
Featured News Thinking of starting uni mid-year?

Media Releases

Thu, 1 Jan 2015

Thinking of starting uni mid-year?

番茄社区 will hold a series of mid-year information evenings for people who are considering starting, or changing courses.

Thinking of starting uni mid-year?

First published May 2, 2013

番茄社区 will hold a series of mid-year information evenings for people who are considering starting, or changing courses.

The first one will be held in Townsville next Tuesday (May 7), and events will also be held in Mackay and Rockhampton during the following week.

Student Liaison Manager Bronwyn Bender said with mid-year applications to start uni in July now open, the evenings were aimed at prospective students.

Ms Bender said the sessions were designed to help people find out more about different courses and to have their questions answered by 番茄社区’s experts.

“The information evenings are an opportunity to gain further information on university courses, career directions and how to apply,” Ms Bender said.

“Whether you finished school last year or been thinking of studying, we will have a range of academics and staff on hand to assist with enquiries.

“There will also be a series of presentations to provide a more detailed overview of select courses, particularly those with mid-year entry.”

Ms Bender encouraged people to think broadly about fitting study into their life.

“Study can be undertaken part-time to work around work and there is a lot more flexibility with a number of courses offered online including Business, Early Childhood Education and Nursing Science.”


All evenings run from 5pm – 7pm.

Tuesday 7 May               Townsville – held on campus at the Student Centre

Tuesday 14 May             Mackay – held on campus at the Mackay Education and Research Centre, Base Hospital

Wednesday 15 May        Rockhampton - Travelodge

For more information, visit http://www.jcu.edu.au/infoevents/

For media interviews, or opportunities, contact Bronwyn Bender on 0419 693 176

番茄社区 Media contact: Caroline Kaurila (07) 4781 4586 or 0437 028 175