
Policy Academic Governance Management of Data and Information in Research Procedure

Management of Data and Information in Research Procedure


The management of data and information in research is integral as it provides a clear route between data and conclusion, hence allows for the justification, verification and validation of the research outcome. This is further supported by the safe and secure storage of data and defined data sharing conditions which enables data to potentially be re-used for future research and minimises waste of resources of value to researchers and the wider community through the increased benefits of; research efficiency, research integrity, collaboration and innovation, engagement and impact, visibility and citation advantages in conjunction with meeting compliance and security requirements.

In compliance with the principles of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (Research Code), specifically Principles 2, 3 and 7 and Responsibilities 3-5, 8 and 22 and the Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research ProcedureAuthorship Procedure, Disclosure of Interest and Management of Conflicts of Interest Procedure, Publication and Dissemination of Research Procedure, Researcher Supervision Procedure and the Collaborative Research Procedure, this Procedure assists researchers to understand their responsibilities under the 番茄社区 Research Code as they relate specifically to the governance and management of research data and information throughout the Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle.

As such, the University has developed a data management platform, and requires all researchers to complete the following three (3) records:

  • Research Data Management Plan (RDMP)
  • Data Record
  • Data Publication

Note: was developed to comply with the .


This procedure applies to;

  • The data and information supporting all University research outputs such as theses and publications,
  • All 番茄社区 researchers: including HDR Candidates and adjuncts,
  • Undergraduate or postgraduate coursework students (including honours) with research data and information that directly underpins a publication (assessments not included) and
  • Research support administrative staff.

Exemption: Seek exemption through researchdata@jcu.edu.au if the research project:

  • generates no research data or research information, therefore resulting in the inability to complete some or all records in or
  • has a contractual limitation on completing a metadata record i.e. Data Publication in due to intellectual property, ownership or confidentiality or
  • approved ethics applications prior to 2021 may not support the completion of the Data Publication record.

Important note: replaced the Tropical Data Hub as of 2021. Most research projects that commenced prior to 2021 do not require a Research Data Management Plan, unless the project was NMHRC or ARC funded or is a HDR project with a confirmation of candidature date in 2021 onwards. For further clarification e-mail researchdata@jcu.edu.au.


Academic Research(er)

Refer to Research(er)


Is an honorary appointment made to a suitably qualified and experienced individual who has a close association with, and makes a significant voluntary contribution to, the academic, professional and/or clinical activities of the University.


Advisor is a role, that supervises the HDR candidate throughout the research project.  Each HDR candidate has a minimum of two (2) Advisors:

  • The Primary Advisor who takes the lead for the day to day supervision of the HDR candidate; and
  • The Secondary Advisor(s) who works with the Primary Advisor in supervising the HDR candidate.


A failure to meet the principles and responsibilities of 番茄社区’s Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy (Research Code).

Conditional Access

Is a condition(s) that has been assigned to permit access to research data and information.


Refer to Data Creator.

Custodianship Model

Is a model that articulates key roles and responsibilities for the management of research data and information throughout the lifecycle of the research asset – refer to Appendix 2 – Custodianship Model for Research Data and Information.


Refer to Research Data.

Data Collaborator

Data Collaborator is a role -refer to Appendix 2 – Custodianship Model for Research Data and Information. Due to current system limitations, internal and external data collaborators are dealt with in two ways:

  • For data collaborators internal to 番茄社区:  A collaborator is a 番茄社区 staff member or HDR candidate who has contributed to the research data in some way but is NOT a data creator.
  • For data collaborators external to 番茄社区:  A collaborator is   someone who has contributed to the research data in some way and may INCLUDE external data creators.

Data Creator

Data Creator is a custodianship role and a role – refer to Appendix 2 – Custodianship Model for Research Data and Information creators capture or create the data for the research project.

Due to current system limitations, internal and external data creators (including Other Data Creators) are dealt with in two ways:

  • For data creators internal to 番茄社区:  A data creator is any 番茄社区 staff member or   HDR candidate that has involvement in the creation of research data.
  • For data creators external to 番茄社区:  A data creator is referred to as a Collaborator.

Data Custodian

Data Custodian is a custodianship role,who has overall responsibility of the research asset throughout its lifecycle – refer to Appendix 2 – Custodianship Model for Research Data and Information.

