
Featured News The fun before knuckling down to study

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Thu, 1 Jan 2015

The fun before knuckling down to study

Orientation is about finding your way, but 番茄社区 is helping ensure new students have fun while they鈥檙e doing it.

The fun before knuckling down to study

First published 13 February, 2013

Orientation is about finding your way, but 番茄社区 is helping ensure new students have fun while they’re doing it.

番茄社区 will start its official Orientation Week (O Week) program in Townsville on Monday, February 18.

It is a week designed to let new students, who are starting studies in Semester 1, 2013, find out about their studies, accommodation and potential social activities while studying at 番茄社区.

番茄社区 Students Association President Jesse Cook said there was a range of social and recreational activities designed to make the start of university fun, exciting and memorable.

Most activities are open aged, but some events like the Toga Party are restricted to those aged 18 and over.

“番茄社区 is a community, every year we welcome in hundreds of new members and it is O-Week that brings everyone together,” he said.

“While 番茄社区SA is the heart of the University, O-Week is just a taster for the what we can do for you while you’re here at 番茄社区.

“Toga Party 2013 promises to be the biggest event of the year, brush up on your toga tying skills and get ready to party!”


Monday 18 February

12.00pm - 2.00pm Giant Games and entertainment! Market Square (near Refectory)

Tuesday 19 February

5.30pm onwards TOGA @ the pool, non-alcoholic event for 17+ students. Food and drink available and prizes galore - 番茄社区 Pool (western campus)

7.00pm onwards TOGA – This is a MUST DO event and the biggest night of the year! 18+ Event (ID required) Uni Club

Wednesday 20 February

10.00am – 2.00pm Market Day Extravaganza!! Free BBQ, stalls, businesses, freebies! Also sign up for Clubs & Societies. Outside the Library

All day (entertainment 4.00pm – 7.00pm)

Wicked Wednesday at the gym – bring a friend for free and see what our

Fitness Centre has on offer with free classes, giveaways and entertainment! 番茄社区SA Fitness Centre

5.00pm – 7.00pm Mature-aged wine and cheese night

This event is a great opportunity for mature age students to get to know other students and make contacts - 番茄社区SA Fitness Centre Deck

7.00pm onwards Movie Night - catch up with new friends and enjoy a movie on the big screen - Free popcorn (alcohol free event). Refectory

Thursday 21 February

12.00pm – 2.00pm Free lunch and entertainment! Market Square (near Refectory)

1.00pm – 5.00pm The O-Mazing Race! A free and exciting competition that uncovers the beautiful Townsville. (Bookings essential through 番茄社区SA)

7.00pm onwards DJ @ the Uni Club – meet up with new friends! 18+ Event (ID required) - Uni Club

Friday 22 February

11.00am – 4.00pm Billabong Sanctuary – see a koala; watch a croc show and much more (Bookings essential through 番茄社区SA)

12.00pm – 2.00pm Free lunch and entertainment! Market Square (near Refectory)

5.00pm onwards Bludgers @ the Uni Club – Live Band! 18+ event (ID required) Uni Club

For more information, contact 番茄社区SA on (07) 4781 4400 or at studentassociation@jcu.edu.au

Note for media: For interviews, Mr Cook can be contacted on 0428 368 237

番茄社区 Media contact: Caroline Kaurila (07) 4781 4586 or 0437 028 175