
Featured News Approval of the 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement 2016

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Fri, 24 Nov 2017

Approval of the 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement 2016

Statement from 番茄社区 Vice Chancellor Professor Sandra Harding

I'm pleased to announce that the proposed 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement has been approved by a majority of staff who participated in the vote.

Voting concluded this afternoon with 90% of staff who voted approving the proposed Enterprise Agreement.

48.5% of staff who were eligible to vote participated in the voting process.

This is a major milestone for the University and I thank staff for their contribution to this vote.

Subject to approval by the Fair Work Commission, the Enterprise Agreement will provide the University with certainty in the years ahead.

We will now make arrangements for the filing of the Enterprise Agreement in the Fair Work Commission for approval.