbirth, Death of a Child in the first 24 Months of Life

2.1 A Birth Parent is entitled to personal and carer’s leave and/or unpaid leave in the event a pregnancy not reaching 20 weeks gestation ends in miscarriage or stillbirth.

2.2 A Birth Parent is entitled to six weeks paid leave in the event of a pregnancy of at least 20 weeks ends in miscarriage or stillbirth. This also applies to multiple pregnancies where the Birth Parent loses a baby after 20 weeks.

2.3 In the event of stillbirth or the death of a child in the first 24 months of life, Staff Members may also access unpaid leave, provided under the Fair Work Act of up to 12 months. Staff may also be entitled to take Compassionate Leave.




As soon as practicable following the miscarriage/stillbirth or death of a child in the first 24 months of life, apply for leave on the request for parental leave form. The application is to be submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

Supporting documentation and/or medical evidence is required.

3. Hospitalisation of Child/Children Immediately After Birth

3.1 Where a Staff Member is on unpaid parental leave and experiences a premature birth/s or other birth related complications, resulting in the newborn baby/babies having to stay in hospital or being hospitalised immediately after birth; they can request to pause their unpaid Parental Leave for this period. For this period the Staff Member may request to return to work and resume their parental leave at a later date. Where this occurs the period of unpaid leave will not be deducted from their total period of unpaid leave.




As soon as practicable discuss the change of circumstances with your Supervisor, notify Remuneration Services of the change via Service Now, and apply to vary the leave on the request for parental leave form.

Supporting documentation and/or medical evidence is required.

4. Adoption Leave

4.1 Staff Members who have adopted a child aged under 5 years are entitled to paid Adoption Leave.

4.2 Period of Leave Less than 12 months:

4.2.1 Where the parent who is the Initial Primary Care Giver proposes to take up to 12 months leave from the workplace the Initial Primary Care Giver is entitled to either:

a. Up to 26 weeks continuous paid Adoption Leave, taken no later than the placement of the child (or 52 weeks on 50% of salary); or

b. Up to 20 weeks continuous paid Adoption Leave taken no later than the placement of the child (or 40 weeks on 50% of salary) and 1 day per week of paid leave for the first 30 weeks after the Staff Member returns to work.

4.2.2 Unpaid leave will otherwise be provided under the Fair Work Act.

4.3 Period of Leave over 12 months:

4.3.1 Where the Initial Primary Care Giver proposes taking more than 12 months leave from the workplace the Initial Primary Care Giver is entitled to26 weeks paid continuous Adoption Leave from the placement of the child. The 26 weeks Adoption Leave may be taken on full pay or 52 weeks on 50% of salary.

4.3.2 Unpaid leave (including flexible unpaid leave) will otherwise be provided under the Fair Work Act.




Discuss the intended leave with your current Supervisor.


Apply for the leave on the request for parental leave form at least 10 weeks prior to the start of the leave. The application is to be submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

Proof of the Initial Primary Carer status is required (e.g. a statutory declaration signed by both Parents).

A statement from the appropriate government authority confirming the adoption and that the child is under the age of 5 at the time of placement is required.


Should the Initial Primary Carer wish to apply for a period of unpaid leave, an application for the further period of leave without pay, should be submitted no later than 4 weeks prior to the end of the paid Adoption Leave entitlement. The application is to be submitted on the request for parental leave form and submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

The request for unpaid leave may be refused on reasonable business grounds.

4.4 Staff Members who have adopted a child aged between 5 and 16 years are entitled to unpaid Adoption Leave.




Discuss the intended leave with your current Supervisor.


Apply for the leave on the request for parental leave form at least 10 weeks prior to the start of the leave. The application is to be submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

A statement from the appropriate government authority confirming the adoption is required.


Should the Initial Primary Carer wish to apply for a period of unpaid leave (that is not unpaid Adoption Leave), an application for the further period of leave without pay, should be submitted no later than 4 weeks prior to the end of the paid adoption entitlement.  The application is to be submitted on the request for parental leave form and submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

The request for unpaid leave may be refused on reasonable business grounds.

5. Paid Surrogacy Leave

5.1 Surrogate Staff Members are entitled to take up to 12 weeks paid Surrogacy Leave.

5.2 Paid Surrogacy Leave may commence up to 6 weeks prior to the expected birth of the child.

5.3 The entitlement to Paid Surrogacy Leave ceases 6 weeks after the birth of the child.




Discuss the intended leave with your current Supervisor.


