
Policy Academic Governance Attendance Monitoring Procedures - English Language and Foundation Programs

Attendance Monitoring Procedures - English Language and Foundation Programs

These Procedures support the Attendance Monitoring Policy for ELICOS and Foundation students.


These procedures apply to international students studying English Language and Foundation programs at 番茄社区’s Townsville and Cairns campuses on a student visa and are to be read in conjunction with the Attendance Monitoring Policy - English Language and Foundation Programs.


DoHA means the Department of Home Affairs

ELICOS means English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students

ESOS Act means the Education Services to Overseas Students Act

Foundation means the Pre University Foundation Course offered by the University

Late means arriving at class more than thirty minutes after the scheduled commencement time for that class

National Code means the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

PRISMS means the Provider Registration and International Students Management System maintained by the Department of Education (Cth).

Satisfactory Progress means progress as described in the relevant subject outlines for subjects in the English language and Foundation programs offered by the University.


Standard 11 of the National Code requires the University to:

a) monitor students’ compliance with their visa conditions relating to attendance;

b) be proactive in identifying and counselling students who are at risk of failing to meet the attendance requirements; and

c) under section 19 of the ESOS Act, report students who have breached the attendance requirements.

1.         Advice to students on attendance requirements

1.1 During the orientation of international students, the University will ensure ELICOS and Foundation students are advised of their obligation to maintain a minimum rate of attendance of 80% of scheduled course contact hours for each study period in which they are enrolled in an ELICOS or Foundation course, and the consequences of failing to comply with that requirement.

2.         Monitoring attendance

2.1 The University will take an attendance roll for each ELICOS and Foundation class.  The roll will state the date, time of class, teacher of the class, students’ names and location.  Lateness and absences must be recorded on the roll.

2.2 The attendance rolls will be maintained by the 番茄社区 College Administrative Support Officer and stored securely.

2.3 If a student is absent from class due to medical reasons, the student must provide a medical certificate within 3 days.

2.4 A student will be deemed to be absent from class if they are not present during class or if they are Late.

2.5 Student attendance is monitored on a weekly basis.  Each student’s percentage of attendance will be calculated by the 番茄社区 College Administrative Support Officer at the end of each week.  This percentage of attendance is cumulative, for the duration of the student’s total period of study and including all class contact hours and absences since the student commenced their course.

2.6 The 番茄社区 College Administrative Support Officer will provide a weekly report to the 番茄社区 College Coordinator for review.

2.7 The 番茄社区 College Coordinator will produce a final report on student attendance at the end of the course, to the 番茄社区 College Operations and Administration Manager and the Manager, International Compliance at 番茄社区.

3.     Students at risk of not meeting attendance requirements

3.1 Any student whose attendance drops below 90% will be sent an initial warning letter from the 番茄社区 College Operations and Administration Manager which:

a) advises the student that they are at risk of not meeting their attendance requirements; and

b) outlines options for counselling and support through 番茄社区 College, International Student Support at 番茄社区 or another university nominated support service.

3.2 If the student’s attendance drops below 85%, the student will be sent a further warning letter from the 番茄社区 College Operations and Administration Manager which:

a) advises the student that they are at risk of not meeting their attendance requirements and of being reported to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection; and

b) requires the student to meet with Co-ordinator 番茄社区 College within 2 days to discuss their absences and to be counselled about attendance requirements.

3.3  An action plan will be agreed with the student at the interview and a copy signed by the student placed on the student’s file.

4.     Reporting for unsatisfactory attendance

4.1 Where a student is no longer able to achieve 80% attendance for the period of their course:

(a) the 番茄社区 College Operations and Administration Manager will, having regard to the matters set out in clause 4.3, prepare a recommendation for the Director, Future Students and International advising whether or not, in their opinion, the student’s enrolment should be cancelled for failing to maintain 80% attendance; and

(b) if the recommendation is to cancel the student’s enrolment, submit a draft notice as required by clause 4.2 of these Procedures with the recommendation.

4.2 Subject to clause 4.3, a student who is no longer able to achieve 80% attendance will be given written notice from the Director, Future Students and International:

a) that they have failed to meet the mandatory attendance requirements of their student visa; and

b) of the University’s Intention to Report for Unsatisfactory Attendance to DoHA through PRISMS.

4.3 The University may decide not to report a student for unsatisfactory attendance provided that:

a) the University is satisfied that there are compassionate and compelling circumstances which have affected the student’s ability to attend classes; and

b) the student is making Satisfactory Progress within their ELICOS or Foundation course; and

c) the student has attended at least 70% of the scheduled course contact hours for the course in which they are enrolled.

5.         Appeal

5.1 The student has 20 working days in which to appeal against the University’s decision to report for unsatisfactory attendance.

5.2 The University will advise the appellant of their right to seek assistance or support from another member of the University community, provided that person does not act in a legal capacity.

5.3 The appeal must be made in writing and addressed to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Students, setting out the basis for the appeal and attaching all relevant documents.

5.4 The University will determine the appeal within 10 working days and advise the student in writing of the outcome.  The student must be given reasons for the decision.

5.5 If the appeal is unsuccessful, the student must be advised in writing of their right to lodge an external appeal with the relevant State or Commonwealth Ombudsman.

6.         Attendance statement

6.1 Students may apply for an attendance statement after completing their ELICOS or Foundation course. The statement will show the student’s cumulative percentage attendance from course commencement until completion, and the period over which attendance and absences were recorded.

Related policy instruments

Attendance Monitoring Policy – English Language and Foundation Programs


Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainLearning and Teaching

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review

01/12/2020, or following any relevant change to the National Code

Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



18-109/03/201809/05/2018Minor amendment to reflect current organisational structure, update title of Govt. Dept., update title of legislative instrumentQuality, Standards and Policy Officer




Reviewed, title amended (‘Foundation’ added) and removal of interim status. For further details refer to Academic Board minutes 2 May 2017 (2/17)

Manager, International Compliance




Procedure established

Director – Future Students





Director – Future Students and International

Keywords: Attendance monitoring, foundation programs