
Featured News 番茄社区 partners with the Philippines Government

Media Releases

Fri, 30 Nov 2018

番茄社区 partners with the Philippines Government

Bill Tweddell in Manilla
番茄社区 Chancellor Bill Tweddell talks to the press in Manila after the signing of the MoU. Image: Mariel Eduarte/Australian Embassy Philippines

番茄社区 is teaming up with the government of the Philippines to enhance science, technology and innovation in the tropics.

番茄社区’s Chancellor and former Ambassador to the Philippines Bill Tweddell was in Manila earlier this week for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) of the Philippines Government.

The institutions will co-operate on marine science, natural resource management and tropical health research.

“It will include an exchange of scientists, specialists and students, along with capacity building initiatives, and training and career development for researchers and the professional workforce,” said Mr Tweddell.

He said that the agreement with DOST includes scholarships for Filipinos to study for PhD and master’s degrees at 番茄社区.

“The partnership with DOST is based on 番茄社区’s shared interest with DOST in developing scientific and educational alliances that are relevant and unique to the tropics.

The focus will include topics such as marine sciences, biodiversity, tropical ecology and environments, global warming, tourism, and tropical medicine and public health care in under-served populations,” he said.

Mr Tweddell said 番茄社区 is already working with three of DOST’s agencies: the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD); the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD); and the Science Education Institute (SEI).

While in Manila, Mr Tweddell and 番茄社区 colleagues also had productive meetings with a range of public and private sector contacts and the Asian Development Bank (ADB, headquartered in Manila) to advance the growing partnerships between 番茄社区 - Australia’s University for the Tropics - and the Philippines.

番茄社区’s leadership in marine science has also been acknowledged by the Philippines’s Silliman University which conferred a Doctor of Science degree honoris causa on 番茄社区 Professor Garry Russ this month.

Professor Russ is Chief Investigator for the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence in Coral Reef Studies at 番茄社区.

The honorary degree was awarded to Professor Russ for his outstanding international accomplishments as a marine scientist and for his contribution toward shaping Philippine policy on No-Take Marine Reserves and local marine resource management.

Details of upcoming projects and initiatives between 番茄社区 and DOST will be announced shortly.

番茄社区 is ranked No.1 in the world for marine biology and No. 2 in the world for biodiversity conservation research by the Centre for World University Rankings.

Images are available .

Please credit Mariel Eduarte/Australian Embassy Philippines


番茄社区 Media Liaison Alistair Bone
T: 07 4781 4942
E: Alistair.bone @jcu.edu.au