Data Manager

Data Manager is a custodianship role and a role refer to Appendix 2 – Custodianship Model for Research Data and Information. The Data Manger provides advice and or supervision to the researcher(s) throughout the research project lifecycle and reviews (spot checks) the veracity of the research project’s data and information. The Data Manager post project is responsible for safeguarding the research assets from unauthorised access and misuse, archiving and disposal.

Note: Because responsibilities for data and information extend past the life of the research project (eg after the HDR candidate has graduated), the role of the Data Manager must be assumed by a 番茄社区 staff member.

As such, the Data Manager is either the:

  • Lead Investigator; or
  • For HDR projects ONLY: Primary   Advisor.

On departure (cease employment at 番茄社区) of a Lead Investigator or Primary Advisor from 番茄社区, the Data Manager role will transfer to the:

  • For Colleges - Associate Dean of the   Researcher (ADR’s) or appropriate delegate as determined by Data Custodian
  • For Institutes and Centres – Data Custodian   can delegate to appropriate Manager

Data Publication

Is a record in .  It is a public, metadata record of the data and information used in the research project.  It includes citations, DOIs, access conditions (open, conditional or restricted) and relevant licences - ensuring that data is attributed to the researcher and that it can be correctly cited and re-used.

Data Record

Is a record in . It is a non-public, metadata record of the research data and information used in the research project.  It includes data attachments or storage location details (as appropriate).  The data record should also include any supporting documentation necessary to understand or reproduce the research such as survey questions, codebooks and R scripts.


Is a collection of data (refer to Research Data).

During a project phase

Is the second phase of the Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle and includes Step 2: Manage, Step 3: Archive and Step 4: Publish. Refer to Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle.

HDR Candidate

Is a candidate (student) enrolled at 番茄社区 in a Doctor of Philosophy, Masters by Research, Master of Philosophy or Professional Doctorate by Research course.


Refer to Research Information



番茄社区 Staff Member

Is any person at 番茄社区 who is employed or under a contract of employment at 番茄社区.

Lead Investigator

Is a 番茄社区 staff member or HDR candidate who takes the lead role in conducting the research project.

Manager, Research Data Services

The Manger, Research Data Services provides strategic research data management and governance guidance to the research domain at 番茄社区.

Metadata record

Is a record that contains information about data. Specifically in this procedure metadata records are RDMP, Data Record, Data Publication and a TRIM record.

Open Access

Confirms that access to the research data and information is permitted to the public.

Other Data Creators

Refer to Data Creator

Post project phase

Is the third phase of the Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle and includes Step 5: Reuse, Step 6: Review and Step 7: Dispose. Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle.

Pre-project Phase

Is the first phase of the Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle and includes Step 1: Plan.  Refer to Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle.

Primary Advisor

Refer to Advisor

Primary Materials

Is print, digital or physical objects collected and/or used during scholarly activity and investigation from which research data may be obtained. It includes materials such as ore, biological material, questionnaires or recordings and also includes durable records derived from them (such as assays, test results, transcripts, and laboratory and field notes).  Primary material may be research data or information.

Record Administrator

Is the person logged into when an RDMP, Data Record or Data Publication is created.


The concept of research is broad and includes the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions and understandings. This could include synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it is new and creative.


Is a person who conducts research. Also Refer Data Creator for more information.

Research Asset

Is any research data and/or research information that supports the integrity of the research output (eg thesis, publication, etc.) and includes their supporting documents. For the purpose of this procedure, a research asset excludes any physical research infrastructure asset such as instruments.

Research Code

Is 番茄社区’s Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy (Research Code) adopted from the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

Research Data

Is any data that has been collected, generated or created (no authorship) during a research project.  It may be raw, cleaned, or processed (via machine), and may be held in any format or media.  May also be referred to as primary material.

Research Data 番茄社区

Is 番茄社区’s data management platform for research data and information and its metadata. includes the following three (3) metadata records:

  • Research Data Management Plan (RDMP);
  • Data Record; and
  • Data Publication.

Research Data 番茄社区 url is

Research Data and Information Management (RDIM) Website

RDIM Website contains comprehensive research data management advice and provides users direction on how to manage research data specifically at 番茄社区.

The RDIM website url is /rdim

Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle

Is a lifecycle model that a research assets progresses through. It has three phases (pre-project, during a project and post-project) that articulates seven (7) steps; Plan, Manage, Archive, Publish, Reuse, Review and Dispose – refer to Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle.

