
Policy University Management Bulk Diesel Fuel Procedure 16 - Townsville

Bulk Diesel Fuel Procedure 16 - Townsville

Vehicle Section Internal Procedure 16


To ensure the required volume of fuel is maintained and available for emergency purposes, during the Cyclone Season (1st November to 30th April) and to ensure efficient operation and environmental compliance of the diesel tank.


This procedure applies to all University staff refuelling from the bulk diesel facility at Townsville, Bebegu Yumba Campus.




1.  Quantity

  • Safe Fill Level of tank is 19,800 litres Maximum; and
  • Minimum fill Level of tank during Cyclone Season is 14,000 litres.

2.  Issue of Fuel

  • The bulk fuel facility is primarily used for all grounds equipment refuelling and pool vehicles, it may also be utilised by other departments who require refuelling whilst on campus when required; (this will maintain the continual rotation of the bulk diesel fuel to eliminate any algae growth);
  • Issue times: 7.30am to 3.45pm Monday to Friday (no after hour refuelling unless authorised by Vehicle Fleet Supervisor or emergency situations/natural disasters);
  • Collect the key from the Vehicle Section counter and the fuel register from Vehicles Section counter;
  • Unlock the isolator switch;
  • In the fuel register record date, time, vehicle registration or equipment details, name, signature and section/department;
  • Record meter start reading in the register before operating the pump;
  • Fill tank;
  • Clean up any spillage of fuel using the kit provided;
  • Return the fuel register and key to the Vehicle Section counter; and
  • Report any equipment faults or damage, or fuel spills, to the Vehicles Section.

3.  Spillage Procedures

  • Should a spill occur during dispensing of fuel refer to the Spill Response Kit instructions which are located inside the door of the refill facility;
  • Following these instructions, use the products provided in the Spill Response Kit (yellow wheeled bin) to absorb the liquid;
  • All used materials are to be bagged and taken to the mechanical workshop for disposal in the regulated waste disposal service;
  • Report the spill and action taken to the Vehicle Technician or Fleet Supervisor;
  • Vehicle Technician is to replenish any products used from the spill kit;
  • A copy of the collection docket for the regulated waste from the spill is to be forwarded to the environmental Management Coordinator, Estate Office; and
  • Should any leaking or other fault to the equipment or tank be observed, report this to the Vehicle Section promptly.

4.       Monitoring

4.1 The Vehicle Technician is to:

  • Record meter reading in the fuel register daily;
  • Take a dip reading fortnightly (Monday morning) and after every bulk truck refuel, record on the log sheet and check the overfill and safety barrier for correct operation;
  • Advise the Fleet Supervisor of the quantity of fuel to be ordered when required; and
  • Add fuel additives to the tank and check the tank cavity on a 6 monthly basis.

5.       Cost Recovery

  • Fuel is to be charged as per the 番茄社区 Schedule of Internal Charges;
  • Vehicles Administration Officer is to recover internal charges for fuel issued, prior to the end of each financial period;
  • Fuel used by the Grounds and the Construction & Maintenance Sections are to be charged to the two account codes as advised by the Manager, Construction and Maintenance; and
  • Fuel issued to fleet vehicles is to be charged to the relevant vehicle account code.

Related documents and legislation

番茄社区 Critical Incident Policy


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainEstate and Facility Management
Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources
Approval AuthorityVice Chancellor
Date for next Major Review20/12/2021

Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Procedure established

Fleet Supervisor


Bulk diesel