
Featured News Teaching excellence recognised

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Tue, 13 Sep 2016

Teaching excellence recognised

One leverages industry connections to turn out work-ready engineers, while the other inspires with the beauty and terror of parasites in the tropics.

tick feeding on host

Tick feeding on host. Picture copyright Dr Constantin Constantinoiu

Dr David Holmes from 番茄社区’s College of Science and Engineering and Dr Constantin Constantinoiu from the College of Public Health, Medicine and Vet Sciences have been recognised with prestigious awards for the quality of their teaching.

They share their individual awards with the Veterinary Sciences Early Career Teaching and Development Team.

The Australian Awards for University teaching are overseen by the Federal Government’s Office for Teaching and Learning and acknowledge quality teaching practices and outstanding contributions to student learning.

番茄社区’s Professor Sally Kift, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), said the awards recognised 番茄社区’s commitment to exceptional student learning outcomes.

“番茄社区 encourages a culture of innovation and prides itself on the quality of our student experience. These awards acknowledge our staff’s teaching excellence and their determination to ensure that our students succeed in their studies and then graduate into a great job,” she said.

番茄社区’s Professor Angela Hill, Dean of Learning, Teaching and Student Engagement said the awards are highly competitive and 番茄社区 has consistently achieved success over the years.  

“The awards celebrate truly outstanding academics who are dedicated to student success.  We congratulate them for their commitment to student learning and also for their innovative approaches,” she said.

The awards come with a $10,000 prize for each winner.

Link: Spectacular pictures of parasites that Dr Constantinoiu uses in his classes -

Note: Pictures are provided for one-time use only with this press release. Not for re-use or archiving. Copyright remains with Dr Constantinoiu.  

Details of the citation winners:

Dr David Holmes for Designing Excellence: empowering mechanical engineers through an intentional industry driven curriculum that assures professional readiness in highly employable graduates.

Dr Constantin Constantinoiu for arming future veterinarians against an ever-adaptable foe: inspired parasitology curriculum and resources that capture the beauty (and terror) of parasites in the tropics.

Veterinary Sciences Early Career Teaching and Development Team: For developing a sense of self and professional identity: successfully transitioning veterinary students through intentional curriculum design.


Alistair Bone, 番茄社区 Media Liaison

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