
Policy Academic Governance Charter of Responsibilities for Academic Quality and Governance

Charter of Responsibilities for Academic Quality and Governance


Responsibilities for Academic Quality and Governance





Individual Roles and Responsibility

Vice Chancellor*


Chair of Academic Board*

Pro Vice Chancellor, Indigenous Australian Education and Strategy*

Division of Research and Innovation

Head of Research and Innovation Division (currently undertaken by the Provost*)

Dean Graduate Research*

Dean Research (Infrastructure)

Director, Research Services

Education Division

Deputy Vice Chancellor – Students*

Dean, Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement*

Director, Student Services*.

Director Admissions Academic Services and Progressions (AASP) (Singapore)

Associate Director, Student Systems and Business Services*

Head, Indigenous Student Services

Manager, Admissions and Curriculum Information*

Manager, Enrolment* (Singapore)

Manager, Examinations* (Singapore)

Team Leader, Curriculum Information

Curriculum Information Advisor

Associate Director, Student Enrolment and Client Services*

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment*

Senior Academy Liaison Coordinator*

Academy Liaison Coordinator*

Enrolment Advisors

Enrolment Officers

Manager, Student Finance and Examinations*

Scholarships and Loans Advisor

The Academy

Deputy Vice Chancellor - Academy Division*

Deputy Vice Chancellor Singapore and Head of Campus * (DVC Singapore)

Director, Research Development

Director, Academic Quality and Strategy*

Curriculum Management Officers

Transnational Program Liaison Officer

The College

College Dean*

Campus Dean (Singapore)

Campus Director (番茄社区B)

Associate Dean, Learning & Teaching

Associate Dean, Research

Associate Dean of Research Education

Academic Head*

Academic Head* (番茄社区 Singapore)

Course Coordinator*

Academic Advisors*

First Year Experience Coordinators

Subject Coordinator

Student Placements Officer

Academic/Clinical Staff


Academic Board*

Education Committee*

Research Committee*

Research Education Sub-Committee

Division Board of Studies*

Assessment Committee

Review Panel (Suitability)

Academic Misconduct Committee*

Student Discipline Committee

University Appeals Committee*

Intellectual Property Appeals Committee*

Related documents, legislation or 番茄社区 Statutes

Approval Details

Modification History

Responsibilities for Academic Quality and Governance


This document is intended to recognise a number of roles undertaken throughout the University at each of its Campuses in relation to academic quality and governance. These roles focus upon the areas of research, learning and teaching activities, course and curriculum development and the student experience. This document provides an overview of the roles and their responsibilities.

The University also acknowledges the shared responsibilities for research, learning and teaching activities and the student experience which reside in other roles and officers of the University and the need for collaboration among all constituents for shared governance responsibilities.


All staff of 番茄社区 including 番茄社区B, 番茄社区P and 番茄社区S. This document is designed to guide in identifying roles and responsibilities to assist with quality assurance and governance.

This document is not designed or intended to be used for performance management. This document is not intended to vary or alter the terms of any University policies or procedures (including any Human Resources policies and procedures), any Enterprise Agreements or any employment contracts or position descriptions.


See Glossary


Specific roles and responsibilities related to research, learning and teaching, courses and curriculum development, course quality assurance, evaluation of courses, subjects, teaching and student experience have been developed to provide an overview of the 番茄社区 system for ensuring academic quality and governance within the frame work of the TEQSA Higher Education Threshold Standards (2015).

Those positions or committees that hold Council approved delegations will be identified with*. It is expected that staff and committees will exercise academic delegations for which they are responsible (as necessary) and comply with all policies and procedures in the areas of Academic Governance.

It is acknowledged that there may be a limited number of approved equivalent positions within Division or Colleges with variations of position titles or minor differences within roles. These may be periodically updated.

Individual Roles and Responsibility

Vice Chancellor*


The Vice Chancellor of the University, is the equivalent of the Chief Executive Officer of a substantial company. She/he provides strategic leadership, advises the University Council on all policy issues and represents the University in a range of national and international forums.


Working closely with the University Council, University Executive, Academic Board and the Senior Management Group the Vice Chancellor will, inter alia, provide leadership and exercise the ultimate authority for academic and administrative matters for the University from a management perspective



The Provost is a member of the University’s Executive and is the standing deputy to the Vice Chancellor, with responsibility for providing leadership and strategic direction to the Academy. The incumbent will hold and undertake the responsibilities for a divisional portfolio as part of the Provost role and this would normally be related to either teaching and learning or research.


Within this portfolio the Provost will:

  1. Provide senior leadership and authority for academic and administrative matters for the University by participating with other members of the Executive Group in planning and decision making and by providing specialist advice and support to the Vice Chancellor.
  2. Assist in establishing and maintaining good relations with key personnel in other universities, in government agencies and business and by negotiating agreements with external bodies.
  3. Have line management responsibility for the two academic divisions in which the six colleges are situated.
  4. Oversee the institution-wide strategy to advance Indigenous participation, engagement, education and research

Chair of Academic Board*


The Chair of the Academic Board is responsible for managing the functions and business of the Academic Board and is the point of contact between the academic community, the Council and the senior management of the University.


In relation to academic quality, the Academic Board, under the direction of the Chair, assumes overall responsibility for effective academic governance within the University to:

  1. Provide a lead role in academic governance and uphold the functions and roles of Academic Board in accordance with the Charter;
  2. Lead in the development, maintain oversight of the review and, monitor the impact of academic delegations, integrated academic policies and procedures in the areas such as student performance, learning and teaching and research;
  3. Monitor and protect the academic integrity of the student experience by ensuring that policies, procedures and processes are current and adequate;
  4. Contribute to the development and review of the University Plan’s academic components;
  5. Monitor effectiveness and identify academic skills and mentoring gaps in academic staff professional development strategies (including academic promotions);
  6. Oversee staff and student academic integrity (academic misconduct, appeals and complaints);
  7. Maintain academic quality assurance oversight of the University’s academic operation improvements and proposed educational innovations by the critical evaluation of proposal’s quality and effectiveness;
  8. Ensure the quality of each course of study leading to a higher education award:
  9. Maintain oversight of academic and research integrity, including the monitoring of potential risks;
  10. Monitor and initiate action to improve performance against institutional benchmarks for academic quality and outcomes;
  11. Evaluate the effectiveness of institutional monitoring, review and improvement of academic activities;
  12. Review the Academic Boards operations and effectiveness (cyclical external reviews).
  13. Assure compliance of all courses to relevant regulatory frameworks and  adhere to the Higher Education Threshold Standards  (section 5) by critically scrutinising, approving and accrediting courses of study and their associated qualifications;
  14. Ensure research activities adhere to the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research
  15. Prepare and maintain the Charter of Responsibilities for Academic Governance (annual review)

Pro Vice Chancellor, Indigenous Australian Education and Strategy*


The Pro Vice Chancellor, Indigenous Australian Education and Strategy is responsible to the Provost for the strategic leadership, vision, management, and performance of the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Centre. The PVC will provide strategic, policy and planning leadership on Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander matters to the University community.


The Pro Vice Chancellor, Indigenous Australian Education and Strategy will:

  1. Lead an institution-wide strategy to advance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educational outcomes, in areas of engagement, education and research.
  2. Develop, implement, promote and evaluate strategies aimed at improving access, participation and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
  3. Provide leadership in the development of curriculum to support the embedding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives across the University’s programs.
  4. Lead an institutional research strategy relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in partnership with Academic Divisions and research institutes and centres.
  5. Co-ordinate the University’s engagement with Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  6. Monitor and report on the Centres performance against its objectives and KPIs.

Division of Research and Innovation

Head of Research and Innovation Division (currently undertaken by the Provost*)


The Head of Research and Innovation Division is responsible and accountable for quality assurance, quality improvement and compliance with relevant higher education standards in the specific areas of research, research training and innovation


Within this portfolio the Head of Research and Innovation Division will:

  1. Develop and deliver the University’s research strategy
  2. Provide oversight of research policy and planning, research support, research ethics, the management of research candidature and scholarships
  3. Chair the Research Committee
  4. Collaborate with Academic Board, to foster and promote innovation and best practice in the Research.
  5. Comply with the relevant aspects of the TEQSA Act, and associated Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research in collaboration with internal stakeholders.
  6. Facilitate a high quality experience for research students through the delivery of innovative research training, client focused services and facilities that support and promote student equity, retention, transition and success.

Dean Graduate Research*


To provide high level strategy and management of the Graduate Research School ensuring effective research training is provided across the University


In conjunction with the other Deputy Vice Chancellors, the Colleges and Associate Deans of Research Education the Dean of the Graduate Research will:

  1. Lead strategic approaches to achieve excellence in research training
  2. Monitor academic quality and integrity in research training
  3. Oversee HDR curriculum development and  review within the University
  4. Provide training and advice to Associate Deans of Research Education and supervisors in HDR matters
  5. Establish and implement appropriate procedures and guidelines for monitoring HDR candidate progress
  6. Lead in the provision of academic scholarships and awards for HDR candidates
  7. Approve admissions, completions and variations of candidature
  8. Chair the Research Education Sub Committee
  9. Manage and advise on academic misconduct and supervision issues for HDR programs

Dean Research (Infrastructure)


The Dean, Research will provide effective leadership, management, mentoring and professional development, (including performance review) in respect of 番茄社区 research facilities, and optimise the use of available resources.


In association with the broader requirements of the position the key academic responsibilities include:

  1. Enhancing the research culture of 番茄社区.
  2. Contributing to the development of academic staff, including the provision of advice in maximising funding for research.
  3. To direct and prioritise the review, development and implementation of policies and processes that will enhance the University's research performance.
  4. Monitoring changes in policy and practices affecting research at the national and international levels.
  5. Contributing to the effective and efficient strategic planning, leadership, management and operation of the research infrastructure administered by the Division of Research and Innovation.
  6. Ensuring the achievement of organisational objectives and programs, including oversight of the budget, and ensuring recommendations, advice and guidance lead to continuous improvement.
  7. Establishing, maintaining and promoting collaborative working relationships with a broad range of stakeholders across the University community, 番茄社区’s collaborating institutions and externally.

