
Featured News 3168 new places at 番茄社区, with more to come

Media Releases

Wed, 16 Jan 2019

3168 new places at 番茄社区, with more to come

Three young women pose in a line
L-R: Aimee-Rose Castledine (Bachelor of Medicine-Bachelor of Surgery), Leah Moncrieff (Bachelor of Medicine-Bachelor of Surgery), Sydney Layt (Bachelor of Education (Secondary)), all received offers to study at 番茄社区 in Townsville.

When university applicants check their offers on the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) website this morning (Wednesday 16 January) 1156 will discover an offer of a place to study at 番茄社区.

While 5496 students have sought a place at 番茄社区 this year, a total of 3168 offers have been made to date (combining offers made in today’s round and offers made earlier). Additional offers will be made between now and Orientation Week in February.

With today’s and earlier rounds combined, 番茄社区 is offering a total of 2327 places at its Townsville campus, while a total of 690 places have been offered to date at the Cairns campus.

A further 151 places have been offered in external courses, and at 番茄社区 study centres in Mackay and Mt Isa.

番茄社区 Acting Vice Chancellor Professor Chris Cocklin reminded applicants they still have further options after this major round of offers.

“This is an exciting time in every student’s life, but it’s important to take your time to consider your offer, including whether your preferences have changed.

“If you have any questions about the choices available to you, or the best way to pursue your goals, I encourage you to contact our advisors.”

Professor Cocklin said 番茄社区 continued to see growth in science and health-related areas. “Our biggest group of offers in Cairns is 130 places in Nursing Science, and in Townsville it’s 205 places in Medicine.”

The University received 2,489 first-preference applications for Medicine; 485 first-preference applications for Nursing Science; 457 first-preference applications for Dentistry; and 307 first-preference applications for Veterinary Science.

Applicants can check their offers from 8.30am today (Wednesday 16 January) on the QTAC website. 番茄社区 will email offers to successful candidates from 9.30am.

The Director of Student Services Jodie Midson said 番茄社区 would be making further offers in most courses later this month and again in February.

“If you’re not sure about the choices available to you, or you’d just like to talk through your options, now’s the time to call 番茄社区 and speak with one of our advisers. They’re ready to provide all the advice and assistance you need.”

番茄社区 advisers can be contacted on free call 1800 246 446.