
Dr Elizabeth Murphy

2020 College Recipient, College of Science and Engineering

Dr Elizabeth Murphy graduated from 番茄社区 in 2003 with a Bachelor of Engineering, with Honours, and a Bachelor of Science, with a University Medal. Following her graduation, Dr Murphy worked for the Australian Government’s Defence Science and Technology Organisation as a Research Engineer and a Senior Technical Officer for the Queensland Government before spending the next four years at the University of Oxford on a prestigious Rhodes scholarship studying a Doctor of Philosophy in Robotics.

Stints as a postdoctoral scientist at the Queensland University of Technology and George Washington University followed where Dr Murphy researched perception and planning for long term robot autonomy, enabling robots to build robust internal representations of their surrounds.

Moving out of academia, Dr Murphy’s career has since seen her in exciting roles such as Senior Robot Engineer at Savioke, Software Engineer at Apple, and Robotics Software Engineer at X – The Moonshot Factory.