Director, Research Services


The Director, Research Services will develop and promote a service-oriented culture within the Directorate, and ensure the provision of high quality administrative and information services to both internal and external clients of the University, on research-related matters.


In association with the broader requirements of the position the key academic responsibilities include:

  1. Research strategic planning and policy development.
  2. Drafting or contributing to University submissions to sector consultations.
  3. Managing the strategically optimal compilation of responses to major government research data collection exercises such as Excellence in Research for Australia.
  4. Evaluating and negotiating terms in respect of major research joint ventures and collaborations and research commercialisation ventures.
  5. Fostering industry partner relationships.
  6. Serving as the University’s expert on intellectual property and research policies.
  7. Reviewing and evaluating grant applications and research proposals, providing advice and workshops on grantsmanship.

Education Division

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Students)*


The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) has responsibility for the overall strategy in relation to education, academic quality in learning and teaching, student services (including student business services), equity, careers and library and information services.


Provide strategic direction and leadership to the Education Division and be accountable for:

  1. Achievement of core operational goals and the Division’s performance against its objectives and KPIs.
  2. Formulating appropriate plans and policy.
  3. Collaboration with Academic Board, to foster and promote innovation and best practice in Learning and Teaching.
  4. Process of compliance with the relevant aspects of the TEQSA Act, and associated Threshold Standards, in Learning and Teaching across the Education Division in collaboration with internal stakeholders.
  5. Facilitation of a high quality student experience through the delivery of innovative, client focused services and facilities that support and promote student equity, retention, transition and success.
  6. Support and enhancement of learning and teaching priorities supported by best practice policies, processes and operations.
  7. Significant and innovative service delivery, organisational improvement, and business process review and technological change.
  8. Chairing of Education Committee.

Dean, Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement*


To provide leadership and strategic direction for the advancement of learning, teaching, student engagement and equity to ensure the effective development of a coherent and forward-thinking approach to the advancement of learning and teaching and student outreach, support and advising across the University, which meets the needs of the Colleges, encourages innovation, and reflects the University’s Strategic Plan for Learning and Teaching.


With the support of the Deputy Vice Chancellor-Students:

  1. Contribute to the achievement of the University Plan goals and objectives for learning and teaching, student equity, and engagement through the provision of a strategic framework, supported by best practice policies.
  2. Provide leadership and strategic direction to key decision-making bodies such as Education Committee, Academic Board.
  3. Ensure appropriate academic staff induction (including sessional staff) to learning and teaching across all campuses.
  4. Facilitate academic staff development in learning and teaching in collaboration with Colleges and Campuses.
  5. Provide leadership in the scholarship of learning and teaching.
  6. Coordinate Learning and Teaching Grants and Award applications within 番茄社区.
  7. In collaboration with QPA coordinate and enhance university-wide measures to gather student feedback on learning and teaching quality.
  8. Support Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching and Academic Heads to enhance the quality of teaching of individual academic staff.
  9. Coordinate and promote learning skills support for students, including English language support and development.

Director, Student Services*


The Director, Student Services is accountable for the strategic leadership, vision, management and operational performance of the Student Services Directorate and ensuring that the objectives and activities of the Directorate are integrated and aligned with the strategic priorities of the Education Division and the University Plan.

The Student Services portfolio is responsible for a large component of the student experience at 番茄社区 and the Director is a significant contributor to establishing and leading the University’s strategic direction in relation to the student experience, retention and transition.


The Director, Student Services will:

  1. Provide leadership and strategic direction to the University in the area of student services, including the provision of strategic policy and operational advice to senior management and key decision-making bodies such as Academic Board, Student Fees and Charges Committee, Divisional Boards of Study, Education Committee, and the Vice-Chancellor’s Advisory Committee.
  2. Be accountable for the effective and efficient leadership, management and operation of the services and functions of Student Services and the achievement of significant organisational objectives and programs including oversight of the Directorate’s budget and policy development.
  3. Contribute high-level input to the University’s response to legislative and/or regulatory change and ensure compliance with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.
  4. Oversee the evaluation, implementation and development of complex information and communication systems, including, for example, the Student Management System, the curriculum management system and the maintenance of accurate and accessible student records.
  5. Make a significant contribution to establishing and progressing the University’s strategic direction in relation to the student experience, retention and transition, through the activities of groups such as the Student Experience Advisory Group and the Retention Strategy Working Group.
  6. Establish, maintain, foster and promote collaborative working relationships with a broad range of stakeholders across the University community and externally. Collaborate closely with 番茄社区 Brisbane and Singapore to ensure consistency in the nature and quality of student services and the student experience across all teaching locations. Collaborate closely with the Quality, Planning and Analytics Directorate regarding the provision to the University community of timely and accessible data and reports.
  7. Establish and maintain collaborative working relationships with relevant stakeholders, particularly in regard to international student admissions and legislative requirements.
  8. Have oversight of the University’s good practice response to student conduct matters, student complaints and appeals, including ensuring the University is adhering to the principles of natural justice. Ensure that appropriate professional standards and legal requirements are met in the delivery of student and academic services, and implement measures to support and ensure compliance across the University.
  9. Maintain oversight and delivery of the enrolments, fees, admissions, scholarships, examinations and progressions processes within the University for all students, including articulations, credit and recognition of prior learning.
  10. Participate in the strategic planning processes of the Education Division and the University, and undertake specific corporate level programs and projects as required.
  11. Utilise technical knowledge, interpersonal skills and creativity and operate with autonomy, exercising responsibility to make decisions and resolve a diversity of complex issues, which arise, or are delegated from the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Students.

Director, Admissions, Academic Services and Progressions (AASP) (Singapore)


The Director, AASP is accountable for the strategic leadership, vision, management and operational performance of the Admissions, Academic Services and Progressions department at 番茄社区 Singapore and ensuring that the objectives and activities of the Department are integrated and aligned with the academic procedure and process between 番茄社区 Singapore and 番茄社区 Australia

The Academic Services portfolio is responsible for a large component of the student experience at 番茄社区 Singapore and the Director is a significant contributor to establishing and leading the University’s strategic direction in relation to the student experience, retention and transition.


The Director, AASP will:

  1. Lead and ensure accuracy and validity of all courses and subjects offered in 番茄社区 Singapore as in Course and Subjects database of the University (CSDB) is CPE compliant. Provide Leadership in  achieving annual student enrolments by carrying out various decision making  in accordance to delegation manual for 番茄社区 Singapore and thus ensuring  that all admissions, immigration processes for new and continuing students  and Enrolment processes  of all students  meet the university’s entry and service requirements  and with a strong emphasis in reference to  Edu trust Star accreditation
  2. Be accountable for the effective and efficient leadership, management and operation of the services and functions of AASP and the achievement of significant organisational objectives and programs.
  3. Contribute high-level input to the University’s response to legislative and/or regulatory change and ensure compliance with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements.
  4. Oversee the evaluation, implementation and development of complex information and communication systems, including, for example, the Student Management System and the maintenance of accurate and accessible student records.
  5. Make a significant contribution to establishing and progressing the University’s strategic direction in relation to the student experience, retention and transition, through the activities of groups such as the Student Experience Advisory Group and the Retention Strategy Working Group.
  6. Establish, maintain, foster and promote collaborative working relationships with a broad range of stakeholders across the University community and externally. Collaborate closely with 番茄社区 Australia to ensure consistency in the nature and quality of student services and the student experience across all teaching locations.
  7. To Lead student admissions in 番茄社区 Singapore and maintain collaborative working relationships with relevant stakeholders, particularly in regard to international student admissions and legislative requirements.
  8. Have oversight of the University’s good practice response to student conduct matters, student complaints and appeals, including ensuring the University is adhering to the principles of natural justice. Ensure that appropriate professional standards and legal requirements are met in the delivery of student and academic services, and implement measures to support and ensure compliance across the University.
  9. Maintain oversight and delivery of the enrolments, admissions, examinations and progressions processes within the University for all students, including articulations, credit and recognition of prior learning.
  10. Participate in the 番茄社区 Singapore campus’s various committees’ strategic meeting and processes and undertake specific corporate level programs and projects as required.
  11. Utilise technical knowledge, interpersonal skills and creativity and operate with autonomy, exercising responsibility to make decisions and resolve a diversity of complex issues, which arise, or are delegated from the delegation register of the University.

Associate Director, Student Systems and Business Services*


The Associate Director, Student Systems and Business Services leads the strategic development and initiatives in support of the University’s Student Systems, Student Finance and Examinations, and Admissions and Curriculum Information Units. The incumbent will have responsibility for providing strategic leadership and oversight of all student systems and associated interfaces, including major system upgrades and other complex projects of strategic significance. The incumbent will also provide leadership and oversight of the services and functions related to the operations of Student Finance and Student Financial Support (coursework scholarships and loans) and Examinations. The position will also be responsible for the strategic oversight of admissions (domestic and international) and curriculum information related matters.


The Associate Director, Student Systems and Business Services will:

  1. Lead and manage the development and delivery of strategic, state-of-the-art student systems and business processes, including research, conceptualisation and implementation of new and innovative systems projects, and setting priorities for the Student Systems and Business Services Team.
  2. Provide effective strategic leadership, and decision making to the Student Finance, Scholarships, Examinations and Compliance Teams.
  3. Provide effective leadership, planning and decision making within the Admissions and Curriculum Information team.
  4. Provide high quality, strategic, policy and operational advice to the Director, Student Services and senior management regarding all student systems and associated interfaces and business operations.
  5. Liaise with the Information and Communications Technology Directorate to ensure all major student systems and associated interfaces are efficient and effective.
  6. Manage Student Services policy development and continuous improvement benchmarking against best practice, in contemporary student systems within and external to the Higher Education Sector including identifying cutting-edge technology improvements.
  7. Provide effective leadership, management and decision making of all Student Systems and Business Services teams, including performance reviews to ensure a culture of high performance, customer service, teamwork and innovation.
  8. Lead and manage special projects and initiatives for the Directorate as required including developing project plans, communication plans, oversight of budgets and business cases as required.