Research Data Management Plan (RDMP)

Is a record in . The RDMP establishes a link between the research project and the research data and information.  It is a non-public record that describes what data will be created, what policies apply to the data, who will own and have access to the data, what data management practices will be used, what facilities and equipment will be required and who will be responsible for each of these activities.  It is a living document that is added to and refined throughout the research project.

Research Information

Is research data that:

  • has been   organised and exposes relationships (ie authorship is applied to the data);
  • has been   processed in a way that makes it easier to measure, visualize and analysed   for a specific purpose; and
  • is sometimes   referred to as derived data or primary material.

Research Output

Communicates or makes available the findings of research that may be in hardcopy, electronic or other form. Examples of research outputs include journal articles, book chapters, books, conference papers, reports, datasets, patents and patent applications, performances, videos and exhibitions.

Research Project

A planned endeavor to undertake research (see definition). A research project must have research outputs.

Research Support Staff

Are typically administrative staff employed to support researchers at 番茄社区. Whilst they may not have direct responsibilities in this procedure they will assist researchers in their research projects and/or in processes that may have a direct impact on research data and information throughout its’ lifecycle.

Restricted Access

No access is permitted to the research data and information due to commercial requirements or agreements, privacy, confidentiality or other sensitivities.

Significant (data)

Is research data and information that is considered to be one or more of the following:

  • controversial;
  • of wide scientific or public interest;
  • involves  the use of new or innovative techniques;
  • has potential to cause adverse impacts on the environment, society or human   health;
  • subject of extensive debate; or
  • involves eminent researchers.

Sensitive Data

Research data and information to which obligations of confidentiality or other sensitivities may apply commonly fall into one of the following categories:

  • data or information that is commercial-in-confidence or that is inherently confidential and which   has been provided in confidence (e.g. secret and sacred religious or cultural practices, or information on the location of vulnerable species),
  • sensitive data or information subject to privacy legislation (e.g. identifiable human medical/ health   and personal data or information),
  • data or information subject to classification regimes and other controls (e.g.   national security information, police records or information and primary materials subject to export controls).

Supporting Documents

Is any documentation necessary to understand or reproduce the research such as survey questions, codebooks and R scripts. Supporting documents are research assets.


Is 番茄社区’s compliant electronic document and records management system used for the university’s corporate / administrative documents.


番茄社区 values research data and information (and their supporting documents) as strategic research asset(s) and recognises the importance of:

The University aims to ensure:

  • research data and information governance is regarded as a university-wide objective and input from stakeholders is incorporated from day one of the research project;
  • staff have a strong understanding of how research data and information governance can help them do their jobs more effectively and deliver real value for stakeholders;
  • data and information governance and management practices are considered by staff as an ethical imperative, rather than a compliance requirement;
  • responsibilities are defined and clarified across the University and at all stages throughout the lifecycle of the research asset;
  • responsibilities are appropriately matched with the responsible person’s skills, expertise and delegation level through the Custodianship Model;
  • staff understand the research data and information responsibilities associated with their role; and
  • research data and information arrangements clearly specify ownership and access conditions including whether responsibilities will be transferred to a third party.

番茄社区 has adopted the FAIR principles in the management of research data and information which supports the current movement towards open data and open research, primarily focuses on data that will facilitate increased data sharing where possible and appropriate.

Note: It is important to understand that not all data can (or should) adopt the FAIR principles research data and information that has contractual agreement, ethical or sensitive requirements / obligations must be managed and protected.


needs to be FINDABLE


needs to be ACCESSIBLE




needs to be REUSABLE


Researcher Responsibilities

The following procedural steps must be read in consultation with;

For further information and assistance

Researchers must:



Access Training


  • Access and undertake the management of   research data and information training provided by 番茄社区. It is recommended that training is undertaken once per year, this will include, but is not   limited to, training provided via:
    • RDIM Website under the Training tile,
    • Meetings, forums and any other organised team, unit or portfolio sessions,
    • For new HDR Candidates only; Learn 番茄社区 Management of Data and Information COMPUSORY MODULE to be   completed by Confirmation of Candidature and

Note: For Group training or one on one presentations are available to learn, refresh or update research data management knowledge. Training sessions can be customised to the researchers needs and duration (recommended training session is 1hr) either in person or via zoom. E-mail researchdata@jcu.edu.au to book.

Pre-project phase responsibilities


Note: for HDR Candidates an RDMP is required before Confirmation of Candidature.

