
Featured News 番茄社区 and museum hire new scientists

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Wed, 3 Aug 2016

番茄社区 and museum hire new scientists

番茄社区 has entered into an agreement with the Museum of Tropical Queensland that will see four new researchers hired.

番茄社区’s Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Chris Cocklin, said the university and museum would jointly appoint the four scientists under a formal agreement.

“番茄社区 has enjoyed a strong relationship with the Museum over a long period of time and the opportunity for joint appointments is a logical and exciting step in the further strengthening of this relationship,” he said.

The positions, one each in coral taxonomy, anthropology, archaeology and palaeontology (which involve, respectively, classifying coral, studying human societies, studying human societies through artefacts, and looking at fossils) will split their time 80 per cent with the Museum and 20 per cent with 番茄社区. All the positions will have a marine focus.

“The new joint appointments will enable 番茄社区 and the Queensland Museum to undertake research in areas of shared interest and expertise, with a particular focus on marine and coastal environments, ” said Professor Cocklin.

“The University looks forward to the opportunities for significant new research with the Queensland Museum that bring together their complimentary strengths.”

CEO and Director of Queensland Museum Network, Professor Suzanne Miller, said the Museum — the custodian of the state’s natural and cultural heritage — was always seeking new ways to work collaboratively.

“Our job is just too important to do alone. We look forward to working with 番茄社区 — Australia’s leading university in the tropics — sharing ideas, increasing our critical mass of expertise and, where possible, developing projects that focus research on the museum’s collections,” she said.

The researchers, based in Townsville, will publish widely and seek competitive research funds including through the ARC.


Professor Chris Cocklin
P: (07) 4781 6884
E: sdvc@jcu.edu.au