Head, Indigenous Student Services


The Head, Indigenous Student Services, manages and effectively delivers a suite of programs, activities and services, designed to achieve the Centre’s goals for improving Indigenous student access, progress and completion of degrees at rates comparable to other domestic students. The incumbent oversees all operations and decision-making within the Indigenous Student Services team and has major administrative responsibilities in relation to budgets, annual reporting and review processes, and compliance with all relevant government and 番茄社区 policy, legislative, and regulation requirements associated with student support services’ activities.

The Head, Indigenous Student Services is a member of the Centre’s Leadership Team and contributes to the Centre’s vision and strategic and operational planning processes. The incumbent works within a complex intersection of Indigenous, higher education, government, and 番茄社区 policy, program, and funding contexts, and is required to understand the broad and often changing implications of these at the national and regional levels.


The Head, Indigenous Student Services will:

  1. Lead and manage the development and overall operational delivery of the Indigenous Student Services strategy and functions including implementation of a well-coordinated suite of programs, activities and services for Indigenous students.
  2. Lead and manage the Indigenous Education and Research Centre’s academic administration team in the provision of high quality, timely and appropriate advice to students regarding the Indigenous Education and Research Centre’s subjects and courses, academic progression, student conduct matters and student enquiries, ensuring compliance with legislation, policy and approved delegations.
  3. Provide high quality, strategic, policy and operational advice to the Pro Vice Chancellor, Indigenous Education and Strategy and senior management across the University regarding all Indigenous student facing support services. Utilise technical knowledge, interpersonal skills and creativity and operate with autonomy, exercising responsibility to make decisions and resolve a diversity of complex issues, which arise, or are authorised from the Pro Vice Chancellor, Indigenous Education and Strategy.
  4. Contribute to the University’s response to legislative and/or regulatory changes in relation to Indigenous students and ensure compliance with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements. Ensure that appropriate professional standards and legal requirements are met in the delivery of student and academic services to Indigenous students, and implement measures to support and ensure compliance across the University.
  5. Establish, maintain, foster and promote collaborative working relationships with a broad range of stakeholders across the University community and externally. Ensure consistency in the nature and quality of Indigenous student services and the student experience across all teaching locations.
  6. Manage the University’s relationship with the National Indigenous Australians Agency and the Indigenous Student Success Program, preparing and providing annual acquittals and data as required.
  7. Collaborate effectively with academic and other administrative units on a broad range of issues to ensure Indigenous student administrative functions are carried out accurately, efficiently and effectively.
  8. Manage Indigenous Student Services policy development and ensure the continuous improvement of unit systems and processes, benchmarking against best practice, in contemporary Indigenous student services.
  9. Oversee the development, management and implementation of the Indigenous Education and Research Centre’s Student Recruitment and Marketing including the design and delivery of pre-entry and pathway programs for Indigenous students.

Manager, Admissions and Curriculum Information*


The Manager, Admissions and Curriculum Information provides high level strategic advice to the Executive, senior managers and academic committees on admissions (domestic and international) and curriculum information related matters and initiatives, emerging issues and opportunities.  This role also contributes to University-wide projects, policy development and review, and ensures compliance with legislation and University policies which support the goals, objectives and directions of 番茄社区’s (番茄社区) Strategic Plan.


The Manager, Admissions and Curriculum Information will:

  1. provide effective leadership, management, planning and decision making within the Admissions and Curriculum Information team.
  2. Provide high quality, strategic, policy and operational advice to the senior management regarding admissions and curriculum information management related matters.
  3. Prepare reports, policy documents and proposals for consideration by the respective Committees and/or by Divisions, as well as contributing to the strategic direction and workforce planning of the directorate on recruitment, curriculum matters, policies, admission trends and future directions by operating as an effective member of the Student Services leadership team.
  4. Manage the University’s relationship with the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) with regards to admissions and external publications; and with Hobsons Australia with regards to external publications.
  5. Plan, develop and review key performance indicators and service standards that reflect the priorities of the University and monitor and report on performance against these standards.
  6. Undertake policy review and development; and be responsible for major changes that may impact on other areas of the University’s operations including providing critical input into the development of new systems and the introduction of new technologies and processes to support the delivery of admissions and curriculum information management.
  7. Identify, research, conceptualise and pursue opportunities for continuous improvement of policies, procedures and services and integration of internal and external requirements that relate to the responsibilities of the section in the context of rapidly evolving institutional and/or government requirements and new systems and technologies.
  8. Establish and maintain high level and collaborative working relationships with a diverse range of internal and external stakeholders to achieve objectives; and maintain networks with senior staff in other Australian universities to keep abreast of best practices in admissions and curriculum information management.

Manager, Enrolment* (Singapore)


The Manager, Enrolment provides strategic and operational leadership and manages the enrolment team to support the Academic Divisions, and to provide academic services relating to enrolment, academic progression and student administration.   The incumbent leads administrative and academic progression processes and decision making in accordance with policy and the 番茄社区 council approved delegations.


The Manager, Enrolment will:

  1. Lead and manage high quality student focused administrative and enrolment services.
  2. Lead and manage the academic administration and enrolment team in the provision of high quality, timely and appropriate advice to students directly and via other student facing work units regarding courses and subjects, mobility, academic progression, student conduct matters, student enquiries and concerns, ensuring compliance with legislation, policy and approved delegations.
  3. Provide effective leadership, management and decision making within the student Administration and Enrolment Team.
  4. Actively engage in the consultation and review of curriculum information made available across university systems and student facing resources.
  5. Lead and manage information sharing initiatives and collaborative activities to enable the Student Administration and Enrolment Team and the AASP department to provide excellent services with key stakeholders both within the university and the sector.
  6. Proactively build and maintain working relationships with managerial level stakeholders at 番茄社区 partner campuses (番茄社区A, 番茄社区B) and oversee integrated operational planning and the development and review of best practice processes for cross campus functions, ensuring compliance with policy and legislation.

Manager, Examinations* (Singapore)


The Manager, Examinations provides effective and efficient leadership, management and operation of the services and functions related to the operations of Examinations and Progressions. The incumbent offers expert advice and support to the AASP.

The Manager, Examinations develops, recommends and monitors appropriate University policy and procedures to ensure legislative compliance associated with enrolment, examinations, academic progression, support within the 番茄社区 Singapore and 番茄社区 Australia policies and procedures.


The Manager, Examinations

  1. Provide effective leadership, management and decision making to the Examinations Team to ensure a culture of high performance, customer service, innovation and teamwork across the AASP department.
  2. Actively develop and implement support related and examination policies.
  3. Identify and pursue opportunities for continuous improvement of policies, procedures, services and software solutions that relate to the responsibilities of the Examinations Unit.

Team Leader, Curriculum Information


The Team Leader, Curriculum Information, coordinates the management of the academic calendar and curriculum data in the University’s information systems, the team’s involvement in curriculum approval processes, the activities around opening courses for admission and subjects for enrolment, and the production of the online Course and Subject Handbook. The incumbent plays a key role in system analysis, investigation and impact assessment of proposed changes to systems.

The Team Leader, Curriculum Information develops systems to manage quality and integrity of the curriculum data and creates and maintains the curriculum architecture within the Student Management System, providing high level advice and support within the curriculum information team.


The Team Leader Curriculum Information will:

  1. Manage and coordinate the day-to-day operations of the Curriculum Information team.
  2. Provide effective leadership, management and decision making within the Curriculum Information team.
  3. Act as the University's expert and operational manager for curriculum data within the Student Management System (SMS) providing high level administrative support and advice to key stakeholders. Create and maintain the curriculum architecture within the SMS.
  4. Establish and maintain collaborative working relationships with the Divisional Directors, Academic Quality and Strategy, the Divisional Curriculum Management Officers, and the College Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching, to ensure appropriate process analysis and continuous improvement in 番茄社区’s approach to curriculum change.  Provide expert advice on, and quality assure material submitted via the curriculum approval processes, and participate in committees or working parties as required.
  5. Manage the production of the University’s Academic Calendar and the online Handbook each year, ensuring the development, implementation, and continuous improvement of processes, and the quality, integrity and compliance of published information.

Curriculum Information Advisor


The Curriculum Information Advisor provides expert advice and support to staff involved in the curriculum approval process and ensures data is valid, policy-compliant, configurable, accurate and consistent across ICT systems. The incumbent is required to negotiate with staff across the University to resolve curriculum and academic calendar data and system configuration issues and to review curriculum publications and ensure they are of a professional standard.


The Curriculum Information Advisor will:

  1. Provide expert advice and support, and provide training to academic support staff responsible for amending curriculum information in relevant information systems.
  2. Assess and endorse changes to curriculum data, in accordance with University curriculum approval policies and procedures, ensuring data is valid, configurable and compliant.
  3. Maintain study package version control and course structures within the Student Management System according to the architecture set by the Team Leader, referring complex issues to the Team Leader for direction.
  4. Determine field of education (FOE) codes for subjects based on subject descriptions and how they relate to the classification descriptors and communicate these decisions to the University community.
  5. Prepare and provide data for government reporting to Team Leader as required.
  6. Analyse and report on accuracy and consistency of configuration data across systems, identify problems with that data, provide solutions and communicate these to Team Leader and key stakeholders.
  7. Regularly review curriculum information (content and format) in the 番茄社区 web-based Course and Subject Handbook and CASM website, ensuring improvements are negotiated with key stakeholders as required.
  8. Identify and contribute to process improvement and quality control processes and development of business process documentation.

