
Featured News Big Bang hits Townsville

Media Releases

Thu, 20 Jul 2017

Big Bang hits Townsville

Around 100 of the world’s top quantum physicists are heading to Townsville - and they’ve got some universe-sized issues to discuss.

The international anti-matter conference will be held on Magnetic Island this weekend.

One of the issues on the experts’ galactic agenda is understanding why the Big Bang created a universe dominated by matter and not anti-matter.

The conference will showcase the latest international research on how electrons and positrons (the most common anti-particle) interact with matter.

Professor Ron White, Head of Physical Sciences in the College of Science and Engineering at 番茄社区 will co-chair the conference.

  • What: The biennial POSMOL Conference (Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics (POS) and Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms (MOL) )
  • When: 22 – 24 July 2017
  • Where: Magnetic Island
  • Who: 100 scientists from all over the world.


  • The POSMOL conference is a satellite meeting of the International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC), which will be held in Cairns from 26 July to 1 August.
  • Electron-molecule collisions are the basis for many of the fundamental processes that make life and the POSMOL conference seeks to further understand how positrons interact with atoms, molecules and materials.

Prof Ron White