Apply for the leave on the request for parental leave form at least 10 weeks prior to the start of the leave. The application is to be submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

A medical certificate attesting to the pregnancy and the date of birth or expected date of birth is required.

Proof of the birth of the child is required and should be submitted via Service Now to confirm the end date of the surrogacy leave.

6. Paid Partner Leave

6.1 A partner is entitled to 20 days paid leave to be taken within the 7-week period which starts a week before the expected date of birth or placement (for a child under the age of 5) and concludes 6 weeks after the date of birth or placement.

6.2 Paid Partner Leave may occur simultaneously with Paid Parental Leave or Paid Adoption/Surrogacy Leave.

6.3 Unpaid leave will otherwise be provided under the Fair Work Act.




Discuss the intended leave with your current Supervisor.


Apply for the leave on the request for parental leave form at least 4 weeks prior to the start of the leave. The application is to be submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

For the birth of the Staff Member’s own child or surrogacy: a medical certificate attesting to the pregnancy and the date of birth or expected date of birth is required.

For adoption: a statement from the appropriate government authority confirming the adoption and that the child is under the age of 5 at the time of placement.

7. Change of Primary Care Giver Leave

7.1 Paid Parental Leave may be shared between Staff Members who are partners and both work at the University where:

a. Both Staff Members have 12 months continuous service at the date of commencement of parental or adoption leave; and

b. The Primary Caregiver responsibilities are shared.

7.2 Where a Staff Member and their Partner who is also a University Staff Member share the entitlement to paid Parental or Adoption Leave (up to 26 weeks), this will not reduce the entitlement to one week paid Partner Leave available to the Staff Member who is not the Birth Parent.

7.3 Where a Staff Member couple elect to share a period of Parental Leave (paid), the leave must:

a. For the couple, not exceed an aggregate of 26 weeks. A Staff Member’s entitlement to parental leave is reduced by any period of Parental Leave taken by their Partner in respect of birth or adoption of the same child. This excludes the period of 20 days Partner Leave.

b. The Staff Member and their partner must take the leave in a single unbroken period.

c. The first Staff Member must have commenced Parental Leave no later than the birth of the child or the placement of the child in the case of adoption.

d. Apart from the period of Paid Partner Leave, both parents must take leave in separate, continuous periods.

7.4 The partner who has become Primary Caregiver may apply to take a further 12 months leave without pay, extending the period of leave up until the child reaches the age of two in accordance with the Fair Work Act.




Discuss the intended leave with your current Supervisor.


Apply for the leave on the request for Parental Leave form at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the leave. The application is to be submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

The Partner is required to provide evidence of the change to the Primary Caregiver status.  Appropriate evidence includes: a letter from the Initial Primary Caregiver/Birth Parent’s employer confirming return to work and/or statutory declarations from both parents confirming the change to the caring arrangements.


Should the Primary Caregiver wish to apply for a period of Unpaid Leave, an application for the further period of leave without pay, should be submitted no later than 4 weeks prior to the end of the paid Parental Leave entitlement.  The application is to be submitted on the request for Parental Leave form and submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

The request for Unpaid Leave may be refused on reasonable business grounds.

8. Transfer to a Safe Job

8.1 Where illness or risks arising out of pregnancy or hazards connected with the work make it inadvisable for a pregnant Staff Member to continue in her current position, and it is supported by appropriate medical evidence, the Staff Member will be entitled to be transferred to a safe job for the duration of the risk period that has:

a) the same ordinary hours of work as the Staff Members substantive position;

b) a different number of ordinary hours agreed to by the Staff Member; or

c) placed on paid Special Leave for the duration of the risk period, at the Staff Member’s base rate of pay for the ordinary hours of work in the risk period.

8.2 If the Staff Member’s pregnancy ends before the end of the risk period, the risk period ends when the pregnancy ends.




Seek medical advice and provide a medical certificate/report to your Supervisor.


Discuss alternative work options with your Supervisor.


Notify HR of any changes to location or Supervisor and, if agreed, to working hours via Service Now.

9. Consultation on Change While on Parental Leave

9.1 Where the University proposes to introduce major changes that are likely to impact on a Staff Member’s position while they are on Parental Leave the University will:

a) provide the Staff Member with information about the change; and

b) consult with the Staff Member regarding the impact of the proposed change on the Staff Member’s position in accordance with provisions of Clause 45 of the Agreement, Change Management and Consultation.