Associate Director, Student Enrolment and Client Services*


The Associate Director, Student Enrolment and Client Services leads and manages all aspects of the Student Services Directorate’s student and client-facing support services, including leading and overseeing high quality enquiry management; graduation registration; enrolment administration services for 番茄社区 prospective and current students studying at Townsville, Cairns and providing support services for the enrolment teams at 番茄社区 Brisbane and Singapore. The incumbent oversees policy development and continuous improvement in the areas of student enquiries, enrolments, timetabling and establishes reporting mechanisms to benchmark 番茄社区 student support services against industry best practice.


The Associate Director, Student Enrolment and Client Services will:

  1. Lead and manage the development and delivery of best practice student services support including overseeing enquiry management, academic progression, graduation requirements and other enrolment administrative services.
  2. Provide high quality, strategic, policy and operational advice to the Director, Student Services and senior management regarding all student facing administrative services.
  3. Collaborate effectively with academic and other administrative units on a broad range of issues to ensure student administrative functions are carried out accurately, efficiently and effectively; liaise with Academic Divisions to ensure curriculum management processes are efficient and effective and oversee the operationalisation of curriculum information management.
  4. Oversee the support and advice to student enrolment administration within 番茄社区 Brisbane and Singapore ensuring compliance with 番茄社区 policies and local government frameworks.
  5. Manage Student Services policy development and ensure the continuous improvement of unit systems and processes, benchmarking against best practice, contemporary student services within and external to the Higher Education.
  6. Provide effective leadership, management and decision making of all Student Enrolment and Enquiries teams.

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment*


The Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment provides strategic and operational leadership  and manages the enrolment team to support the Academic Divisions, and to provide both student and academic liaison services relating to enrolment, academic progression and student administration.   The incumbent leads administrative and academic progression processes and decision making in accordance with policy and the 番茄社区 council approved delegations.


The Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment will:

  1. Lead and manage high quality student focused administrative and enrolment services.
  2. Lead and manage the academic administration and enrolment team in the provision of high quality, timely and appropriate advice to students directly and via other student facing work units regarding courses and subjects, mobility, academic progression, student conduct matters, student enquiries and concerns, ensuring compliance with legislation, policy and approved delegations.
  3. Provide effective leadership, management and decision making within the Academic Administration and Enrolment Team.
  4. Actively engage in the consultation and review of curriculum information made available across university systems and student facing resources.
  5. Lead and manage information sharing initiatives and collaborative activities to enable the Academic Administration and Enrolment Team and the Student Services Directorate to provide excellent services with key stakeholders both within the university and the sector.
  6. Proactively build and maintain working relationships with managerial level stakeholders at 番茄社区 partner campuses (番茄社区S, 番茄社区B) and oversee integrated operational planning and the development and review of best practice processes for cross campus functions, ensuring compliance with policy and legislation.

Senior Academy Liaison Coordinator*


The Senior Academy Liaison Coordinator is the integral link between the Divisions and the Student Services Directorate, and a representative of the Student Services Directorate to the Divisions. The incumbent focuses on effective and engaged communication and relationships between all stakeholders in relation to the provision of quality student services and the subsequent impact on the student experience. The incumbent provides expert advice and guidance to the Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment in relation to strategic and operational matters to enhance student engagement in the areas of course management and relevant policy, business processes and systems.


The Senior Academy Liaison Coordinator will:

  1. Provide leadership and management of a high quality student focused administrative, enrolment and class registration service to a designated Academic Division including implementing and monitoring effective operational processes.
  2. Provide effective leadership, management and decision making to the Enrolment teams to ensure a culture of high performance, customer service, innovation and teamwork across the Directorate.
  3. Establish and maintain effective and engaging communication avenues, and build and manage strong relationships between the Divisions and the Student Services Directorate.
  4. Actively review, develop and implement policies that are administratively effective, meet organisational objectives, and are compliant with legislation.
  5. Provide both high level operational and strategic advice to the Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment and Divisional Senior Management to ensure the designed Academic divisional needs are known, and to inform strategic and operational planning within the Student Services Directorate.
  1. Develop and lead strong collaborate relationships with stakeholders at 番茄社区 partner campuses (番茄社区B, 番茄社区S) to ensure efficient and effective communication and information sharing, timely review for cross campus processes and continuous improvement of processes and service delivery.

Academy Liaison Coordinator*


The Academy Liaison Coordinator provides day to day management of an enrolment team that provides support to a designated Academic Division to provide both student and Academy liaison services relating to enrolment, academic progression and student administration.   The incumbent implements administrative and academic progression processes in accordance with policy and the 番茄社区 council approved delegations.


The Academy Liaison Coordinator will:

  1. Supervise and coordinate the day to day operations of a high quality student focused administrative, enrolment and class registration service for a designated Academic Division including implementing and monitoring effective operational processes.
  2. Manage the Enrolment Team for a designated Academic Division in providing high quality, timely and appropriate advice to students directly and via other student facing work units regarding courses and subjects, mobility, academic progression, student conduct matters, and student enquiries in accordance with policy, processes and legislation.
  3. Maintain and ensure compliance and day to day operational effectiveness to student enrolment and administration services.
  4. Provide analysis and reporting on key operational metrics, performance indicators, risks, opportunities and recommendations for improvement.
  5. Participate in student related information sharing initiatives, activities and events including orientation, open days, enrolment advisory activities, career markets and ensure timely accurate information is gained to further enhance process improvement and high quality student advice services.
  6. Actively collaborate with stakeholders at 番茄社区 partner campuses (番茄社区B, 番茄社区S) to ensure efficient and effective communication and information sharing, timely review for cross campus processes and continuous improvement of processes and service delivery.

Enrolment Advisors


The Enrolment Advisor has an operational and supervisory role and provides both student facing and Academy facing services relating to enrolment, academic progression and student administration. The incumbent has delegated authority in some administrative and academic progression processes in accordance with policy and the 番茄社区 Council approved delegations and supervises the Enrolment Officers to ensure efficient and effective operations, and provision of services. The incumbent is the first level of escalation after the enrolment officers for non-standard or complex student enrolment and progression enquiries.


The Enrolment Advisor will:

  1. Provide high quality student-focused administrative, enrolment and class registration services by operationally supervising a cohesive and collaborative team in collaboration with the Academy Liaison Coordinator.
  2. Provide operational supervision and support to the Enrolment Officers and provide  high quality, timely and appropriate course and subject advice, mobility support and student-focused enquiry response, to students directly; and via other student facing work units.
  3. Provide timely and high quality services, solutions and responses to academic advising and administration matters in accordance with legislation, policy and Council approved delegation.
  4. Inform effective operational decision making by identifying, reviewing, analysing and internally reporting on risks, opportunities and recommendations.
  5. Provide operational level student administration, enrolment and progressions support to 番茄社区 partners (番茄社区B, 番茄社区S), and proactively seek to build and maintain relationships with operational counterparts at the partner campuses.

Enrolment Officers


The Enrolment Officer has an operational and service based role providing information and advice to current and prospective students and staff regarding academic programs, mobility, admission and enrolment matters. The incumbent administers a range of processes relating to the admission, enrolment and adjustment of student study plans and participates in student related University events such as orientation, open days, enrolment advisory activities and career markets.


The Enrolment Officer will:

  1. Provide high quality course enrolment advice to students and other staff using a working knowledge of divisional academic programs, course structures and policy, procedure and rules.
  2. Provide accurate and timely administration of processes relating to student admission, enrolment, advanced standing, progression, course completion and mobility for Division specific programs.
  3. Provide operational level student administration, enrolment and progressions support to 番茄社区 partners (番茄社区B, 番茄社区S).
  4. Communicate and liaise effectively with various internal and external stakeholders in the administration of student enrolments.
  5. Actively contribute to improving systems and processes by making recommendations for improvement; and assisting with subsequent implementation as required.
  6. Provide administrative support, including assisting with review and submission of information for University and external publications such as Course Enrolment Planners, the QTAC Guide, marketing publications, the Ask Us knowledge data base and web pages.

Manager, Student Finance and Examinations*


The Manager, Student Finance and Examinations provides effective and efficient leadership, management and operation of the services and functions related to the operations of Student Finance and Student Financial Support (coursework scholarships and loans) and Examinations and Progressions. The incumbent offers expert advice and support to the Student Services Directorate and the wider 番茄社区 Community.

The Manager, Student Finance and Examinations develops, recommends and monitors appropriate University policy and procedures to ensure legislative compliance associated with enrolment, examinations, academic progression, and student finance and financial support within the Australian Higher Education sector.


The Manager, Student Finance and Examinations

  1. Provide effective leadership, management and decision making to the Student Finance and Examinations Team to ensure a culture of high performance, customer service, innovation and teamwork across the Directorate.
  2. Actively develop and implement student fee and financial support related and examination policies.
  3. Establish and maintain effective internal monitoring and quality controls of student financial transactions and enrolment activity within the Student Management System.
  4. Identify and pursue opportunities for continuous improvement of policies, procedures, services and software solutions that relate to the responsibilities of the Student Finance and Examinations Unit.

Scholarships and Loans Advisor


The Scholarships and Loans Advisor provides efficient and accurate administration of 番茄社区 coursework scholarships, in accordance with University procedure and ensures compliance with relevant legislation, external Government agency requirements and University policy with respect to assessing scholarships.

The Scholarships and Loans Advisor maintains procedures and promotes the scholarship programs by developing web content, providing information to, and actively engaging with staff, students and external stakeholders.


The Scholarships and Loans Advisor will:

  1. Apply specialist knowledge and experience to ensure the efficient and accurate administration and reconciliation of University Coursework Scholarships (including Bursaries, Grants and other awards).
  2. Participate in the interpretation of, and maintain knowledge of, relevant legislation, the requirements of relevant Government agencies, including Department of Education and Training (DET), Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC), Department of Human Services (DHS), Australian Taxation Office (ATO), and University policy relating to administration of scholarships.
  3. Determine and participate in appropriate promotional activities to increase awareness of scholarship related matters throughout the University community.
  4. Develop and maintain procedural documentation to ensure efficient processes are established and complied with.
  5. Actively communicate and negotiate with various stakeholders in the administration of scholarships.
  6. Provide regular information and data relating to scholarships as required by legislation or policy and as requested by interested parties such as Committees and/or Reference Groups.

