
Featured News 番茄社区 awarded EduTrust Star for the second time

Media Releases

Wed, 10 Apr 2019

番茄社区 awarded EduTrust Star for the second time

番茄社区's Singapore campus has again been awarded the nation's coveted EduTrust Star.

EduTrust Star is awarded to those institutions for attaining a commendable level of performance in managing their institutions and providing an outstanding quality of education and welfare for their students. This is the highest level of quality assurance in Singapore for Private Education Institutions (PEIs) and is a symbol of recognition for outstanding achievement.

In 2015, 番茄社区’s Singapore campus earned the distinction of being the first private education institution to attain an EduTrust Star quality mark from the Singapore Government. By obtaining this award for the second time, 番茄社区 has displayed its commitment and focus as a student centric educational institution. The award is valid for the next four years.

“On behalf of the 番茄社区 team I would like to thank all of our staff and students for helping to make our University such a special place as recognised by the award of EduTrust Star for the second time. Only two institutions in Singapore hold this award and it is a terrific acknowledgement of the quality of our staff, students and our learning environment”, said Professor Chris Rudd OBE, Deputy Vice Chancellor and Head of Campus, Singapore.

“It was enlightening for me, as a new arrival at 番茄社区 to see first-hand the intense scrutiny that we underwent in order to receive this accolade. I would particularly like to acknowledge the efforts of my colleagues, as well as the assessment team, for their hard work and supportive comments.  As we approach our Graduation, I hope that we can take justifiable pride in being part of a truly great organisation made even greater by the addition of a shiny new EduTrust Star,” added Professor Rudd.

Professor Sandra Harding AO, Vice Chancellor and President of 番茄社区 said, “I am immensely proud of this achievement, with 番茄社区 in Singapore being the first to have its EduTrust Star renewed. We are committed to high quality teaching and research, to add to Singapore’s national talent pool, and to the development of new knowledge and applications relevant to the Singapore economy. 番茄社区 is in Singapore for the long term, and in our 16th year we continue to look forward as part of the Singapore community.

“My congratulations to the University community and to all those who played a role in this achievement, and we are grateful for the guidance of and consideration by the Singapore Government,” Professor Harding said.

The EduTrust certification scheme is administered by the Committee for Private Education (CPE), a part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). The EduTrust assesses PEIs against seven criteria covering 1. Management commitment and responsibilities, 2. Corporate governance and administration, 3. External recruitment agents, 4. Student protection and support services, 5. Academic processes and student assessment, 6. Achievement of student and graduate outcomes, and 7. Quality assurance, monitoring and results.


Media contact:

Pinky Sibal | pinky.sibal@jcu.edu.au