The University will contact the Staff Member and provide them with information about the change.


Where the Staff Member chooses to attend the workplace for consultation meetings they will have access to payment for this time under Keeping in Touch days.


The University will advise the staff member of the outcome of the change.

10. Keeping in Touch Days

10.1 Where agreement between the University and the Staff Member has been reached, a Staff Member may participate in up to 10 Keeping in Touch days, at any time after six weeks from the child’s date of birth or placement in accordance with the Fair Work Act.

10.2 The Staff Member will be paid at their ordinary hourly rate for this time. Keeping in Touch days will count as service for all purposes, extends the period of paid Parental Leave but does not extend the total period of Parental Leave.

10.3 A paid work activity of 1 hour or more on a day for the purpose of Keeping in Touch counts as 1 Keeping in Touch day, and counts towards the 10 day limit. A Keeping in Touch day should not exceed service fraction, i.e. 100% = 7.25 hour day.

10.4 Activities could include, but aren’t limited to:

  • participating in a planning meeting;
  • performing on the job training; or
  • performing work to become familiar with the workplace or your role before returning to work.

10.5 Keeping in touch days cannot be used to perform normal work activities.




Agree a schedule of Keeping in Touch Days with your Supervisor.


Apply for the Keeping in Touch Days on the request for parental leave form. The application is to be submitted to the HR Remuneration Services team via Service Now.

11.   Return to Work Following Parental Leave

11.1 Staff Members are guaranteed to return to work immediately following a period of Parental Leave entitling them to:

  • Their pre-parental leave position; or
  • If that position no longer exists, the University will manage the placement of the staff member in accordance with the provisions of Clause 46, Redeployment and Redundancy.

11.2 Full-time Staff are entitled to return to work on a part-time basis. A return to work on a part-time basis should not exceed two years from date of resuming duties. The Staff Member shall be entitled to return to the position held before commencing parental leave, by giving 8 weeks notice.

11.3 Staff Members are not able to return to work within 6 weeks of giving birth without medical clearance.

11.4 Any Staff Member returning to work following a period of parental leave, and who post-return are seeking to take the Australian Governments’ Flexible Paid Parental Leave or Dad and Partner pay, must take unpaid parental leave from 番茄社区 for this purpose.




A Staff Member must give at least 8 weeks notice to their Supervisor of their intention to return from parental leave earlier than the date specified on their Parental Leave application.


Where a Staff Member wishes to return to work in a part-time capacity they must apply to vary their hours at least 8 weeks prior to returning to work.

The Supervisor will respond to the request at least 6 weeks before the Staff Members’ intended return to work date.


All Staff should confirm their return to work arrangements with their Supervisor at least 4 weeks prior to their return to work.


Post return, a Staff Member seeking to take the Australian Governments’ Flexible Paid Parental Leave or Dad and Partner pay, must take unpaid leave from 番茄社区 for this purpose. This period requires confirmation with your Supervisor and will require a new request for parental leave form completed, with the ‘Unpaid Parental Leave’ option chosen.

The Australian Governments’ Flexible Paid Parental Leave may also be considered as part of a flexible work arrangement.

12. Request for Flexible Work Arrangements

12.1 An eligible Staff Member, who has responsibility for the care of a child, may request a flexible working arrangement, including to work part-time. The University will consider the request taking into account the effect on the workplace and will only refuse the request on reasonable business grounds.




The Staff Member should discuss with their Supervisor their intention to apply for a flexible working arrangement.


Where a Staff Member wishes to request flexible working arrangements they must apply using the Workplace Flexibility Arrangements Application. The Supervisor will respond to the request, in writing within two weeks.  Where a Flexible Work Arrangement request is made and/or refused the provisions detailed in Clause 27 of the Enterprise Agreement must be adhered to.

Related policy instruments

番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement

Leave Procedure




NOTE: Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainHuman Resources

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



23-101/09/202322/09/2023Major review, procedure updated following approval of the 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement 2022Manager, Industrial Relations and Policy




Procedure updated to provide more process information and to reflect legislative changes

Manager, Human Resources Services




Procedure established

Deputy Director, Human Resources


Parental leave, maternity leave, partner leave, adoption leave, surrogacy leave, miscarriage leave, stillbirth leave

Contact PersonManager, Industrial Relations and Policy