
Policy University Management Timetable and Class Registration Procedure

Timetable and Class Registration Procedure


This procedure describes the various stages of the 番茄社区 Timetable build over a six month period starting the creation of the next database with relevant Programmes of Study, through to Class Registration for the next Teaching Period. Every phase of the build is detailed in a separate page within this procedure in order to demonstrate working relationships across Units. As this output relies on a decentralised network of stakeholders, 番茄社区 requires all staff involved to be well-informed of their role in the sequence and know what time in the development windows they are actively involved.


This procedure is to be followed by all staff involved in the development and management of the 番茄社区 Timetable and Class Registration process for the following campuses: Townsville, Cairns, Mackay, Mount Isa, Thursday Island and Cloncurry. It does not cover Singapore or Brisbane campuses.


Activity – The individual units of delivery for each module.

Module – The building blocks of the Programmes of Study. The individual subjects that a student will study as part of an overall programme.

Programmes of Study (POS) – With respect to 番茄社区 Timetable, this is a course of study undertaken by a student within a teaching period that must be sequenced clash free. The dataset requires Academy endorsement every six months at the commencement of every new Timetable build.

Provisional Timetable: Draft Timetable presented for further consultation and adjustments prior to the release of the live timetable.

Student Set – A group of students who share a common timetable or set of activities.

Template – From the perspective of a student, the template details activities that make up a module.


1.  Key Stakeholders and Communication

To deliver a fair and equitable Timetable, clear communication pathways and stakeholder relationships are essential. The stakeholders and their roles within Timetable and Class Registration should include staff represented from the following areas:

  • College Academic Services Officers / Team Leaders – Pivotal interface between 番茄社区 Timetable Team, Class Registration staff and Academy.
  • Course Coordinators – Specify and review subject combinations to be clash free for their course and provide Academy oversight of the 番茄社区 Timetable from a whole-of-course perspective.
  • College ADLTs – Provide assistance and support during timetable building processes and promote the importance of Academy involvement to deliver a robust Timetable.
  • Divisional CMO Teams – Provide support in the development of Programmes of Study, and encourage Academy involvement at appropriate phases of the build.
  • Education Committee – 番茄社区 Timetable may seek endorsement of timetabling priorities every year, and ask Committee for guidance relating to the timetable development to support emerging Academy needs.
  • Examinations – Work closely with 番茄社区 Timetable Team to coordinate major exam blocks and support College level exams and external exam bookings.
  • ICT Application Services – Ensure systems are current and supported.
  • ICT Videoconferencing & Audio-visual Services – Ensure AV systems are operational and requests are supported with appropriate video conference connections as scheduled.
  • 番茄社区 Timetable Team – Establish the communication network, manage the timetable building sequence, and coordinate the delivery of the 番茄社区 timetable at a high standard and on time.
  • Students / Student Association – Main users of the timetable, provide feedback as needed, and engage with Timetable Representatives for support.
  • Student Services Class Registration – Ensure the Class Registration processes and systems are operational and meet the requirements of the Colleges.
  • Student Services Client Services & Communication – Interface between timetabling and class registration and students.
  • Subject Coordinators – Specify parameters for timetabling their subjects and review the timetable to ensure their requirements are supported.
  • The Cairns Institute Board – Ongoing liaison to share facilities for both major events and teaching and learning opportunities.

2. Timetable and Class Registration guidance

Enabling guidance delivered from 番茄社区 Student Handbook and various Academic papers, 番茄社区 Timetable Team will use the following principles for building the 番茄社区 Timetable:

  • Classes are to be scheduled on the hour unless otherwise requested.
  • Zone constraints are to be reviewed every 6 months to ensure 10 minutes business rule is applicable.
  • Students are offered the opportunity to access a live timetable via 番茄社区 Student Application.
  • Any change requests within 24 hours of the class starting are considered high risk to the student experience and are to be discussed between Head, Information Management, Space & Timetabling and respective College representative ie. Course Coordinator or Head of Academic Group before any practical changes are made to the published timetable.
  • Accessibility and 番茄社区 Timetable Team will work towards finding suitable solutions for students who require adjustments to their timetable.

3.  Process diagrams

1.  New Timetable Database Process

A new Timetable database is created for the 番茄社区 Timetable once every twelve months. This process ensures the system is up-to-date with the most accurate data carried forward to inform the development of the next year’s Timetable.

2. Timetable and Class Registration Training Process

Provide timely training to the staff involved in the development of the 番茄社区 Timetable and support to Class Registration. Training and support materials are provided for Timetable Representatives and Academy. This can be delivered by 番茄社区 Timetable Team, Class Registration staff and system vendors.

3. Timetable Teaching Requirement Collection Process

Purpose – To ensure accurate and relevant data is provided to the 番茄社区 Timetable Team early in the build process regarding Academy staff’s intention for their delivery of learning and teaching of each activity.

4. Timetable Programme of Study Development Process

Provides information for the 番茄社区 Timetable building process and sets the rules for which subjects are to be sequenced clash free.  This dataset is entered into Syllabus Plus at the commencement of each new Timetable build and establishes the rules for scheduling. There are separate diagrams for DTES and DTHM who manage this output via different methods.

5. Timetable Build Process

Describes how the 番茄社区 Timetable Team and Timetable Representatives use the information provided in the process to build the timetable.

6. Timetable Review Process

Describes the process of reviewing the draft 番茄社区 Timetable prior to publication to ensure the requirements for each activity, subject and course are achieved.

7. Timetable Change Request Process

To accommodate changes to the 番茄社区 Timetable during the build and publication. This process includes four separate diagrams outlining the various thresholds and triggers for how the majority of changes are managed.

8. TT to SMS Error Checking Process

Prior to each publication but after the 番茄社区 Timetable is built, the timetable system has to be synchronised with Student Management System. This process ensures the data is consistent between the two systems as they are inter-related.

9. Class Registration Process

Describes the process for a Centralised Class Registration System and enables access to all cohorts to view their live timetable. This process also provides consistent data between the two supporting systems to identify students within cohorts.

10 Internal Room Booking Process

Describes the process to establish levels of authority for approval of room bookings for internal room requests.

Related policy instruments

Student Timetable Policy

Other related documents 

Curriculum Approval, Monitoring, Review and Improvement Procedure.

番茄社区 Courses and Subject Handbook

番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement

Timetables and Room Booking web site


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainEstate and Facility Management
Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources
Approval AuthorityVice Chancellor
Date for next Major Review01/08/2024

Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



19-101/08/201901/08/2019Amended to reflect  current business practices and clarify processes for users.Head, Information Management, Space and Timetabling




Administrative amendment to update reference to Enterprise Agreement.

Policy Officer, Quality, Standards and Policy




Procedure established

Head, Information Management, Space & Timetabling, Estate Directorate


Timetable, timetabling, schedule, scheduling, learning space, class registration

Contact person:

Head, Information Management, Space and Timetabling