Note: research honours students (that are required to complete an Ethics Application) must complete a RDMP.

  • Update the RDMP as the research project progresses.

Note: The RDMP is a “live” document and is required to be updated throughout the research project to reflect changes as the occur.

During a project phase responsibilities



  • Archive the research project’s data as per Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle:
    • Complete a Data Record in and either attach (if under 100MB) or list the storage location on the   completed research assets. For   data greater than 100MB or is SENSITIVE this will be stored in the   most appropriate and cost-effective 番茄社区 compliant storage solution, to organise e-mail researchdata@jcu.edu.au).


  • is only appropriate for archival of digital research assets. Whereas TRIM is appropriate for;
    • physical research assets and
    • research project “administrative” documentation (physical   or digital) records.
  • Research assets can be stored outside of   番茄社区 in other data repositories (for different reasons which may include agreements with 3rd parties such as university, journal, funder or discipline appropriate, however a Data Record in must be completed as this provides 番茄社区 a metadata record of the (external) location of the research asset(s).
  • Contractual obligations must be adhered to (i.e raw data deletion upon project completion).
  • Assign appropriate retention periods and disposal dates in the Data Record in accordance with:
    • The minimum requirements established in ;
    • relevant research   funding bodies; and
    • consideration of its:
      • uniqueness and non-replicability;
      • reliability, integrity and usability;
      • relevance to a known research initiative or collection;
      • community, cultural or historical value; and
      • economic benefit.
  • Ensure the Data Record in is completed prior to project completion.
  • Refer to the RDIM Website - Step 3: Archive for more information.


  • Publish the research project’s data as per Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle:
  • Complete a Data Publication in . Ensure appropriate access arrangements are assigned:
  • Open Access ie public access is permitted
  • Conditional Access ie access can only be approved in accordance with the specific requirements recorded in   .
  • Restricted Access ie no access is to be granted

Note: 番茄社区 strongly encourages that research assets are made available to the public where possible and appropriate (i.e de-identify sensitive data to enable data sharing and obtaining consent at the start of the research project, where applicable).

  • Assign appropriate licenses for the purpose of reuse by third parties (for open and conditional access only).
  • Ensure consideration and adherence of the following;
  • any agreements with specific data arrangements (i,e funder, 3rd party) and
  • ethics application and data terms as outlined in the signed consent documentation.
  • Ensure the Data Publication in is completed   prior to project completion.
  • Refer to the RDIM Website - Step 4: Publish for more information.

Institution Responsibilities

The following procedural steps must be read in consultation with;

For further information and assistance

Data Managers must:



Pre-project phase responsibilities


Note: for HDR Candidates an RDMP is required before Confirmation of Candidature.

Note: The RDMP is a “live” document and is required to be updated throughout the research project to reflect changes as the occur.

During a project phase responsibilities


  • Provide advice direction and support to the researcher to:
    • Manage the research project’s data as per Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle:
    • Review and monitor the cyclic phase of the research project to:
      • generate data,
      • organise data (determine the most appropriate and cost-effective 番茄社区 storage solution),
      • analyse data and
      • finalise data (identify research assets)
  • Refer to the RDIM Website - Step 2: Manage for more information.


  • Provide advice direction and support to the   researcher to:
    • Archive the research project’s data as per Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle:
    • Review and monitor the Data Record in to ensure appropriate consideration and application (including but not limited to);
      • Storage location (both physical and digital, internal or external to 番茄社区),
      • Retention schedules, and
      • adherence to specific agreements or ethical considerations.
    • Ensure the Data Record in is completed prior to project completion.
  • Refer to the RDIM Website - Step 3: Archive for more information.


  • Provide advice direction and support to the   researcher to:
    • Publish the research project’s data as per Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle:
    • Review and monitor the Data Publication in to ensure appropriate consideration and application   (including but not limited to);
      • assigning access conditions,
      • assigning appropriate license conditions,
      • de-identification of sensitive information and
      • adherence to specific agreements or ethical considerations.
    • Ensure the Data Publication in is completed   prior to project completion.

Post - project phase responsibilities


Note: For research asset(s) with assigned conditional access ONLY

  • Action Data Request (through ServiceNow from researchdata@jcu.edu.au) to:
    • Review Data Request,
    • Review associated records in (RDMP, Data Record and Data Publication) to determine research   asset(s) specific conditions for access and re-use, ensuring consideration and adherence of the following;
      • any agreements with specific data arrangements (i,e funder, 3rd party),
      • ethics application and data terms as outlined in the signed consent forms and
    • Determine if requestor meets the criteria for access and re-use and
    • Approve or reject Data Request.

