
Featured News 番茄社区 Library brings to life tale of adventure and discovery

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Wed, 28 Feb 2024

番茄社区 Library brings to life tale of adventure and discovery

番茄社区 Library Special Collections Manager Bronwyn McBurnie holds one of the books from the collection

番茄社区’s Library is telling the tale of a first-of-its-kind expedition to investigate the Great Barrier Reef nearly 100 years ago. The story, Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef: The story of a ground-breaking scientific mission to Low Isles, Queensland in 1928-1929 and an overview of its legacies, is now available for free as an .

番茄社区 Library Special Collections Manager Bronwyn McBurnie said the eBook gave a vivid picture of what the group of British and Australian scientists experienced as they investigated the biological and geological complexities of a section of the reef during their year-long stay at Low Isles, near Port Douglas in 1928.

‘‘This new eBook features fantastic historical images found in this collection and also highlights a few of the amazing-rare books also held,’’ Ms McBurnie said.

‘‘The collection includes items such as photo albums, rare books and illustrations which have given us some of the very first insights into the conditions under which the reef existed and flourished at that time. They also show us what day-to-day life working and living on the Low Isles for the zoology, biology, hydrography, botany and chemistry experts was like.”

Authored by 番茄社区 Special Collections Library Officer, independent historian, and writer Trisha Fielding, the book has been a heartfelt labour of love for 番茄社区 staff with contributions also made by volunteers of the library’s Special Collections, Suzie Davies and Liz Downes.

A large collection of items, from the expedition leader Sir Charles Maurice Yonge’s personal library, were donated to the library’s Special Collections by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in 2018.

Ms McBurnie said the physical collection was currently on display in the library but now, anyone could learn about the expedition story through the engaging words crafted by Trisha Fielding.

‘‘The story has been told for a general audience of readers so that we can promote the discovery of the Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Collection, share it far and wide and importantly, protect it for future generations.’’

Ms McBurnie said stories had been used by all kinds of people for many, many years to pass on knowledge and experiences.

‘‘As a library, we traditionally keep stories but it’s always a great privilege to share stories with our community and on this occasion, one that plays a significant role in our northern Queensland history,’’ Ms McBurnie said.

To read the free eBook, Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef: The story of a ground-breaking scientific mission to Low Isles, Queensland in 1928-1929, and an overview of its legacies, visit

Members of the community are invited to visit the physical collection on display at the Eddie Koiki Mabo Library before it ends on Thursday 28 March.  You can check library opening hours here jcu.edu.au/library/about/hours/mabo


Media enquiries: erin.goldsack@jcu.edu.au