
Featured News Polio pioneer鈥檚 work examined in lecture

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Polio pioneer鈥檚 work examined in lecture

A nurse who pioneered polio treatment in North Queensland will be the subject of a 番茄社区 lecture in Townsville on Wednesday.

Polio pioneer’s work examined in lecture

First published August 19, 2013

A nurse who pioneered polio treatment in North Queensland will be the subject of a 番茄社区 lecture on Wednesday.

Professor Linda Shields, in 番茄社区’s School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition, will present her Professorial Inaugural Lecture Sister Kenny’s Legacy in the Tropics in Townsville.

Professor Shields said in 1934, Sister Elizabeth Kenny set up the first nursing research unit in Australia in Townsville.

“Sister Kenny’s work is a wonderful example of how nursing led the world in research and treatment that had huge benefits for the health of people and nations,” Professor Shields said.

“I have been inspired by Sister Kenny to develop a program of research which is translatable to the health and wellbeing of children and their families across the world.”

Professor Shields said in her presentation she would show why Kenny was such a leader, and how she came to Townsville.

“I will explain how my research, about the care of children and families in health services, has, like Kenny’s work, been used to guide practice and inquiry,” she said.

“In addition, I will show why my other area of research, history, is so important for the health care of today.

“Finally, I will demonstrate how nurses can continue Kenny’s legacy and why it is so important to the people of North Queensland, and the nursing profession as a whole.”


Date: Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Time: 5.30pm

Location: The Raffles Room, Southbank Hotel and Convention Centre,

Palmer Street, South Townsville

For more information, contact: kay.newman@jcu.edu.au

番茄社区 Media contact: Caroline Kaurila (07) 4781 4586 or 0437 028 175.