The Academy

Deputy Vice Chancellor - Academy Division*


To provide leadership and management to an Academic Division comprised of Colleges and Research Centres


With the support of the Provost or other DVCs:

  1. Provide strategic leadership of the Academy Division including leadership in the provision of resources for all courses offered.
  2. Develop, implement, promote and review strategies and activities designed to enhance and grow excellence in learning, teaching and research and ensure that the relevance, viability and quality of research and academic programs and the student experience meet or exceed best practice standards.
  3. Have oversight of professional development opportunities in collaboration with the Dean Graduate Research, Dean Research Infrastructure, Policy and Projects and Associate Deans Research, to ensure the capability and capacity to deliver and maintain quality outcomes and high impact research and research education.
  4. Ultimate responsibility for compliance and quality within Academy Divisions including:
    1. The oversight of quality assurance arrangements internally and with any external entities consistent with relevant regulatory frameworks and threshold standards.
    2. Ensuring appropriate level and extent of academic oversight and teaching capacity of staff within the Academy Division.
    3. Ensuring credit arrangements are consistent with the Australian Qualifications Framework.
    4. Appropriate development of English Language and numeracy proficiency across all Academy Division offerings.
    5. Ensure DAQS, Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching  and College Deans work together to progress learning and teaching quality issues
  5. Promote collaboration between Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching and Directorate Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement to improve the quality of learning and teaching.
  6. Promote engagement of Academy Division academic staff with activities offered by the Directorate of Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement
  7. Present annual reports to Academic Board on learning and teaching activities over the previous year, including:
    1. Accreditation
    2. Workloads and PMP reports
    3. Review learning and teaching performance within strategic plan and make adjustments accordingly

Deputy Vice Chancellor Singapore and Head of Campus* (DVC Singapore)


The DVC Singapore is a member of the University’s Executive and is the Executive Director of 番茄社区 Singapore Board, with responsibility for providing leadership and strategic direction to the Singapore Campus. The incumbent will hold and undertake the responsibilities for Singapore campus divisional portfolio as part of the DVC Singapore role.


Within this portfolio the DVC Singapore will:

  1. Provide senior leadership and authority for academic and administrative matters for the University by participating with other members of the Executive Group in planning and decision making and by providing specialist advice and support to the Vice Chancellor.
  2. Assist in establishing and maintaining good relations with key stakeholders of 番茄社区 Singapore, in government agencies and business and by negotiating agreements with external bodies.
  3. Have line management responsibility for the Singapore Campus of 番茄社区.
  4. Oversee the Campus-wide strategy to advance 番茄社区 Singapore Triennium Plan and the University Plan.

Director, Research Development


The Director will provide strong, effective, leadership, management, mentoring and professional development, to the staff within their own team and more broadly to the Division, optimizing use of available resources and establishing a healthy and safe culture of teamwork, transparency and openness


In association with the broader requirements of the position the key academic responsibilities include:

  1. Facilitate the progression of the Division Research Plan.
  2. Plan for increasing Division research output.
  3. Assist with the development of complex funding submissions.
  4. Provide statistical advice to staff and postgraduate students, on request.

Director, Academic Quality and Strategy*


Provide leadership, strategic direction and strategic management of academic programs offered within the Division, including transnational programs, and efficient quality assurance processes ensuring academic integrity to achieve organisational objectives.


In conjunction with College Deans and other relevant staff, provide leadership, strategic advice and management for:

  1. Divisional processes relating to Curriculum Approval, Monitoring, Review and Improvement Policy, including Chairing the Divisional Board of Studies.
  2. Divisional Clinical/Professional Placements ensuring consistent streamlined support for students preparing for placement and monitoring and reporting of placement activities to relevant agencies.
  3. Collaborative working relationships with a broad range of stakeholders internally and externally, including the University executive and senior management, Industry partners, funding bodies, controlled entities, hosted organisations, community organisations and government and education partners and represent the Division on boards, working groups and at official functions as required.
  4. The implementation of recommendations arising out of audits and reviews (e.g. TEQSA, ESOS, Professional Accreditation, 番茄社区 Course Reviews, international and industry engagement) and formulate divisional input and responses to internal 番茄社区 committees, government policy and initiatives.
  5. Presentation of the annual Division Academic Program Report (DAPR) to Academic Board.

Curriculum Management Officers


The Curriculum Management Officer will support and coordinate Divisional Curriculum Development, ensuring courses operate within University policy and procedures.


In conjunction with the Director, Academic Quality and Strategy, Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching, Course Coordinators and key stakeholders the Curriculum Management Officer will assist with:

  1. Coordination of curriculum development and review processes bringing a whole of Division view, mapping alignment to long term Divisional Academic and course strategies and objectives.
  2. Supporting the Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, Course Coordinators and Academic staff with course reviews and professional accreditation processes, analysing courses for compliance with TEQSA, AQF and 番茄社区 policies.
  3. Coordinating administrative requirements for course accreditation.
  4. Monitoring and reviewing academic quality procedures and parameters including generic requirements for postgraduate coursework awards, honours program assessments, teach-out plans for disestablished courses, subject outlines and subject hours.
  5. Maintaining relevant course information for the Division including course learning outcomes, mapping processes, Professional Accreditation Register.
  6. Collating and analysing relevant performance data for learning and teaching to assist in the Divisional and College Academic and course strategic direction and support the implementation of recommendations for Divisional courses, future curriculum development and amendments that arise out of audits and reports.
  7. Providing additional support as required including secretariat support to Divisional Board of Studies and Academic related committees and coordinating selection processes for Scholarships and prizes.

Transnational Program Liaison Officer


The Transnational Program Liaison Officer provides leadership in the management of the operational and administrative processes that support the delivery of all transnational programs within the Division including 番茄社区 Singapore (番茄社区S) and 番茄社区 Brisbane (番茄社区B).


  1. Provide reports and advice as required on the status of transnational programs.
  2. Provide assistance and support the implementation of third party, transnational agreements and articulation agreements.
  3. Maintain quality assurance procedures of transnational programs and agreements and identify efficiencies that can be achieved with a whole of division perspective through audits and visits to transnational sites.
  4. Plan, develop, implement and review procedures, quality assurance and compliance associated with the delivery of all transnational external programs.
  5. In conjunction with the Director, Academic Quality and Strategy, liaise with educational partners to ensure academic integrity across the transnational programs.
  6. Respond to transnational program queries and issues as they arise from administrative staff including ongoing enrolments of (off-shore/off-campus} students, resolution of student complaints, assessment results and alleged academic misconduct.
  7. Work closely with the Curriculum Management Officers to maintain consistency between domestic, off-shore and off-campus offerings.

The College

College Dean*


Provide leadership and strategic academic direction and be accountable for the effective and efficient planning, management and operation of the College, ensuring the achievement of organisational objectives and growth of programs in accordance with the University Plan.


In conjunction with the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academy Division, Director of Academic Quality & Strategy and other relevant staff,

  1. Develop, implement, promote and review strategies and activities designed to enhance and grow excellence in learning, teaching and research and ensure that the relevance, viability and quality of research and academic programs and the student experience meet or exceed best practice standards.
  2. Identify and promote professional development opportunities in collaboration with the Dean Graduate Research, Dean Research Infrastructure, Policy and Projects and Associate Deans of Learning & Teaching, Research and Research Education, to ensure the capability and capacity to deliver and maintain quality outcomes in Learning and Teaching plus high impact research and research education.
  3. Have oversight of all subject development, delivery and review with in the College.
  4. In conjunction with other College Deans, facilitate the development of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary academic programs and research and actively commit to the provision of quality service and learning environments for students to support and enhance the student experience and retention.
  5. Ensure the College complies with all internal and external accreditation, quality, financial, registration and regulatory requirements and procedures, and that recommendations, advice and guidance lead to continuous improvement across all functions of the College.
  6. Support the development of a strong student experience focus within the College.

Campus Dean (Singapore)


Provide leadership and strategic academic direction and be accountable for the effective and efficient planning, management and operation of the Singapore Academic division comprising research, teaching and learning, registrar and library services, ensuring the achievement of organisational objectives and growth of programs in accordance with the 番茄社区 Singapore Triennium Plan.


With the support of the relevant Deputy Vice Chancellor and in consultation with relevant College Deans the Campus Dean will provide leadership or support for:

  1. Develop, implement, promote and review strategies and activities designed to enhance and grow excellence in learning, teaching and research and ensure that the relevance, viability and quality of research and academic programs and the student experience meet or exceed best practice standards.
  2. Identify and promote professional development opportunities in collaboration with the Dean Graduate Research, Dean Research Infrastructure, Policy and Projects and Associate Deans of Learning & Teaching, Research and Research Education, Dean Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement to ensure the capability and capacity to deliver and maintain quality outcomes in Learning and Teaching plus high impact research and research education.
  3. Have oversight of all subject development, delivery and review with in the Singapore Campus.
  4. In conjunction with other College Deans, facilitate the development of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary academic programs and research and actively commit to the provision of quality service and learning environments for students to support and enhance the student experience and retention.
  5. Ensure the Singapore Academic Division operations complies with all internal and external accreditation, quality, financial, registration and regulatory requirements and procedures, and that recommendations, advice and guidance lead to continuous improvement across all functions of the Singapore campus.
  6. Support the development of a strong student experience focus within the Academic Division.
  7. The provision of appropriate staff and physical resources for all courses offered and Compliance and quality at Campus location (eg: TEQSA, CPE, relevant accreditation and professional bodies).
  8. The development of reports for University units/Academic Board in relation to learning and teaching quality such as: Academic Compliance Reports; Course Performance Reports; Workloads and PMP reports.
  9. Act upon all academic delegations as stipulated by the 番茄社区 Singapore Board at the 番茄社区 Singapore Campus.

