
Featured News 番茄社区 smoke-free from July

Media Releases

Thu, 17 May 2018

番茄社区 smoke-free from July

番茄社区 is going smoke-free

番茄社区’s Australian campuses will become smoke-free from July to provide a healthier environment for staff and students.

From July 1st 2018, all Australian 番茄社区 locations, including campuses, study centres, research stations, and properties will be smoke-free. Smoking will continue to be prohibited in 番茄社区 buildings and vehicles, including boats, with the new policy affecting all students, staff, visitors, contractors, and tenants.

Student accommodation in Townsville will become smoke-free from 1 January 2019, while the Cairns Student accommodation is already smoke-free.

The move is part of a State Government initiative to create a smoke-free environment for all public universities and TAFEs across Queensland. Research shows there’s a link between smoke-free campuses and reductions in smoking rates. Providing a smoke-free environment empowers and supports students who currently smoke to consider quitting.

In 2017 students and staff at 番茄社区 were surveyed regarding their attitudes to smoking. The survey found:

  • 86% of respondents prefer to work or study in a smoke-free environment.
  • 70% of respondents believe a smoke-free environment would have a positive impact on staff and student quality of life at the University.
  • Of those staff and students who smoke, 72% indicated they’re planning to give up smoking, and 45% of smokers surveyed have tried to quit in the past year.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor for the Services and Resources Division, Tricia Brand said the survey shows the vast majority of students and staff are non-smokers, and there is strong support for 番茄社区 becoming smoke-free.

“番茄社区 is proud to be associated with the Queensland Government’s state-wide public health initiative.

“Smoking remains a significant cause of preventable death and disease in Australia. Restricting smoking on campus reduces all staff, student and visitors’ exposure to harmful second-hand smoke. It also encourages and supports staff and students to quit and discourages young people from starting to smoke,” Ms Brand said.

As part of the move to smoke-free campuses, 番茄社区 will partner with Quitline to offer a free 12 week Intensive Quit Support Program for staff and students who wish to stop smoking.

For more information please visit the Smoke-free 番茄社区 webpage.


For media enquiries contact:

Richard Davis

Head of Media and Communications, 番茄社区


0413 451 475