
Featured News Survey looks for employer views of business graduates

Media Releases

Tue, 6 Jun 2017

Survey looks for employer views of business graduates

番茄社区 researchers are investigating what skills employers want to see in future employees.

The 番茄社区 team conducting the survey says they are particularly interested in employers’ attitudes towards sustainability issues and how important it is for business that new employees be well-versed in handling these concerns.

Dr Breda McCarthy, from 番茄社区’s College of Business, Law & Governance said sustainability is a key issue, as organisations increasingly acknowledge that their policies and practices have social and/or environmental consequences.

“We think that future graduates will be expected to negotiate with multiple stakeholders, who often have competing demands and different views on the environment,” said Dr McCarthy.

“Sustainability is not simply about big, global issues, it is also about local issues that people are grappling with on a daily basis. For instance, the slowdown in the resources industry has had an unmistakable impact on Queensland’s economy, so economic sustainability is at the forefront of people’s minds,” she said.

Dr McCarthy said the team will also explore employers’ impressions of the curriculum at 番茄社区 and the performance of recent graduates, which will help the College fine-tune its business curricula.

To encourage participation in the survey the researchers are offering employers who complete the survey the chance to win a $150 gift basket from the Biome Eco Store.

The link to the survey is available .


Dr Breda McCarthy
P: (07) 4781 5384
E: breda.mccarthy@jcu.edu.au

Professor Lynne Eagle
P: (07) 4781 5717
E: Lynne.eagle@jcu.edu.au