Campus Director (番茄社区B)


To lead the in all academic activities, processes and accountabilities at the 番茄社区B Campus.


With the support of the relevant Deputy Vice Chancellor and in consultation with relevant College Deans the Campus Director will provide leadership or support for:

  1. The provision of appropriate staff and physical resources for all courses offered.
  2. Professional development of staff.
  3. Compliance and quality at Campus location (eg: TEQSA).
  4. Collaboration between Campus staff, Associate Deans, Learning and Teaching and of the Directorate of Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement to improve the quality of learning and teaching.
  5. Engagement of academic staff with activities offered by Directorate of Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement.
  6. Ensuring students enrolled in a course meet the English language proficiency admissions criteria and admissions requirements of the particular course to effectively participate in the course.
  7. The development of reports for University units in relation to learning and teaching quality such as:
    1. Academy Division Academic Program Reports and Course Performance Reports
    2. Student Feedback on Subject reports
    3. Distribution of grades
    4. Workloads and PMP reports
  8. Adherence of all integrated academic policies and procedures at the 番茄社区B Campus.

Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching


The Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching will provide leadership to promote learning and teaching quality and innovation within a designated College. Providing support to the Dean, the incumbent will actively pursue University, Divisional and College goals in learning and teaching, with a focus on undergraduate and post-graduate course work programs.


To lead the development of a College learning and teaching culture committed to excellence and innovation and a positive student experience including:

  1. Working collaboratively to facilitate cross-College, interdisciplinary initiatives.
  2. Actively supporting staff with teaching awards and grants, both internal and external, and promoting the scholarship of learning and teaching within the College (including coordinating the selection process for teaching award nominees).
  3. Supporting College submissions to Divisional Boards of study.
  4. Collaboration with the Directorate of Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement to promote a learning and teaching culture which is aligned to the University Plan and relevant policies, including stronger links between teaching and research, directions in blended learning, internationalisation, embedding of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and other Learning and Teaching initiatives.
  5. Mentoring and/or arranging mentoring for College staff in relation to best practice in learning and teaching and facilitate processes for peer review of teaching within the College.
  6. Active engagement with quality indicators for learning and teaching data, including Your番茄社区 Survey, QILT and ISB to engage staff in continuous improvement of learning and teaching.
  7. Leading and management of the student learning experience for student retention and learning success and actively supporting the College focus on student learning and transitions.
  8. Coordination of Course Performance Review and Distribution of Grades Report and to implement recommendations arising out of audits and reviews (e.g. TEQSA, ESOS, professional accreditation and internationalisation).

Associate Dean, Research


To provide research leadership and advice relating to the development of a strong research culture within the College


Provide leadership of research in their College by:

  1. Advising the College Dean, Directors of Research, Deputy Vice Chancellor and the 番茄社区 Research Committee on policy and practice needs of research in their College/Division, including research infrastructure.
  2. Developing an innovative strategy for research for their College, including strategies to assist the Division identify and meet its strategic research priorities.
  3. Representing their College in the development and implementation of 番茄社区 policies and procedures in research.
  4. Ensuring that research practices in each College in their Division conform to best practice.
  5. Monitoring the research performance of their College.
  6. Supporting the development of research and researchers in their College.
  7. Encouraging stronger links between research and teaching.
  8. Organising the review of external research applications from their College.
  9. Providing guidance on strategic recruitment for research and research capacity of applicants for senior academic appointments in their College.
  10. Membership of their Division’s Research Committee.

Associate Dean of Research Education


The Associate Dean of Research Education will work with supervisors and HDR candidates to facilitate a strong culture of research supervision within the College


To coordinate and lead research education within the College by:

  1. Advising their College Dean, Deputy Vice Chancellor, the 番茄社区 Research Committee and its Research Education Sub Committee about the policy and practice needs of research education in their College.
  2. Facilitating the development of an innovative strategy for research education for their College.
  3. Representing their College in the development and implementation of 番茄社区 policies and procedures in research education.
  4. Ensuring that research education practices in each College in their Division conforms to best practice and university norms.
  5. Assisting in the processing of HDR candidature milestones such as Confirmation and Pre-Completion seminars.
  6. Monitoring the performance of their College in Research Education and supervision and advising on performance indicators and targets.
  7. Providing guidance on the research education capacity of applicants for senior academic appointments in their College.
  8. Membership of their Division’s Research Education Committee.

Academic Head*


The Academic Head plays a key role within the College for a Discipline or specified group of academics, to provide academic leadership, direction and management and to represent the interests of the Group at College, Division and University level.


In conjunction with the College Dean, Associate Deans Learning and Teaching, Research, Research Education and Course Coordinators the Academic Head will provide:

  1. Leadership within the academic group, principally regarding learning, teaching, assessment, research and engagement activities.
  2. Management of the ongoing professional development and the Performance Management Program (including workload agreements) and Sessional Staff with in the Academic Group.
  3. Management of student misconduct, allegations of plagiarism and other student matters as determined by the Dean.
  4. Input into the development of high quality, innovative curricula consistent with the University’s Strategic Intent and Grand Challenges framework.
  5. Intellectual leadership through the promotion and support of research and ensure robust research outcomes and high quality research education for the academic group.
  6. Leadership in accreditation processes and engagement with relevant peak bodies.
  7. Oversight with regard to course structure and work with discipline experts and course co-ordinators and committees to manage teaching overlaps between disciplines and promote optimal integration and collaboration between academic groups.
  8. Monitoring the performance of HDR supervisors and candidates working within the academic group or discipline.
  9. Chair all formal HDR Candidature Committees (including candidature milestones: Mid-Candidature Review and Pre-Completion Evaluation).
  10. Input into strategic planning and the achievement of priorities established in consultation with the College Dean.

Academic Head* (番茄社区 Singapore)


The Academic Head plays a key role within the 番茄社区 Singapore School for specified disciplines and group of academics, to provide academic leadership, direction and management and to represent the interests of the School at Singapore Campus, relevant College, relevant Division and University level.


In conjunction with the Campus Dean, College Dean, Associate Deans Learning and Teaching, Research, Research Education and Course Coordinators the Academic Head will provide:

  1. Leadership within the 番茄社区S School, principally regarding learning, teaching, assessment, research and engagement activities and workload management.
  2. Management of the ongoing professional development and the Performance Management Program (including workload agreements) and Sessional Staff with in the 番茄社区S School.
  3. Management of student misconduct, allegations of plagiarism and other student matters as determined by the Campus Dean/College Dean.
  4. Intellectual leadership through the promotion and support of research and ensure robust research outcomes and high quality research education for the academic group.
  5. In conjunction with relevant College, provide leadership in accreditation processes and engagement with relevant peak bodies.
  6. Oversight with regard to course structure and work with discipline experts and course co-ordinators and committees to manage teaching overlaps between disciplines and promote optimal integration and collaboration between academic groups.
  7. Monitoring the performance of HDR supervisors and candidates working within the 番茄社区S School.

Input into strategic planning and the achievement of priorities established in consultation with the 番茄社区 Singapore Campus Dean.

Course Coordinator*


To lead and manage the administration of a course across all campuses to ensure the academic integrity of assessment, relevance of curriculum and suitability of teaching and learning.


With the support of the Dean of College and Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching the Course Coordinator will provide curriculum leadership within a course to ensure:

  1. Compliance with relevant regulatory frameworks and relevant threshold standards.
  2. The course design meets the specifications of the relevant AQF level, including criteria and volume of learning.
  3. Design of learning, teaching and assessment across the course allows for the progressive development and achievement of Course Learning Outcomes.
  4. The integrity of curriculum in all campus locations including the equivalence of student learning outcomes in courses delivered across different modes or locations.
  5. Learning and teaching standards are understood and applied.
  6. Assessment tasks align with Course and Subject Learning Outcomes and are fit for purpose, including the development of English Language and numeracy proficiency.

The Course coordinator will also:

  1. Build a team to design, teach and review the curriculum of a course.
  2. Monitor course quality and identify curriculum improvements/enhancements
  3. Monitor the physical/electronic resources and facilities available to students within the course to ensure compliance with relevant standards.
  4. Ensure accuracy of course information for marketing and internal publications in collaboration with relevant College personnel.
  5. Monitor and respond to student enrolment, progress, retention, satisfaction and achievement data.
  6. Undertake a cyclical process of reflection, revision and reporting for quality enhancement (including course reviews, course performance reports and benchmarking, eg generic requirements for postgraduate coursework awards, honours program assessments, subject outlines and subject hours).
  7. Direct accreditation processes (documentation and reporting for accreditation purposes) with support of Curriculum Management Officers.
  8. Promote staff engagement with student support services including the development of learning skills and English language and numeracy proficiency.
  9. Provide advice to students and staff on course related matters.
  10. Provide advice on administrative aspects of student enrolment and advanced standing as required.
  11. Contribute to relevant learning and teaching committees.
  12. Maintain familiarity with current policies, procedures and institutional standards relating to the design, delivery and assurance of courses and subjects

Academic Advisors*


To provide academic advice to students to support the successful transition of commencing and continuing students through to graduation.


With the support of the Dean of College, Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching and in collaboration with Course Coordinators the Academic Advisor will provide advice on:

  1. Complex academic content within course structures including:
    1. General enrolment issues and non-standard enrolments.
    2. Applying for advanced standing.
    3. Course transfers.
    4. Managing workloads and study plans.
  2. Provision of discipline support, pastoral care, referral and support options for students who are at risk due to mental or physical health.
  3. Options for study/examinations in times of extenuating circumstances.
  4. Supporting Indigenous students and tutors under the ITAS program.
  5. Professional courses and developing professional behaviour, in particular areas of:
    1. Clinical, field and workplace experience standards and expectations for professional behaviour.
    2. Management of remediation activities for students with gaps in clinical experience or ability.
  6. Appropriateness of career choices.

