
Featured News Local student off to OECD in France

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

Local student off to OECD in France

A 番茄社区 law student has been selected to attend the Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) Annual Forum in Paris later this month.

OECD Delegates with Bill Shorten.

Global Voices OECD Delegates with Leader of the Opposition The Honourable Bill Shorten MP. Mr Carey is third from right

A 番茄社区 law student has been selected to attend the Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD) Annual Forum in Paris later this month.

Dylan Carey, a final year Bachelor of Laws student at 番茄社区 in Cairns, will join five other young Australians who will make up the Global Voices OECD Australian Youth Delegation and receive a fully sponsored package to attend.

The OECD is an international organisation comprising 34 countries with the aim of improving the economic and social well-being of people around the world. Its Annual Forum brings together a large range of stakeholders to discuss pressing international issues.

Mr Carey is one of three Queenslanders in the OECD delegation but the only 番茄社区 student and the only one from Cairns.

Mr Carey, who has lived in Cairns for 20 years, said a friend gave him the idea of applying for a spot on the delegation.

“I was given notice of the trip through a good friend, who is also interested in international relations, who thought it would be an amazing opportunity for me and incredibly relevant to my interests,” he said.

Mr Carey, who currently works in office administration at Joe Vella Insurance Brokers, has a keen interest in international diplomacy, policy and relations as well as youth engagement.

Mr Carey said he was interested in the long-term aim of building trust to create resilient economies.

“Attending this forum will allow me to put my skills and knowledge of economics and development into practice,” he said.

Along with the other OECD delegates, he will complete a Research Fellowship with Global Voices as a part of the delegation experience. This will include the production of a paper on an aspect related to the forum’s agenda, to be published by Global Voices.

Mr Carey said the process of applying to the delegation was very challenging.

“I had to fill out a long questionnaire and then write a 500-word research proposal about a topic relevant to the OECD’s key themes for this year. I chose to write about trust in economies, as coming from a law background this is what most interested me.”

He also had to write a 500-word paper on why he should be chosen for the position and what qualities or skills he could bring to the delegation and how he would put the things he would learn and experiences he would have into practice after returning from the conference.

“Lastly, I was notified that I was shortlisted for the delegation and had to conduct a 10-minute phone interview.”

Mr Carey said he was in a meeting at work when he received the phone call to say he had been selected.

“I couldn’t believe it. Everyone in the office was in a meeting so I didn’t even have anyone to share it with for an hour or so. It is an amazing opportunity to be given and I still can’t believe I am going to Paris at the end of the month.”

Paul Mitchell CFO of Global Voices, said it was a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity for Mr Carey.

Established in 2011, Global Voices is a non-profit organisation which provides opportunities for young Australians to engage with international policy both at home and abroad.

It does this through regular events and research and development opportunities at home, along with the coordination of youth delegations to important diplomatic forums abroad.

For more information, or interviews, contact Mr Carey on 0422 180 507 or email


Contact for Global Voices: Kirby Taylor, 0425 574 440 or email kirby@globalvoices.org.au

番茄社区 Media contact: Caroline Kaurila tel: (07) 4781 4586 or 0437 028 175

Issued: 8 April, 2014