
Policy Academic Governance Course Transfer Procedure

Course Transfer Procedure


This procedure supports the Coursework Enrolment Policy and the Admissions Policy and Procedures by outlining the requirements of Course Transfers.


This procedure applies to all students undertaking award coursework courses and programs at all 番茄社区 (番茄社区) campuses.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Policy Glossary and the Coursework Enrolment Policy.

Course and Subject Handbook Requirements: includes Admission Requirements, Academic Requirements and Inherent Requirements.

Sanction: is a hold or a condition that has been imposed by the University. Sanctions are imposed in accordance with 番茄社区 Student Policies due to outstanding debts or enrolment considerations.


1.  Student Obligations

1.1     In applying for a course transfer, students agree to the following:

1.1.1  The student will be transferred to the new course in the next Teaching Period available, following approval of the Course Transfer Application.

1.1.2  Any exceptions to clause 1.1.1 will be determined on an individual basis and approved by the relevant Course Coordinator in consultation with Team Leader, Student Services (番茄社区 Australia) or Manager Enrolments (番茄社区 Singapore).

1.1.3  The student will receive a Letter of Offer and be subject to any conditions outlined in the offer and any additional conditions outlined in the Variation to Study Application Form.

1.1.4  The student’s academic status will not automatically commence at Satisfactory, but be assessed based on their previous academic record and the course being transferred into.

1.1.5  A course transfer may trigger a  change in tuition fees or Commonwealth assistance status; students are responsible for checking this before applying.

1.1.6 International students will be responsible for applying for visa and Overseas Health Cover extensions and any costs that these may incur if required.

1.1.7 The student consents to be withdrawn from the current course upon admission to the new course.

2.  Eligibility Criteria

2.1    Students applying for a Course Transfer must ensure the following circumstances are met:

2.1.1  Be currently Admitted to an award course at the University;

2.1.2  Have no outstanding Sanctions in place that prevent enrolment of subjects;

2.1.3  International sponsored students must have permission from their sponsor to transfer courses;

2.1.4  At least one pass or fail result under the current course is recorded on the student’s Academic Record; and

2.1.5  Have met the Course and Subject Handbook Requirements for the new course.

3.  Excluded Courses

3.1    Domestic students wishing to transfer to a course listed in Clause 15.3 of the Admissions Procedure must apply through QTAC, not by completing the Course Transfer Application form.

3.2    International students wishing to transfer to a course listed in Clause 15.3 of the Admissions Procedure must apply via the 番茄社区 website, not by completing the Course Transfer Application form.

4.  Assessment and Approval

4.1 Students must complete the Variation to Study application form applicable for their campus, agree to the terms and conditions and submit it by the due date published in Important Dates.

4.2 Course Transfer Applications received after the due date for a Teaching Period will not be assessed until the next Teaching Period or Trimester for 番茄社区 Singapore and Brisbane applications.

4.3 Only one Course Transfer Application will be accepted per Teaching Period unless Extenuating Circumstances apply as determined on an individual basis by the Manager, Student Services (番茄社区 Australia) or Manager, Enrolments (番茄社区 Singapore).

4.4 Where an interim result is currently recorded which, once the final result is known, may trigger an Academic Status of Exclusion, the assessment will not commence until a final result has been awarded.

4.5 The Student Services team(s) will assess the Course Transfer Application to ensure the following:

4.5.1 The course or major is available to take new Offers;

4.5.2 The student has at least 3 credit points of Study Load under their current course;

4.5.3 There are no outstanding results which may trigger an Academic Status of Suspended or Excluded;

4.5.4 Applicable credit to be applied to their new course is identified;

4.5.5 The student has met the Course and Subject Handbook Requirements for the course the student is applying to transfer to

4.5.6 The student is academically suitable where the student's current course GPA is less than 4.0.

4.6 As a result of the assessment in clause 4.5:

4.6.1 the student may be contacted to discuss their application further; and

4.6.2 have their course transfer application rejected if some or all of the admission requirements are not met or the student is assessed under Clause 4.7 not to be academically suitable for the new course;

4.6.3 have the course transfer approved.

4.7 The Course Coordinator (番茄社区 Australia) or Academic Head (番茄社区 Singapore) will be required to approve a course transfer with consideration to the Academic Progression Policy and related procedures if the student has an Academic Status of Exclusion on their current course.

4.8 If a course transfer is approved, with the exception of Exclusion, a student’s commencing academic status for the new course will be the same as that under the current course. A student with a current academic status of Exclusion will have a commencing academic status of Conditional for the new course

4.9 A student will be notified of the outcome of the Course Transfer Application via their student email account, including any applicable academic status and conditions.

4.10 After the student is admitted into the course they are transferring to, the student will be withdrawn from their current course.

Related policy instruments

Academic Progression Policy

Admissions Policy

Admissions Procedure

Coursework Enrolment Policy

Coursework Enrolment Procedure

Credit Transfer Procedure

Defence Force, National Service and Elite Athlete Friendly University Procedure

Domestic Student Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure

International Tuition Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure

Outbound Mobility Procedure

Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy

Student Code of Conduct

Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Procedure

Student Appeals Policy

Complaint and Conduct Decisions Appeal Procedure




NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domain Student Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date




Minor amendments - removal of academic status of Suspension, as no longer used, and other minor administrative amendments.

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment
21-1 17/12/2021 20/12/2021 Amended to clarify requirements and reflect current practices Associate Director, Student Services




Procedure established to support the Coursework Enrolment Policy

Associate Director, Enrolment and Client Services


Change course;

Contact person Director, Student Services