
Featured News VC to address to the National Press Club

Media Releases

Thu, 1 Jan 2015

Student finances under pressure: UA survey shows

New Universities Australia Chair Professor Sandra Harding today revealed in an address to the National Press Club of Australia highlights of new survey results which show university students are forced to work part time in order to study and miss classes because of employment obligations. Click on 'read more' for the full speech.

VC to address to the National Press Club - Wednesday, 8 May 12.30pm

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Universities Australia’s New Chair Professor Sandra Harding, 番茄社区”S Vice-Chancellor, will address the National Press Club tomorrow following funding cuts.

The new Chair of Universities Australia, Professor Sandra Harding (Vice-Chancellor and President of 番茄社区) will address the National Press Club of Australia next Wednesday, 8 May.

Title:       Australia’s choice – the best of times or the worst of times for our universities.

Professor Harding will look at the future for Australia’s universities in light of the funding measures announced by the Government. What has happened to the education revolution? What would be the “worst of times” for the tertiary sector? What would the “best of times” look like? How do we produce a smarter Australia?

When: 12.30pm, Wednesday 8 May 2013

Where:    National Press Club, 16 National Circuit, Barton ACT

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