
Featured News Townsville campus re-opens

Media Releases

Mon, 11 Feb 2019

Townsville campus re-opens

番茄社区’s Townsville (Douglas) Campus will be open on Monday, 11th February.

However it's likely there will continue to be disruptions to normal activity as we remediate and repair the University’s buildings and infrastructure, and support the return to work by those staff and students heavily impacted by the flooding events.

Please drive carefully on the roads and be aware of the slipperiness of some footpaths given the extreme weather. Some parking areas will be closed.

For staff:

  • Monday will be considered a normal work day. Some staff however may not be able to return to work and natural disaster leave is available – please see your 番茄社区 email account for more details of natural disaster leave provisions.
  • Work from home arrangements may still be used where appropriate at the discretion of your Dean/Director

For students:

  • Please ensure you monitor the live timetable in your 番茄社区 app. /new-students/accept-and-enrol/domestic/jcu-app Given some of the remediation works over the coming weeks, a change to your normally timetabled lecture and tutorial rooms and labs may be required.
  • If you have any queries on enrolments, please see staff at the Student Centre or call 1800 246 446. Online enrolment is still available by logging into .

Message for students planning to travel to 番茄社区's campuses:

Australian residents

If you are driving to Townsville and Cairns you will need to note the road closures given the recent rain events across north Queensland. Road conditions can be monitored here: and here:,. If you are driving, please comply with road signage and remember, if it’s flooded, forget it.

International students:

Please see below regarding your arrival in Townsville, depending on whether you have on campus or off campus accommodation. The Colleges and Halls are open, and available on the phone or by email to confirm your arrival. Please register your arrival time and accommodation arrangements here: so we can assist you in finding alternate accommodation if the pre-arranged accommodation is no longer available due to flooding.


On Campus - The residential Halls and Colleges are open for those with a place and ready to receive you. If you have any questions, please contact your College or Hall directly regarding your intended arrival on Campus, their numbers are here (/accommodation/contact-accommodation-services). We understand completely that flights and roads have been disrupted and your arrival may be delayed.

Off Campus  - If you have arranged accommodation off campus, whether that be rental accommodation, Airbnb or homestay, you need to be aware that many homes and businesses within Townsville have been impacted – therefore the timing of your arrival in Townsville will be important and you need to ensure they are ready to receive you. If your accommodation provider is impacted, please contact accommodation@jcu.edu.au, or +61 7 4781 4148. If you are an international student, you can also email internationalsupport@jcu.edu.au regarding your arrival in Townsville – after you have registered at the link above.

We appreciate your patience at this time, as we manage the impacts of this weather event. Please continue to monitor your email accounts and the website for updated messaging.