First Year Experience Coordinators


To provide leadership within the College in the coordination of the academic orientation and strategies supporting the successful transition of commencing students.


With the support of the Dean of College, Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching and in collaboration with Course and Subject Coordinators the First Year Experience Coordinator will:

  1. Provide opportunities that foster student engagement (including Orientation activities).
  2. Work with students to develop a sense of purpose in their discipline/course.
  3. Work with students and professional and academic staff, to support students to become independent learners who are resilient when faced with expected/unexpected challenges.
  4. Provide consultation with students especially around success, resilience, retention, academic progression and policy adherence.
  5. Work with course coordinators to ensure first year curriculum is appropriate and integrated with the overall course.
  6. Collaborate with relevant first year subject coordinators to ensure a coherent and positive experience for students.
  7. Collaborate with the Directorate of Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement to ensure adequate staff development to promote the first year experience.
  8. Engage with data (when available) on the first year student experience of learning and teaching and respond to such data, informing students of the actions taken in response to feedback.

Subject Coordinator


Subject coordinators lead the development, delivery assessment, and review of learning and teaching in subjects across all campuses.


With the support of the Academic Head, Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching and Course Coordinator, the Subject Coordinator will:

  1. Ensure subjects are delivered in compliance with relevant academic policies including the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy.
  2. Ensure effective design and delivery of subjects as relevant to the subject’s qualification level (Australian Qualifications Framework).
  3. Ensure learning outcomes and assessment types are the same across modes/ campuses/ study periods.
  4. Ensure that the design of course content and learning experiences, across modes/ campuses/ study periods, affords students equivalent opportunity to achieve the stated learning outcomes (including the timely provision of learning materials to students).
  5. Generate the Subject Outline, in compliance with the 番茄社区 endorsed template, and ensure its availability to students on the Learn番茄社区 site at least 7 days prior to the commencement of the study period.
  6. Develop criteria or scales for assessment tasks, use grade centre to record marks or grades and completions, manage and review pre and post assessment moderation processes for the subject and attend appropriate examiner meetings (or send a proxy).
  7. Monitor all aspects of assessment integrity including grade distribution across all campuses.
  8. With the assistance of 番茄社区S Campus Dean and 番茄社区B Campus Director, provide leadership and support for all teaching staff (including sessional staff) for each subject across all campuses.
  9. Prepare and maintain subject information for relevant databases.
  10. Ensure advance ordering of relevant resources and texts.
  11. Promote the support of students who are at risk of not progressing satisfactorily.
  12. Engage with Learning Advisers and other professionals to support students’ success in subjects as well identify students who require such support.
  13. Prepare Learn番茄社区 site in accordance with relevant University guidelines, including the Student Digital Experience Policy.
  14. Engage with data on the student experience of learning and teaching and respond to such data, informing students of the actions taken in response to feedback.
  15. Provide and manage the provision of timely feedback to students on assessment performance.
  16. Prepare, finalise and submit materials for the examination process.
  17. Maintain familiarity with current policies, procedures and institutional standards relating to the design, delivery and assurance of learning and teaching

Student Placements Officer


The Student Placements Officer supports the student placement program within a designated Division or College including placing local and overseas students in relevant student placements, maintaining external relationships, providing advice and administrative support on all aspects of student placements, policy and procedures. Student Placement programs may include Professional experience programs, Work Integrated Learning (WIL) programs and/or Clinical Placement programs.


With the support of the Academic Head and Course Coordinator the Student Placements Officer will:

  1. Assess student’s eligibility for student placements, professional experience or WIL placements against subject pre-requisites and pre-placement requirements and liaise with relevant external agencies or 番茄社区 staff to ensure pre-placement requirements are met.
  2. Ensure appropriate supervision of students in the workplace to meet workplace health and safety and course requirements.
  3. Monitor student placement progress and attendance by liaising with placement providers, coordinate feedback from placement providers and students, troubleshoot straightforward problems.
  4. Assist in the development, maintenance and distribution the annual professional experience handbook, calendars and student placement materials.
  5. Provide administrative support for student placements as required including student placement events and induction programs.
  6. Provide adequate documentation to students and their supervisors in relation to the expectations and learning outcomes of any work placement including clear criteria for any assessment of student performance.

Academic/Clinical Staff


Academic and Clinical staff make contributions to the learning and teaching of the institution, particularly at undergraduate and post graduate level and carry out activities to develop their scholarly, research and or professional expertise relevant to the profession or discipline.


With the support of the relevant Academic Head, Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, Course Coordinator, Professional/ Placement Director and Subject Coordinator, academic/clinical staff including sessional staff will:

  1. Comply with all 番茄社区 policies and procedures.
  2. Participate in professional development opportunities related to learning and teaching, including induction sessions.
  3. Maintain currency of scholarship and/ or professional practice in the discipline they teach.
  4. Engage with relevant pedagogical principles and practices for their teaching role.
  5. Engage students in activities relevant to the cognitive demand and intended learning outcomes of the subject and course.
  6. Support the development of graduate outcomes including requirements for proficiency in English language and numeracy.
  7. Promote and engage with student support services.
  8. Provide relevant and timely feedback to students on their progress.
  9. Participate in moderation activities to ensure the integrity of University grades.
  10. Engage with data on the student experience of learning and teaching and respond to such data.


In association with individual delegations there a number of committees who have direct delegations and others which provide review and appeal processes to meet University policies and procedures.

Academic Board*

  1. The 番茄社区 Act specifies that the Board is to:
    1. advise the University Council about teaching, scholarship and research matters concerning the University;
    2. formulate proposals for the academic policies of the University;
    3. monitor the academic activities of the University’s faculties [now Academic Divisions]; and
    4. promote and encourage scholarship and research at the University.
  2. Council has further determined that the Board will:
    1. monitor the quality of teaching, research and scholarship in the University and provide leadership in the development of policies on quality improvement;
    2. provide leadership in the development of policies on student admission, progress and discipline;
    3. have academic governance oversight of all 番茄社区 operations, including collaborative arrangements and off-shore operations.
  3. The Board shall:
    1. perform the duties and responsibilities specified in Schedule A of the Academic Board Charter;
    2. consider and report on matters referred to it by the Council or the Vice Chancellor;
    3. as soon as practicable after each meeting of the Board, submit a report about the meeting to the Council;
    4. perform such other duties approved by the Council;
    5. act on behalf of the Council on such other matters as are delegated to it from time to time by the Council; and
      3.6 advise the Council on such other matters that are within its duties and responsibilities, as referred by the Council or as it deems appropriate.
  4. Membership
    1. The Board shall comprise the following members:
      • Chairperson, Academic Board (acknowledged academic leader)  - appointed by Council (Chair)
      • Deputy Chairperson – appointed by Council, staggered term with Chairperson  (Deputy Chair)
      • Vice Chancellor
      • Chairs of Academic Board sub-committees (2)
      • Students (2) – appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board
      • Academics, who are also Experts (6) (selected on application, on skills/expertise – engagement, research, teaching and learning, Indigenous education, quality, scholarship) appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board.
      • Additional members may be co-opted as necessary (x2) and appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board.
    2. The Executive Committee of the Board shall comprise the following members:
      • The Chairperson
      • The Deputy Chairperson
      • The Vice Chancellor

Education Committee*

  1. The Education Committee is a sub-committee of the Academic Board. The Committee shall be the peak learning and teaching body responsible for strategic direction and oversight of academic quality in coursework programs within the University. It will provide advice to the Academic Board on learning and teaching, strategies, policies, initiatives and innovation that promotes learning and teaching interests of the University and that fosters learning and teaching that is of the highest quality. In particular, the Committee shall:
    1. be responsible for assuring the quality of academic courses
    2. advise Academic Board on issues of educational policy and learning and teaching innovation
    3. provide strategic leadership in Learning and Teaching matters including scholarship and staff professional development
  2. The Committee shall comprise the following:
    1. Ex-officio Members (12)
      • Chair (Senior Executive member responsible for Learning and Teaching)
      • Chairperson of the Academic Board
      • Dean, Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement
      • Directors Academic Quality and Strategy
      • Director Student Services
      • Associate Deans ( Learning and Teaching) from all Colleges
    2. Co-opted Members (2)
      • Academic staff member with demonstrated excellence in Learning and Teaching (one per Academic Division)
    3. Secretary: University Secretary or nominee (non-voting).
    4. Non-Voting Attendees
      • Other senior officers of the University by invitation of the Chair
      • Student Input
      • Student input is to be achieved through invitation on a case by case basis
      • Advisors
    5. The following shall be permanent advisors to the Committee and shall have rights of audience and debate:
      • Dean, Graduate Research Studies
      • Campus Director or nominee 番茄社区B
      • Campus Dean or nominee 番茄社区S
      • Director Library and Information Services
      • Director Estate
      • Director, Information and Communication Technology
      • Representative of the Education Division
      • Head, Blended Learning and Innovation
      • Manager Quality, Standards and Policy
      • Manager, Student Equity and Wellbeing
      • Manager, Pathway Programs
      • Divisional Academic Registrars

Research Committee*

  1. The Research Committee is a sub-committee of the Academic Board. The role of the committee is to advise Academic Board on research strategies, initiatives and innovation that promote the research and research education interests of the University and that foster the conduct of research and research education that is of the highest quality. Members of the Research Committee may be called on from time to time to interact with external stakeholders and funding agencies.
    1. The Committee shall take all reasonable and appropriate steps with the object of:
      1. assuring the quality of research activities;
      2. assuring the quality of academic activities with respect to post-graduate research education awards and doctorates; and
      3. assuring the University's implementation of and compliance with the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
  2. Membership
    1. The Committee shall comprise of the following:
      • Ex-officio Members (minimum of 8):
      • Chair (Senior Executive member responsible for research)
      • Chairperson of the Academic Board
      • Dean of Research
      • Research Directors of the Academic Divisions (2)
      • Research Dean (Singapore Campus)
      • Dean, Graduate Research Studies
      • Directors, Research Institutes (3)
      • The Cairns Institute - staff member
      • Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine - staff member
      • Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies - staff member
    2. Appointed Members (4)
      • Up to four members of Academic Staff who are outstanding researchers in their own right and based on their appropriate skills and/or experience in relation to the business conducted by the Committee may be appointed by the Chair, Research Committee
    3. Co-opted Members – Equity (1)
      • Up to one member may be appointed, by the Chair, Research Committee, to address issues of equity - Representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research
    4. Secretary: University Secretary (non-voting) or nominee.
    5. Non-Voting Attendees
      • Other senior officers of the University by invitation of the Chair.
    6. Student Input
      • Relevant student input is to be achieved through Academic Division Committees.

