
Featured News Elizabeth Broderick to lead 番茄社区 review

Media Releases

Wed, 15 Feb 2017

Elizabeth Broderick to lead 番茄社区 review

番茄社区 has engaged former Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick AO in an independent and comprehensive review of the university’s sexual harassment and sexual assault policies, and the cultural environment in which those policies are implemented.

Ms Broderick’s review will be the second phase of a two part process. Phase one is a separate, external and independent investigation of 番茄社区’s handling of the Douglas Steele matter, with investigators confirming the timeline of events and what actions were taken within the University.

Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Chris Cocklin said Ms Broderick is an independent expert who brings an impressive track record to the task of reforming 番茄社区’s approach to sexual harassment and sexual assault.

“Elizabeth Broderick is a leading expert on gender equality and organisational culture, and is highly skilled at analysing large, complex organisations.

“The Broderick Review will follow closely on the back of the University’s investigation into the Douglas Steele matter,” Prof. Cocklin said.

As Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Ms Broderick led a ground-breaking review into the treatment of women in the Australian Defence Force. More recently, as an independent expert , Ms Broderick led a comprehensive report into diversity and inclusion in the Australian Federal Police.

“I look forward to collaborating with 番茄社区 on this important review. We will examine the University’s policies and engage with key stakeholders to ensure 番茄社区 is implementing strong and effective responses to sexual harassment and sexual assault, and fostering a culture of respect, inclusion and safety for all,” Ms Broderick said.

The Broderick Review will commence in March. 番茄社区 understands the intense public interest in this matter and the University will make the findings public to the extent it is permitted under privacy provisions.

番茄社区 is also partnering with other Australian universities in a national initiative led by Universities Australia. The campaign highlights the determination of Australia's universities to ensure students and staff are safe from sexual assault and sexual harassment.

“The Respect. Now. Always. work that we have been undertaking, combined with the outcomes of the Broderick Review, will strengthen 番茄社区’s approach to responding to sexual assault and sexual harassment,” Prof. Cocklin said.


Media contacts:

Richard Davis

Head of Media and Communications, 番茄社区

0413 451 475