Note: if the Data Request has been rejected the reasons for not granting access of the research asset(s) should be transparent and justifiable.

Note: It may be possible in the post project stage to skip steps i.e. open data or restricted data will not receive data requests and therefore this step is not applicable.



  • Dispose of the research project’s data as per Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle:;
    • Upon decision to dispose of research (data and information) asset(s) prepare the Disposal Authority form.
    • Submit Disposal Authority form to the Data Custodian and Deputy University Secretary to seek approval or rejection.

Note: Disposing of research (data and information) assets is in accordance with (番茄社区’s) Records Management Policy.

Data Custodians must:



Compliance and continuous improvement


Note: Refer to the RDIM Website - Step 6: Review for more information.

Note: Disposing of research (data and information) assets is in accordance with (番茄社区’s) Records Management Policy.

Note: Refer to the RDIM Website - Step 7: Dispose for more information.

The Manager, Research Data Services must:



Compliance and continuous improvement


  • Identify research projects that have a funding requirement for a RDMP to be developed – eg Australian Research Council   (ARC).
    • Liaise with Lead Investigator to advise an RDMP is required to be completed for each research project.
  • Continue to identify, develop and review opportunities for continuous improvement (i.e processes, system enhancements, legislation and policy requirements, strategic alignment and funder needs);
  • Chair and work with the Research Data Management Working Group to undertake stakeholder engagement and develop robust   data management and governance processes.
  • Liaise with Data Custodians and Data Managers through all lifecycle stages to provide reporting on data quality and   completion accuracy of all records in and/or storage requirements, where appropriate.
  • Ensure systemic issues are identified and reported through to the Research Committee and the Digital Advisory Committee.
  • Work with Data Custodians to implement strategies to reduce and/or rectify systemic issues.
  • Liaise with the Data Managers and Data Custodians throughout the post project stages to ensure compliance with   established sub-processes.
  • Ensure above processes/documentation is accurately captured and recorded (retain for evidence).
  • Liaise with appropriate departments (i.e team or staff to further streamline research data and information requirements and to provide researchers advice where required (i.e. e-Research and Technical Solutions Directorate to   determine the most appropriate and cost-effective storage solution options and technology evolves).
  • Continue to create and update training materials and education that promotes and supports responsible research   conduct and present training to inform of new process development, compliance requirements and increase general research asset knowledge.

Breaches of the Research Code

Breaches of the Research Code that relate to the management of research data and information will be managed in accordance with 番茄社区’s procedure, Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Procedure.  Breaches may include, but are not limited to:

  • falsification of research data and information;
  • fabrication of research data and information;
  • failure to notify 番茄社区 in a timely manner of a data breach or instance of inappropriate access to data held by the researcher;
  • failure to retain clear, accurate, secure and complete records of all research including research data and information;
  • failure to adhere to the conditions of any 番茄社区 policy or project-specific approvals that relate to the retention, sharing or destruction of research data and information;
  • selective retention of research data or primary materials so as to hinder the verifiability of a research output or access request;
  • failure to apply appropriate security controls to research data and information; and
  • failure to obtain necessary approvals or acting inconsistently with a condition of any approval granted in relation to the management of research data and information.

Related policy instruments

Authorship Procedure

Intellectual Property Policy and Procedure

Collaborative Research Procedure

(番茄社区’s) Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research Policy (Research Code)

Managing and Investigating Potential Breaches of the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

Publication and Dissemination of Research Procedure

Disposal Authority Form


Appendix 1 – Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle

Appendix 2 – Custodianship Model for Research Data and Information

Appendix 3 – 番茄社区’s Research Data and Information Storage and Collaboration Options


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domain Research Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Minor changes made to title names in the Research (Data and Information) Asset Lifecycle. These changes reflected in the body/content of the procedure. Added in Appendix 3  – 番茄社区’s Research Data and Information Storage and Collaboration Options. Minor changes made to the scope, definitions and introduction to align and streamline language for consistency and clarity. Research data management resource changed from a Libguide to a Website.  No major change to content, processes or requirements.

Manager, Research Data Services




Procedure established to implement requirements from the 番茄社区 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (Research Code)

Manager, Research Data Services


Research, data, information

Contact person

Manager, Research Data Services