Research Education Sub-Committee

  1. Objectives
    1. The Sub-Committee is to advise the Dean, Graduate Research and Research Committee on matters related to the administration, supervision and examination of candidates enrolled in Higher Degrees by Research and coursework doctorate awards, and where appropriate, provide approval for matters such as procedural amendments.
    2. The Sub-Committee is to make recommendations and refer matters of substance and policy to the Research Committee for consideration.
  2. Membership
    1. The Sub-Committee shall comprise the following:
    2. Ex-officio members:
      • Dean, Graduate Research (Chair);
      • Provost
      • Associate Deans of Research Education;
      • Deputy Dean, Graduate Research;
      • Dean of Research Singapore Campus
    3. Appointed Members:
      • Two representatives of Higher Degree by Research candidates (who have completed their Confirmation of Candidature) appointed in consultation with the 番茄社区 Student Association, preferably one from Townsville and one from Cairns.
    4. Six academics at differing levels, including Early and Mid-Career Researchers, from different Divisions and campuses appointed by Research Committee in consultation with Dean, Graduate Research .
    5. Secretary: Manager, Graduate Research School.
    6. Permanent Advisors (no voting)
      • 番茄社区 Student Association Postgraduate Officer,
      • GRS Academic Support Coordinator,
      • Research Liaison Librarian,
      • Manager of International Admissions,
      • A representative from International Student Support and
      • A representative of the Singapore Campus will attend meetings of the Sub-Committee as Permanent Expert Advisers.

Division Board of Studies*

  1. Purpose
    1. Each academic Division of the University will have a Divisional Board of Studies (herein DBoS) with delegated decision-making powers and advisory responsibilities within an identified scope to ensure the integrity of learning and teaching (including courses, subjects and assessment) offered or administered by the Division. The DBoS supports the development of academic strategy of the Division whilst ensuring alignment with the University’s strategic intent. The DBoS advises the relevant Division Deputy Vice Chancellor (herein DVC) on academic matters for approval and endorsement.  The DBoS recognises the responsibility of College Deans and Campus Deans to oversee academic quality and resource management within Colleges and across campuses, and aims to support the College Deans, Campus Deans, and the relevant Learning & Teaching Committees in this role.
  2. Membership
    1. Voting Members:
      • Director, Academic Quality & Strategy, of the Division (Chair)
      • ADLT, [1] for each College of the Division
      • Chair, Academic Board
      • Director, Academic Quality & Strategy, for each other academic division
      • Dean of Campus, Singapore
      • Dean, Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement
      • Manager, Admissions and Curriculum Information
      • Senior Academy Liaison Coordinator for the Division
      • Associate Dean, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education (as appropriate)
    2. Non鈥恦oting members usually in attendance or as required:
      • Secretariat
      • Curriculum Management Officer(s) for the Division
      • Education Division representative
      • 番茄社区 Pathways representative(as appropriate)
      • Manager, Quality Standards and Policy
    3. The Chair may invite other members of the University to observe or participate in Board meetings as non-voting members where this is relevant to the business or operation of the Board.

Assessment Committee

  1. Each College shall have one or more Assessment Committees that shall meet after the end of each Study Period in which the College has offered subjects, including block mode subjects. The Assessment Committee(s) shall make recommendations to the College Dean on the final grade for each student enrolled in each subject offered during that Study Period. In considering the grades recommended by the Subject Coordinators, the Assessment Committee(s) shall:
    • review the grade distribution for each subject with reference to University policy on the distribution of grades ensuring that any modification or scaling of marks has been applied fairly, systematically and for sound academic reasons; and
    • ensure the grades awarded properly reflect the levels of performance of individual students; and
    • ensure the grades awarded are in accordance with relevant University policies; and
    • review the grades of individual students who have applied
      • for special consideration, or
      • to sit a deferred examination.
  2. Each Assessment Committee will comprise of:
    • College Dean (or nominee), as Chair, and
    • Relevant Subject Coordinators of subjects offered by the College in that Study Period and under the consideration by that Assessment Committee.
  3. The quorum for each Assessment Committee should be at least one half of the relevant Subject Coordinators, plus the Chair. Where a quorum is not obtained, the Chair shall act on the Committee’s behalf.

Review Panel (Suitability)

  1. The Panel membership will comprise of:
    • The Review Panel Convener who will act as the Chair of the Panel;
    • One member of staff whose main teaching commitment is to the discipline/degree in which the student is currently enrolled; and
    • One experienced qualified practitioner, who is:
    • One or more nominee of the Chair of the Review Panel who would be qualified to provide expertise specific to the review under consideration. This expertise may include medical, psychological, professional or other expertise that is appropriate to properly inform the Panel in respect of the suitability of a particular student.
    • In the case of a student who is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, normally it will be appropriate to ensure that the third member of the Panel is an experienced practitioner of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.
      • currently employed in the relevant profession, in a position where he/she is responsible for participating in, or overseeing agency staff recruitment or supervision;
      • not currently employed by 番茄社区 in any continuing, contract or casual position; and
      • not a person the student is currently working with, employed by, or with whom the student has a close relationship that may cause a conflict of interest.
    • One or more nominee of the Chair of the Review Panel who would be qualified to provide expertise specific to the review under consideration. This expertise may include medical, psychological, professional or other expertise that is appropriate to properly inform the Panel in respect of the suitability of a particular student.
  2. In the case of a student who is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, normally it will be appropriate to ensure that the third member of the Panel is an experienced practitioner of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

Academic Misconduct Committee*

  1. The Committee will comprise of:
    • Chair, Academic Board; and
    • One member of the appropriate Division, appointed by the Chair, Academic Board from the Division’s Deputy-Vice-Chancellor’s nominations; (see; and
    • One member of another Division, appointed by the Chair, Academic Board from the Deputy Vice-Chancellors’ nominations (see; and
    • A Student Association Case Worker.
  2. In January each year, the Deputy Vice-Chancellors shall nominate for the Committee for that year, one divisional representative and a reserve nominee.
  3. Due regard shall be given to gender balance in determining the final membership of the Committee.

Student Discipline Committee

  1. The Student Discipline Committee shall be comprised of:
    • Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Student who will chair the committee;
    • A member of Academic Board who is a member of the staff of the University and Council, nominated by the Chair of the Academic Board;
    • A member of the 番茄社区 Student Association Support Services appointed by a Director of the 番茄社区 Student Association;
  2. People who have an involvement in the initial allegation may not serve as members of the Student Discipline Committee;
  3. Where the members in (a) and (b) are of the same gender, the person appointed in (c) should as far as practicable be of the other gender.

University Appeals Committee

  1. The 'Committee" will comprise the following members (one member must be from the relevant College and due regard shall be given to gender balance in determining the final membership of the Committee. No member of the Committee will have participated in either the original decision or decisions associated with the matters under appeal):
  • The Director of Academic Quality and Strategy (Chair);
  • An Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching or Research Education (for HDR)
  • A College Dean or DVC Research (for HDR); and
  • The Chair, Academic Board or an academic member of Council
  • External Member* (only for matters related to Professional Conduct deemed relevant by the Chair).

Intellectual Property Appeals Committee*

  1. The Intellectual Property Appeals Committee comprises:
  • a member of the University Council (Chair),
  • a member of the Academic Board,
  • Vice Chancellor, and
  • a nominee of the staff member or student.

2.  At hearings before the Committee, a staff member may be accompanied by a representative of his or her union, and a student may be accompanied by a representative of the Student Association.  The Committee may obtain independent legal advice on any matter brought before it.

Related documents, legislation

Academic Board Charter

Academic Position Classification Standards

Australian Qualifications Framework

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015

HR Position Descriptions


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

Academic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Learning and Teaching

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Chair of Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Approval authority

Chair of Academic Board

Version no.


Date for next review


Modification History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date



Addition of positions:

  • DVC Singapore and Head of Campus
  • Academic Head (番茄社区 Singapore)
  • Director, Admission, Academic Services and Progressions (AASP)
  • Manager, Enrolment
  • Manager, Examinations
  • Head, Indigenous Student Services

Amendment to position:

  • Campus Dean (Singapore)
Chair of Academic Board
19-104/11/201904/11/2019Amendment to Subject Coordinator responsibilities to align with the new Student Digital Experience Policy.Dean, LTSE
18-205/11/201812/12/2018Minor amendment to reflect establishment of the Student Appeals Policy.Chair of Academic Board
18-1 30/04/2018

Changes made to reflect headline restructure 30/04/2018.

Quality, Standards and Policy
17-128/11/201728/11/2017Updated to reflect current organisational structureQuality, Standards and Policy Officer

16 -1



Updated from the 2014 restructure and amended following the approval and deployment of the Academic and Student Delegations Register 25th July 2016. Endorsed by Education and research Committee July 2016.





Approved by Academic Board - reviewed in parallel with the now approved Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy and subsequently revised under the direction of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic (DVCA) to reflect the requirements of the new TEQSA legislation in relation to academic quality of learning and teaching. Approval authority was also changed from the Education Committee to Academic Board.



