
Policy University Management FMPM 900 - FMPM 999 - Further Applications FMPM 940 Donated Property, Plant, Equipment and Cash

FMPM 940 Donated Property, Plant, Equipment and Cash


The intent of this policy is to set out the requirements regarding donations of property, plant, equipment and cash to and from the University. (Refer to the University’s Reportable Gifts and Benefits Procedure for donations of items which fall outside this policy).



Responsibility of

Identification of Donation

Staff Member

Assessment of taxation implications

Chief Financial Officer

Acceptance of donated property

Finance Committee

Acceptance of donated plant or equipment

Relevant member of the Senior Executive

Acceptance of donated cash

Relevant member of the Senior Executive

Acknowledgement of donations

Vice Chancellor

Management of donated property

Director, Estate Office

Management of donated plant or equipment

Head of Organisational Unit

Management of donated cash

Chief Financial Officer

Approval to donate property

Refer to Financial Delegations Register

Approval to donate plant or equipment

Refer to Financial Delegations Register

Approval to donate cash less than or equal to $1,000

Refer to Financial Delegations Register

Approval to donate cash up to and including $20,000

Refer to Financial Delegations Register

Approval to donate cash greater than $20,000

Refer to Financial Delegations Register


Capital Asset

Non-Capital Asset

Property, Plant and Equipment



When staff become aware of an impending donation of property, plant, equipment or cash to or from the University, they must advise:

  • The Chief Financial Officer; and

  • The relevant member of the Senior Executive.

Donations (property, plant, equipment or cash) to the University:

  • Prior to the University accepting any donation of property, plant, equipment and cash, the Chief Financial Officer must ensure that the donation does not compromise the University’s status as a charitable institution under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997;

  • Prior to the acceptance of any donated property, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources will undertake an assessment of the University’s capacity to maintain the property.   Based on this assessment, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources will recommend to Finance Committee for approval the acceptance of the donated property;

  • Prior to the acceptance of  any donated plant, equipment or cash the relevant member of the Senior Executive  must ensure that:

    • the donation does not compromise the University:

    • it is on terms and conditions acceptable to the University;

    • it is compatible with the aims and objectives of the University; and

    • the University has the capacity to maintain the plant or equipment.

  • The Vice-Chancellor, on advice from the Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for acknowledging any donated property, plant, equipment and cash to the University.

  • The Director, Estate Office is responsible for managing property donated to the University.

  • The Head of the Organisational Unit is responsible for managing plant or equipment donated to the University.

  • The Chief Financial Officer, is responsible for managing cash donations.

Donations (property, plant, equipment or cash) by the University:

  • Donations to an organisation or individual must:

    • support the aims and objectives of the University; and

    • not cause a benefit to be conferred on University employees, members of University Council, or associates of these individuals.

  • Finance Committee is responsible for the approval of the donation of property as outlined in the Financial Delegations Register;

  • The Vice Chancellor must approve the donation of plant or equipment as outlined in the Financial Delegations Register;

  • The Head of the Organisational Unit is responsible for the approval of cash donations less than or equal to $1,000 as outlined in the Financial Delegations Register.

  • The Vice Chancellor must approve cash donations up to $20,000 as outlined in the Financial Delegations Register.

  • Council must approve cash donations greater than $20,000 as outlined in the Financial Delegations Register.

Related documents and legislation

Financial Delegations Register

For enquiries in relation to this FMPM Policy please contact AccountsReceivable@jcu.edu.au.


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

University Management

Policy Sub-domain


Policy Custodian

Chief Financial Officer

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



17-121/02/201722/02/2017Titles, roles and delegations updated to reflect current practice.Quality, Standards and Policy Officer




Policy Sponsor and Approval Authority updated to reflect the approved Policy and Delegations Framework

Quality Standards and Policy Unit




Finance Committee (06/11)



