
Featured News 3,760 new places at 番茄社区

Media Releases

Wed, 13 Jan 2016

3,760 new places at 番茄社区

番茄社区 will offer 2785 new university places in the major Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) offer round tomorrow (Thursday 14 January).

When combined with earlier offers made in October, November and December this brings 番茄社区’s total offers to date to 3,760.

Compared with this time last year, the figure represents an increase of 128 offers, or 3.5 per cent.

番茄社区 is offering a total of 2845 places at its Townsville campus, an increase since last year of 3.1 per cent.

“Over all our campuses, Business is one of our growth areas, with an increase in offers of 8 per cent,” Acting Vice Chancellor, Professor Chris Cocklin said.

“In Townsville we have also seen significant growth in areas including Psychology (up by 20% or 16 extra places), the Bachelor of Arts (up by 56%, 44 additional places) and Social Work (up by 46%, or 10 additional places).

Tomorrow’s offers (Thursday 14 January) are made in response to applications in which prospective students ranked their preferences for a range of courses and tertiary institutions.

番茄社区 attracted 6,168 first-preference applications for Semester 1 in 2016, representing an increase of 6.7 per cent compared to last year.

First preference applications to QTAC for all participating institutions increased by 5.7 per cent.

The University received more than more than 2500 first-preference applications for 150 places in Medicine; 322 first-preference applications for 65 places in Dentistry; and 244 first-preference applications for 72 places in Veterinary Science.

In addition to strong demand for health-related courses (a 4.2% overall increase in first-preference applications), there was significant growth in demand for the Diploma of Higher Education.

“The Diploma of Higher Education is a key pathway into University, enabling students to upgrade their qualifications and study skills before applying for a Bachelor-level degree,” Professor Cocklin said. 

Applicants can check their offers from 9.00am tomorrow (Thursday 14 January) on the QTAC website. Offers will also be emailed to successful applicants.

Professor Cocklin reminded applicants that they still have further options after this major round of offers.

“Now is the time to consider your offer and your options, including whether your preferences have changed. We will be making further offers in most courses in February.

“If you’re confused about the choices available to you, call 番茄社区 and talk it through with one of our advisers.”

Applicants who wish to change their preferences in time for the next round of offers need to do so by January 28th

番茄社区 advisers can be contacted on freecall 1800 246 446.


Media enquiries: linden.woodward@jcu.edu.au