
Policy Academic Governance HDR Progress Reporting Procedure

HDR Progress Reporting Procedure


This procedure has been established to detail the process by which a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Award of 番茄社区 must undertake regular Progress Reporting, the aim of which is to identify and address as far as possible any impediments to progress; and to comply with the external regulatory reporting requirements for international HDR candidates.

This procedure addresses HESF Standards 1.3: Orientation and Progression, and 4.2: Research Training.


This procedure applies to HDR candidates at 番茄社区 and their Advisors, as well as to other University staff required to carry out the procedure.


Terms mentioned in this document and not defined here are defined in the Policy Glossary in the Learning and Teaching domain of the University Policy Library, and in the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Requirements.


1. A report on the HDR candidate’s progress must be submitted to the Graduate Research School (GRS) using the HDR Progress Report Form every six (6) months, except if one of the major milestones (Confirmation of Candidature, Mid-Candidature Review or Pre-Completion Evaluation) has been completed successfully in the previous six months, or the thesis has been submitted for examination.

2. The GRS will advise the HDR candidate and their Advisory Panel of the due date for submitting the upcoming Progress Report at least twenty (20) working days before it is due to be submitted.

3. The HDR Progress Report Form should be completed by the candidate followed by the members of their Advisory Panel. It is expected that the HDR candidate and their Advisory Panel will provide an accurate and frank account of their progress, in order to facilitate the identification and timely resolution of any problems.

4. The HDR candidate must have read the Explanatory Statement if there is one, and any Advisor comments before signing the report.

5. The completed HDR Progress Report Form must be forwarded to the College HDR Academic Services Officer who will arrange Associate Director Research Education review and forward to the GRS with all the required signatures.

6. The GRS will communicate any course of action required to address progress issues to the candidate, Advisory Panel and College Dean.

7. A HDR candidate who wishes to appeal the outcome of their Progress Report may do as per the Student Review and Appeal Policy and Procedures.

8. Where a HDR candidate fails to submit their HDR Progress Report Form, the outcome for that report will be recorded as ‘Review of Progress Required’, unless an alternative outcome is approved in writing by the Dean, Graduate Research.

9. A candidate who fails to submit two successive reports or who receives two successive ‘Conceded Satisfactory’ outcomes will be subject to the HDR Under Review Procedure.

10. The Dean, Graduate Research or the Research Education Advisory Committee may at any time require a HDR candidate to submit a progress report, provide material and undertake activities in order to evaluate their progress.

11. The HDR candidate and Advisory Panel may submit an additional confidential report at any time to provide additional confidential information in relation to the HDR candidate and their progress.

Related policy instruments

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Requirements.

HDR Progress Report Form

Student Review and Appeal Policy and Procedures.

HDR Under Review Procedure

HDR Progress Support Procedure




NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Research Education

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date





Procedure established.

Manager, Graduate Research School



Contact person

Dean, Graduate Research