
Featured News Food Innovation Forum

Media Releases

Thu, 3 Mar 2016

Food Innovation Forum

James Cook University is working with its partners to develop the tremendous potential of northern Queensland’s agriculture and food sectors, supporting an innovative forum held being held in Townsville today.

The Economic Development Australia Northern Queensland Food Innovation Forum is designed to showcase ideas and opportunities for the region’s agriculture and food sectors. It is focused on commercialisation and collaboration to drive innovation in northern Queensland’s food and agribusiness industries.

International, national and regional speakers will showcase examples of how collaboration, innovative ideas and opportunities have made a significant difference to their regions and businesses.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor of the Division of Tropical Environments and Societies, 番茄社区, Professor Iain Gordon chaired a high level panel at Thursday’s forum.

He says northern Australia is on the cusp of an economic transformation, with the region’s produce in high demand in thriving and growing Asian markets which are looking for top quality, clean, green products. 

“Powering up our regional jobs and economy around agriculture and value-added food products to meet high value consumer demand will take new thinking and innovation across all parts of the food and agribusiness landscape.”

“The purpose of this forum is to encourage businesses and communities, in our region, to get started in this process by showcasing what is happening here and elsewhere, identifying what is possible and what could be done in future,” Professor Gordon says.

“Now is the right time to tap into the support and opportunities that are available.”

"Australia is blessed with significant research capability across institutions based in northern Australia and elsewhere. This capability is extremely well placed to support the development agenda for agriculture and food in the region,” Professor Gordon says.

SPEAKERS INCLUDE:                       

Coralee O’Rourke, (Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland)

Professor Iain Gordon (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Division of Tropical Environments and Societies, 番茄社区)

John Wharton (Interim Chair, Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia)

Dr David Poulsen (Director Innovative Food Technologies, Agri-Science Queensland, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries)

Simon Millcock (A/Manager Economic Development TCC and Chair Queensland Economic Development Australia)

Plus guest speakers from New Zealand, the United States and Japan. Please see attached brochure for further details of speakers.


To organise interviews at the event please contact:

Margie Atkinson, Research Business Development Manager, 番茄社区, 0438 387 303

Richard Davis, Head of Media and Communications, 番茄社区, 0413 451 475