
Featured News Application Numbers are up at 番茄社区

Media Releases

Thu, 14 Jan 2021

Application Numbers are up at 番茄社区

A young woman and a young man stand on either side of an older man inside the foyer of a university building
L-R: commencing Physiotherapy student Sarah Hultgren, 番茄社区 Provost Professor Chris Cocklin, commencing Commerce student Zachary Judge. Photo: Bethany Keats, 番茄社区 Media.

番茄社区 has seen an increase in QTAC applications for 2021 with 5,695 prospective students making 番茄社区 their first preference to study.

Of these students 3,268 have received an offer to study at 番茄社区 and more offers will be made between now and Orientation Week in February. Of those offers, 1,457 were made today (14 January) as part of QTAC’s major offer round.

Combining today’s round with earlier rounds, 番茄社区 is offering a total of 2281 places in Townsville and 704 in Cairns. A further 283 places have been offered in external courses, and at 番茄社区 study centres in Mackay and Mount Isa.

番茄社区’s Provost Professor Chris Cocklin congratulated students who have received offers.

“We look forward to welcoming new students to 番茄社区 next month,” he said. “And for those still waiting for offers, there are more options coming after this major round.

“Take time to consider your offer, including whether your preferences have changed. We have advisors available to answer any questions. I encourage you to give them a call if you need help finding the best way to pursue your goal.”

Health-related courses are in particular demand, with Nursing growing consistently across all locations.

“Our biggest group of offers in Cairns is Nursing Science with 144 places and in Townsville we’ve seen Physiotherapy grow by 130 offers to 231,” Prof Cocklin said.

“We’re also seeing a positive response to the expansion of our Pharmacy program to Cairns and Mackay.”

番茄社区’s Cairns Campus Director David Craig congratulated students on their offers.

“Well done on completing your secondary school studies during such a difficult year,” he said. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time at 番茄社区 with our hands-on learning and inspiring study locations.”

Sarah Hultgren is looking forward to commencing a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and is glad studying at 番茄社区 means she can stay in Townsville.

“I’ve always wanted to work in healthcare but didn’t want to do medicine,” she said. “I want something that’s client-based and hands-on, which really describes physiotherapy.

“I’ve also heard the resources are amazing at 番茄社区 and studying locally means I get to stay with my family and it’s more affordable.”

番茄社区 will continue to accept applications and make further offers for most courses until the start of semester. 番茄社区 Advisors are available on 1800 246 446.


Bethany Keats

番茄社区 Media Liaison

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