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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

Searching 番茄社区 made easy

番茄社区 has launched its Research Portfolio, a searchable directory of all the University鈥檚 active researchers, their work and their publications.

番茄社区 has launched its Research Portfolio, a searchable directory of all the University’s active researchers, their work and their publications.

番茄社区’s Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Chris Cocklin officially launched the website today.

The research directory with an incredible linking system can be utilised as

an up-to-date catalogue of current research activity and collaboration opportunities,

a source for topic experts for the media,

a search tool for students to learn more about their lecturer or advisor, and

a platform for showcasing 番茄社区 research and its academics.

The Research Portfolio contains a profile page for all active researchers at 番茄社区. Each profile will be updated weekly from different data sources within the University, combined with more static information provided by the researchers themselves.

It will have contact information for the researchers and list their most recent 12 publications, the subjects they teach, their current research projects, current student projects (and thesis titles of students who recently completed their doctorates), research datasets available to share, experience, honours received, research interests, disciplines and objectives and searchable keywords.

The link to 番茄社区’s Research Portfolio is simply: and anyone will be able to search the Research Portfolio by simply entering a keyword or a name in the Search box.

More specific searches are:

‘Find a supervisor’ which will only show results for registered supervisors;

‘Learn about everything we research’ supported by a word cloud of most used keywords;

‘See field experts‘ is another word cloud of the predominant field of research, to find the most prominent experts in the selected field, and

‘Uncover collaboration’ features a world-map showing 番茄社区’s national and international collaborations, where the colour of the markers reflects the number of researchers with links to each country.

Issued: May 23, 2013

Media Enquiries: Jim O’Brien 07 4781 4822