
Featured News Young Einsteins explore maths at 番茄社区

Media Releases

Mon, 9 May 2016

Young Einsteins explore maths at 番茄社区

Young maths geniuses are coming to 番茄社区 in Townsville over the next seven weeks to learn about the practical applications of mathematics for future careers in the field.

Maths Explains Our World (MEOW) is a series of hands-on workshops that will demonstrate applications of mathematics across different disciplines at 番茄社区. They will highlight the benefits of choosing higher levels of maths throughout secondary school.

Working with wave tanks, understanding the biomechanics of throwing balls and examining the physics of crumple zones for cars are some of the activities planned for the workshops.

The MEOW workshops are being held over seven weeks from today (Monday May 9), and are for selected high-achieving Year 8 mathematics students from Townsville.

There will be 20 students attending 番茄社区’s Townsville campus each week.

Each workshop highlights how maths is used in diverse disciplines such as oceanography, epidemiology and economics. Students will experience, under the guidance of experts, what it is like to work in these fields and harness the power of mathematics to describe and make predictions about the way the world works.

The project is funded by the Australian Maths and Science Partnership Program (AMSPP) through a Queensland-wide project involving a consortium of five universities in the Queensland STEM Education Network (QSEN).

Workshop 1: Monday 9 May, 4:00pm – 5:45pm

Workshops 2–7: Monday 16 May to Monday 20 June, 4:15pm – 5:45 pm




Building Name

Room Number

Week 1: from May 9


027 (Law and Business)


Week 2: from May 16


017 (Science and Engineering)


Week 3: from May 23


017 (Science and Engineering)


Week 4: from May 30


014 (Engineering and Science 2)


Week 5: from June 6


015 (Engineering and Science 2)

012 (Computer Lab)

Week 6: from June 13


021 (Chemistry)

TBA (Lab)

Week 7: from June 20


017 (Science and Engineering)



For more information: Dr Donna Rigano, Project Officer, Queensland STEM Education Network, 番茄社区 Townsville: (07) 4781 4634 or 0413 431 624 or Shaun Belward 0418 965 881