
Policy University Management Approval of Works to University Buildings and Site Infrastructure

Approval of Works to University Buildings and Site Infrastructure


This Policy aims to ensure that all University building works comply with approved University framework plans, existing building codes, Federal and State Acts, Workplace Health and Safety Legislation, contractual obligations and other University policies and standards.  In addition, this policy will allow the University to maintain accurate asset and space data for maintenance scheduling and asset management purposes.

Policy Statement

The Estate Office manages all maintenance, major and minor works on University buildings, structures and site infrastructure on behalf of the University.  There are processes and procedures to manage all stages of projects. As such, work to any University buildings or infrastructure is only to be undertaken by or with approval from the Estate Office.

The Director, IT&R is responsible for assessing permanent communication cabling and will liaise with the Director, Estate Office prior to any installations.

Where buildings are subject to a lease, licence or like document to a party outside the University, under which repairs, maintenance or capital improvements are dealt with in such document. Estate Office will consult with Commercial Services to clarify the rights and responsibilities of the parties.

Where the proposed building works will be connected with a new lease, licence or like document, contact should also be made with the Commercial Services Office in accordance with the Real Estate Dealings Policy.


This policy applies to all building work regardless of scope or funding source.  Works are inclusive of, but not limited to the following:-

  • Building services, including air-conditioning, ventilation, exhaust or control systems
  • Electrical services, including lighting
  • Fire systems
  • Waste or waste systems and connection of equipment to such systems
  • Building fabric (including asbestos removal)
  • Painting and floor coverings
  • Security and/ or locking systems
  • Fume cupboards and hoods
  • Heavy loadings, including research activities, artwork, sculptures and hanging of pictures
  • Application of any device, structure or treatment which alters the external appearance of a building, including external signs, painting or landscape work
  • Lifts, hoists and cranes
  • Universal access to buildings
  • Site infrastructure such as fences, roads, footpaths, landscaping, vegetation and in ground services
  • Information Technology Infrastructure.

Activities not covered under this policy include installation of loose furniture and fittings or research equipment that does not impact upon the built environment or site infrastructure.  Where uncertainty exists, the Estate Office is to be consulted.



New, refurbishment, maintenance, replacement, additions, extensions or alterations

Policy and Procedures

Minor Works funded by the Divisions

In certain circumstances Minor Works projects may be completed using Business Units funds. These works should have an upper limit of $20k and must be consistent with campus space and capital development planning.

Initial discussions relating to proposed works should be referred to the Manager, Property Services in Townsville and the Manager, Operations in Cairns to determine feasibility. If approved, requests are to be made via the .

Unauthorised Works

Any works to University buildings or site infrastructure that have been undertaken by the Divisions or other entity without approval may be removed or modified in cases where the work has compliance, safety, aesthetic or nuisance issues.  All costs associated with the rectification of unapproved works will be charged to the responsible area.  Penalties may apply to staff undertaking unauthorised works which result in breaches of safety or other legislative guidelines.

Related documents, legislation or 番茄社区 Statutes

WHS Legislation

Building Codes

Asbestos Legislation

Real Estate Dealings Policy


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainEstate and Facility Management
Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources
Approval AuthorityVice Chancellor
Date for next Major Review31/12/2017

Modification History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date






Update to reflect current organisational structure.





Policy sponsor and approval authority amended to reflect approved policy framework.





Establish Policy