
Policy University Management High Voltage Access Policy

High Voltage Access Policy


To specify the policy and procedures for access to high voltage substations and electrical equipment under the control of 番茄社区.


This policy applies to all staff, contractors and any other persons requiring access to the high voltage substations and electrical equipment under the control of 番茄社区.



As per Section 7.8.4 of the AS 3000: 2000 - Wiring Rules which states:

Access - Substations and electrical equipment should not be accessible to unauthorised persons.

Authorised Person:

As per AS 3000: 2000, Clause 1.4.14:

Authorised Person - The person in charge of the premises, or the licensed electrical contractor or electrician or other person appointed or selected by the person in charge of the premises, to perform certain duties on the premises.

Person in charge:

For the purposes of this policy, this shall be the Director, Facilities Management Office.

Policy and Procedures

Access to High Voltage Areas

1. Substations and electrical equipment which are located on 番茄社区 Sites and   under the control of 番茄社区, shall not be accessible to, or entered by, unauthorised persons.

2. For each University site where there are High Voltage Areas under the control of 番茄社区, the Director, Facilities Management Office shall appoint in writing an officer who shall be an Authorised Person and the holder of the only issuable key to High Voltage Areas at that University site. This officer shall be delegated to authorise entry and issue the key to suitably trained and qualified persons, when access to High Voltage Areas is required for essential maintenance or operational requirements.

3. For the Douglas Campus, Townsville, the Authorised Person  shall normally be the Coordinator, Electrical and Mechanical Infrastructure. The Director, Facilities Management Office, shall also appoint in writing, the Leading Hand – Electrical to act as the Authorised Person and key holder, on any occasion that the Supervisor is absent from work.

4. For the Smithfield Campus, Cairns, the Authorised Person shall normally be the Maintenance Supervisor. The Director, Facilities Management Office, shall also appoint in writing, the Operations Manager to act as the Authorised Person and key holder, on any occasion that the Supervisor is absent from work.

5. Access to High Voltage Areas will only be approved for suitably qualified and trained persons, who must hold a current Electrical Licence and must be competent in High Voltage work. The relevant Electrical Licence and proof of High Voltage competency must be sighted by the Authorised Person, prior to approval being given and issuing of the key.

6. When access is required to High Voltage Areas by qualified persons, a written Job Safety Analysis shall be submitted to the Authorised Person, at least 24 hours prior to access.

7. The Authorised Person shall maintain a log book detailing the name/s of person/s to whom access has been granted, the date and area of access.

Related documents, legislation or 番茄社区 Statutes

1. Electrical Safety Act 2002.

2. Electrical Safety Regulation 2002.

3. Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995.

4. A.S. 3000: 2000 – Wiring Rules.


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainEstate and Facility Management
Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources
Approval AuthorityVice Chancellor
Date for next Major Review04/06/2014

Revision History


Revision date

Description of changes




Policy sponsor and approval authority amended to reflect approved policy framework

Quality, Standards and Policy